仁爱版初三英语下册Unit 5 China and the World词汇精讲精练

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1、Unit 5 China and the World 词汇精讲精练词汇精讲1. introduce(1)introduce表示“介绍”时,主要用于介绍两个不认识的互相认识,或是向听众或观众宣布并介绍演讲者或广播、节目等的细节。例如:Allow me to introduce my wife. 让我介绍一下,这是我太太。It is my pleasure to introduce tonights speaker. 我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。(2)introduce习惯上不带双宾语,如果要表示把某人介绍给另一人,可用introduceto这样的结构。汉语中的“作自我介绍”,英语用 introd

2、uce oneself。例如:Let me introduce my friend to you.(正)Let me introduce you my friend.(误)让我把我的朋友介绍给你。Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍自己。2. lie in(1)lie in表示“位于,坐落于”,后常接大的地点。根据后面地点不同,也可以用lie at,lie on。例如:ThecityliesinthenorthofChina. 那座城市位于中国的北部。A temple lies on the top of the mountain. 一座寺庙位于山顶之上。

3、(2) lie作动词,还意为“平躺”,lie的现在分词形式是lying,过去式和过去分词分别为lay和lain。例如: I found him lying on the ground. 我发现他躺在地上。 【拓展】 (1)lie作动词时,也可意为“撒谎”,过去式和过去分词是规则的,均为lied。lie也可用作名词,意为“谎言”。例如: Dont lie to me.不要向我撒谎。 The boy told a lie to me. 这个男孩向我撒了谎。原形词义过去式过去分词现在分词lie躺;位于laylainlyinglie说谎liedliedlying (2)英语中,部分以-ie结尾的动词的

4、-ing形式必须改ie为y再加-ing。例如: die dying tie tying lie lying3. remain(1)remain用作不及物动词,意为“剩下、留下、呆在”,相当于stay。例如: When the others had gone, Joan remained to clean the room. 别人走了,琼留下来清扫房间。 Only a few leaves remained on the tree. 树上只剩下几片叶子了。 The Smiths remained there all through the year. 史密斯一家人在那里呆了整整一年。 (2)re

5、main作连系动词,意为“一直保持,仍然处于某种状态中”,后可接多种成分作表语。例如:Peter became a manager but John remained a worker. 彼得当上了经理,但约翰仍然是一个工人。Whatever great progress you have made, you should remain modest. 无论你取得了多么大的进步,你都应一直保持谦虚。4. not onlybut also(1) not only.but (also)的意思是“不但而且”,连接两个并列成分,如果连接两个主语的时候,谓语动词和后面的主语保持一致。例如:Not onl

6、y my mother but (also) I like to go to the garden.不仅妈妈而且我也喜欢去公园。He can play not only the piano but also the violin. 他不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴。He was not only a writer but (also) an actor. 他不仅是一位作家,而且是一位演员。(2) 以not onlybut also 开头的句子往往引起倒装。Not only did he complain about the food, but he refused to pay for it.他不

7、仅抱怨饭不好吃,而且拒绝付饭钱。5. expect(1) expect表示“期待,期望”,通常为及物动词,直接接宾语,还可接不定式的复合结构。例如:We should not expect success overnight. 我们不能期望一夜之间就取得成功。Thats just what we expected. 那正是我们所期望的。He expected her to go with him. 他期望她同他一起去。(2) expect还可表示“预计,预料”等,后接动词时要用不定式,不用动名词。例如:I expect a storm. 我预计会有场暴风雨来。I didnt expect to

8、 find you here. 我没料到在这里碰到你。(3) expect后可接 that 从句,若从句谓语为否定,注意否定的转移。例如:I dont expect that he has done such a thing. 我预料他不会干出这种事来。I expect that I will be back on Sunday. 我预计星期日回来。6.suppose(1)be supposed to do sth. 表示“(主动)被要求做某事,应该做某事,被期望做某事”。意义上与should 接近,含有本该如何,但事实上并非如此的意思。例如:You are supposed to finis

9、h it before dark. 你应该在天黑前完成这项工作。(2) suppose作及物动词时,意为“假定,猜想”,后面常接宾语从句。例如: Lets suppose that the news is true. 让我们假定这个消息是真的。(3)suppose和think, believe等后跟宾语从句时,主句主语是第一人称时,其反义疑问句与后面的宾语从句一致。例如: I suppose she is serious, isnt she? 我猜想她是认真的,不是吗?(4)对含有suppose的疑问句,在简略回答中,肯定回答用“Yes, I suppose so.”;否定回答用“No, I

10、suppose not.”,或“No, I dont suppose so.”。 例如: Do you suppose he will come? 你猜他会来吗? No, I suppose not / dont suppose so.7. be famous forbe famous意为“著名的,出名的”,相当于be well-known。 (1) sb. be famous for表示“某人以某种知识、技能或特征出名”。 Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦因他的“相对论”而著名。(2)sp. be famous fo

11、r表示“因某种特产而出名”。例如: The area is famous for its green tea. 这个地区因绿茶而出名。【拓展】(1)sb. be famous as表示“某人作为某种身份出名”。例如:Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦作为一位伟大的科学家而著名。(2) sp. be famous as表示“作为某物的产地而出名。The area is famous as a green tea producing place. 这个地区作为绿茶产地很出名。8.chargebe charged with意为“承担,被指控,

12、(因某事)谴责(人)”。例如:Jack is charged with looking after his brother. Jack负责照看他的弟弟。The man is charged with murder. 那人被指控杀人。其主动语态为charge sb. with,意为“指控某人”。例如:The police charged the driver with careless driving. 警察指控这个驾驶员鲁莽驾驶。【拓展】charge作动词,既可做及物动词,也可做不及物动词。(1)作及物动词,意为“记账;给充电;委以重任”等。例如: Please charge these bi

13、lls to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。 He forgot to charge the battery. 他忘记给电池充电了。 She was charged with an important mission. 她被委以重任。(2)作不及物动词,意为“收费,要价;记账”等。例如: How much do you charge for a room? 租一个房间要多少钱? Charge now,pay later. 现在先记账,以后再付款。9. break outbreak out 表示“(战争、瘟疫、火灾等)爆发 ”。例如:World War II broke ou

14、t in September 1939. 第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月。 【拓展】(1) break up 表示“散会,(学期)结束”等。例如:When does school break up? 本学期什么时候结束?(2)break down 可意为“(机器)坏了;(计划、谈判)失败;(谈话、通讯)中断等”。例如:We are sorry to arrive late, because the car broke down. 很抱歉我们来晚了,由于车坏了。 Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方的谈判已经破裂。 (

15、3)break into 表示“破门而入;打断(谈话)”。 例如:I caught two men trying to break into the office. 我瞧见两个人想闯入我的办公室。He broke into our talk rudely. 他粗鲁地打断了我们的谈话。 10.such assuch as意为“例如”,用来罗列同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但such as后边不能用逗号。例如:I have many hobbies, such as reading, dancing and singing.我有很多爱好,如读书,跳舞和唱歌。Many of the English programs are welcome, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science.其中有许多英语



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