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1、七年级英语下册(冀教版)袖珍考点1. 复合形容词: a/an + (基数词+-单数名词+-形容词)+单数名词2. 不定代词:指人:someone anyone everyone none Somebody anybody everybody no body指物:something anything everything nothing不定代词的用法:当不定代词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数不定代词与形容词的位置关系: 不定代词+形容词something:用于肯定句中 anything用于否定句和疑问句中Something的特殊用法:something通常用于肯定句中,但以may/could/w

2、ould/will you please/can 开头的疑问句用something而不用anything。nothing=not.anything3. ed/ing: ed ing用法 ed-人 ing-物 长用于的单词:(excite , bore, surprise, relax, amaze) 口诀:ed修饰人,ing修饰物, 主语是人用ed, 主语是物用ing4. there be 句型:意思:“有”-表某地有某物 be动词:(单数:is;was)(复数:are, were)Be动词单复数判断:就近原则(be动词的单复数是由靠近be动词跟前的这个主语决定)There be+n1+n2+

3、n3+and+n4.(n1决定be动词单复数的形式,其余的不起作用)There be的一般将来时:只需给there和be之间加will/be going toThere+will be there+is/are going to +beThere+be+人/物+ving(该句型用来表示某人/某物正在做什么)5. 一般将来时:定义:表示在将来的某一个时刻所发生的动作。构成: will+动词原形 be going to+动词原形标志词:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next构成的短语(next weekmonthyear), this afternoon, t

4、his month, this+星期 in +时间段肯否回答: Yes, 人称+will No, 人称+wont否定句:will+not(wont)+动词原形 be+not going to +动词原形6. 冠词用法:加the (乐器前)-piano,guitar, violin, erhu 不加the(三餐,球类,棋类,月份,季节,星期,年份)7. 其后跟Ving(doing sth) be worth doing sth (值得做某事) practice doing sth(练习做某事)have fun doing sth(很高兴做某事) be good at doing sth (擅长做

5、某事)keep doing sth(继续做某事) spend doing sth(花费做某事)Thank you for doing sth(因做某事而感谢某人) Thanks to doing sth (归功于)What/how about doing sth (.怎么样) finish doing sth (完成做某事)be interested in doing sth (感兴趣做某事) look forward to doing sth (期待)enjoy doing sth(喜欢做某事)8. 其后跟动词不定式(to do )cant wait to do sth(迫不及待做某事) h

6、ope to do sth (希望做某事)ask sb to do sth (要求某人做某事) tell sb to do sth (告诉某人做某事)want to do sth would like to do sthwant sb to do sth would you like to do sthbe afraid /scared to do sth(害怕做某事)Its ones turn to do sth(轮流某人做某事)used to do sth(过去常常)decide to do sth(决定做某事)try ones best to do sth(尽某人自己最大的努力做某事)9

7、. 感官动词: (hear, notice, watch, see)用法: sb do sth sb doing sth(正在发生)10. 使役动词:(let , make) 用法: let sb do sth (让某人做某事 ) make sb do sth (使某人做某事)11. 系动词: (be, smell, taste, feel, sound, turn 变, go变, get变,become) 系动词+形容词-构成主系表结构12. 反身代词:单数复数第一人称myself ourselves第二人称yourself yourselves第三人称himself, herself, i

8、tselfthemselves反身代词的用法: enjoy oneself(玩的高兴) teach oneself (自学)learn .by oneself (自学) help oneself (请随便.) hurt oneself (摔伤某人自己) dress oneself(给某人穿衣服)look after oneself (照顾某人自己)13. 情态动词:(can, could)can: 能力(将来/现在) ; 请求,许可; 推测(否定句和疑问句)could: could 为can的过去式; 能力(过去); 请求许可(比can语气更加委婉)14. May I 句型May I 句型 M

9、ay I +动词原形 表示我可以.样吗? 回答: Yes, you may/of course/sure No, you may not. /No, youd better not.15.Would you like 句型Would like to do sth =want to do sthWould you like to do sth=want sb to do sthWould you like +食物 回答:Yes, please. No, thanks.Would you like +活动 回答:Yes , Id love to. Yes, Id love to, but.16.

10、花费(spend , pay, cost, take) 主语:人-(pay spend) 物-(cost) it-(take cost) spend: sb spend +时间/金钱 on sth in doing sth cost : sth cost sb +时间或金钱 pay: sb pay +金钱 for sth take: It takes sb +时间/金钱 to do sth17. 参加(join, take pare in) join: 加入-(社团,组织,党派,俱乐部) take part in 参加-(比赛,运动会等)18. 由“动词+副词”构成的短语: 口诀:名词请随便,

11、 代词放中间(代词:人称代词,it/them)常见的词: look up (查找) write down(写下,记下) wake up(醒来) give up(放弃) take out(取出)19. little , a little , few , a few20. how相关的提问How often 多久-频率(once/twice a week/month/year)How long 多长-物体的长度 for+时间段How soon 多久-in+时间段(一般将来时)How much 多少-价钱 不可数名词的数量How many 多少-可数名词的数量How far 多远-距离(from.

12、to.或 .minutes walk)How tall 多高-身高21. 同义句转化:take care of =look after be proud of =take pride in be filled with= be full of have a good time =have fun=enjoy oneselfwhy not =why dont you be different from(反义句) the same asbe good at=do well infall off=fall down from 22. 国家/国的人/复数国家的;人;语复数Germany GermanG

13、ermansChinaChineseChineseJapanJapaneseJapaneseAmericaAmericanAmericansAustraliaAustraliaAustraliansCanadaCanadianCanadiansItalyItalianItaliansFranceFrench, Frenchman FrenchmenRussiaRussianRussiansAsiaAsianAsiansAfricaAfricanAfricansEuropeEuropeanEuropeans23. 时间介词:at+(具体的点钟) in+(年份,月份,四季,in the morni

14、ng/afternoon/evening) on+(星期,日期,出现具体的某一天)24. 感叹句:what-中心词为名词 how-中心词为形容词,副词What+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(可数名词的单数) what + 形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(不可数名词/可数名词的复数)How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!做题方法:空后有无名词(出掉主语,谓语之后) 有名词用what ,但还需判断名词为可数名词,还是不可数名词,可数名词的单数记得加a/an;没有名词用how。25. such与so的用法:so为副词其后跟adv /adj 句型:so +adv/adjsuch为形容词其后跟名词 句型:such+a/an +形容词+名词(可数名词的单数) Such+形容词+名词(不可数名词、


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