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1、六年级下英语期中模拟测试卷1带解析1听录音,选出你所听到的内容。5分(听两遍)2听录音,判断下列句子与所听的内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“X”。6分(听两遍)( ) (1)The oranges are heavier than the pears.( ) (2)Mike runs faster than Jim.( ) (3)The middle is on your right.( ) (4)Jack likes winter best.( ) (5)Theyre going to take part in a singing contest.( ) (6)Nancy wants

2、 to write a letter.3听录音,根据所听句子,选择正确的应答句。10分(听两遍)( ) (1)A. Beijing is beautiful.B. Yes, Haian is bigger.C. Beijing is.( ) (2)A. Yes, it is.B. Thats a good idea.C. Yes, I do.( ) (3)A. Its five years old.B. Its five yuan.C. There are five.( ) (4)A. Yes, it does.B. Its warm.C. Its as hot as in Shanghai.

3、( ) (5)A. Id like to see a play.B. Yes, lets go.C. Lets go to the zoo.4听录音,根据所听内容,填入相应的单词。9分(听三遍)(1)Jim runs Ben. Jim will do exercise.He will do in PE lesson.(2)In autumn, its but usually there. I often go fishing outside.(3)A: Can I have ?B: . Here you are.5判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“S”表示,不同的用“D”表示。5

4、分6按要求完成单词。7英汉互译。 8Toms hair is longer than .A.me B. her C. yours9 fatter, this woman or that woman?.A. Who B. Whos C. Which10 is the second season of a year.A. Summer B. Autumn C. Winter11- Can I help you?A. No, you cant. B. Id like a pen. C. I like red pens.12 - Whats the matter with you?- Ive a ba

5、d cold.A.getting B. get C. got 13I two chocolate eggs this morning.A.an eating B. eat C. ate 14That old man likes in winter. Like doingA. swim B. swimming C. swims15There will a ball game next week.willA. is B. are C. be16I want a letter to my friend Mike.- some writing paper for you.A. to write, He

6、re are B. writing, Here is C. to write, Here is17The girl the yellow sweater is Nancy.A. in B. and C. about18My English teacher in America last year.last yearA. is B. was C. were19- is it from here?- About one kilometer.A. How much B. How many C. How far20用所给词的适当形式填空。10分(1)He (look) like his father.

7、(2) (do) Jim swim (slow) than Ben?(3)That child doesnt (write) as (fast) as Helen.(4)Please tell me how (get) to the museum.(5)Turn left at (five) crossing.(6)Its (wind) in autumn in Nantong.(7)Sometimes she (watch) TV and sometimes she (catch) insects at the weekend.21把下列单词按正确的顺序排列成句子。10分(1)he, as,

8、 is, tall, your, as, father (?)(2)is, two, away, it, kilometers, about (.)(3)can, how, we, to, go, library, the (?)(4)what, weather, the, like, in, New York (?)(5)morning, is, to, what, going, he, do, tomorrow (?)22阅读短文,回答问题。5分Christmas Cards It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs Smith was very

9、 busy. She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to their friends. She put them on the table in the living-room. Then, when her husband came home from work, she said to him, Here are the Christmas cards for our friends, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of addresses(通信簿). WiII you pleas

10、e write the cards while I am cooking the dinner? Mr Smith did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study. Mrs Smith was very angry with him, but she did not say anything. After a minute, Mr Smith came back with a box full of Christmas cards. All of them had addresses a

11、nd stamps on them. These are from last year, he said, I forgot to post them. ( ) (1)Who was busy before Christmas?A. Mr Smith B. Mrs smith C. Their friends ( ) (2)短文中“Husband”的意思是什么?A. 妻子 B. 丈夫 C. 孩子 ( ) (3)What did Mrs smith ask her husband to do?A. To write the Christmas cards.B. To cook the dinne

12、r. C. To post the Christmas cards.( ) (4)What did Mr Smith say when his wife asked him write some Christmas cards?A. OK, Ill do it.B. Sorry, I have read some books.C. Nothing( ) (5)How did Mrs Smith feel?A. She was very happy.B. She was very angry.C. She was very excited.23阅读理解:阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的

13、写“F”。Wake me upMr Jones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husband. For some days they did not speak to each other at all. One evening, Mr Jones came back from work very tired, so he went to bed soon after dinner. Of course, he did not say anything to his wife before he we

14、nt upstairs(上楼). Mrs Jones washed the bowls and plates and then watched TV. When she went up to bed much later than her husband, she saw a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words: Mother, wake me up at 7 a.m. Father.When Mr Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8. On the small table near his bed he saw a piece of paper. He took it an


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