人教新目标七年级上册Unit9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 1a1c教学设计

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人教新目标七年级上册Unit9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 1a1c教学设计_第1页
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《人教新目标七年级上册Unit9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 1a1c教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标七年级上册Unit9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 1a1c教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 1a-1c 教学设计Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: To learn the new words about subjects.2.Ability aims:1)To learn to talk about your favorite subject.2)To learn to give reasons. 3. Emotion aims: To be a good student and study all the subjects well.4.Learning str

2、ategy aims:1)Hold the chance to communicate with others.2)Actively participate in, good at cooperation.Important points:1 New words:science, history, biology,math,music,art,Chinese,favorite,subject,geography,because2Structure:(1)- Whats your favorite subject? - My favorite subject is (2)- Why do you

3、 like ? - Because its Difficult points1. Remember the words of subject: science, history, biology2. Using the structures of language points to communicate.Teaching preparing:PPT,a tape recorder.Teaching steps Step 1.Lead inT:My favorite fruit is apples.Whats your favorite fruit?S:My favorite fruit i

4、s .T:(Hold up an English book.) Whats this?Ss:Its a book.T:Yes.Its an English book.English is my favorite subject.Today,well start Unit9 My favorite subject is science.(设计意图:新课标三级目标要求七年级学生能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流。第六单元学过有关水果的单词,学生较熟悉,通过谈论最喜欢的水果,举一反三,很容易掌握怎样表达最喜欢的科目。)Step 2: New words1. Check the preview.T:Read

5、 and spell the words.2. Work on 1a.Match the words with pictures.3. Memory challenge.T:Look at some books,say out the subject and spell it.4. Pairwork:A:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is .A:Why do you like ?B:Because its Difficult points(设计意图:旨在培养学生课前预习的习惯。再利用记忆挑战,强化学生的记忆,突破本节课的单词

6、关,进而使用这些新单词进行问答练习,达到学以致用的目的。)Step3:Listening practiceTask1 Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.Task2 Listen and answer the following questions.1、Whats Lindas favorite subject?_2、Whats Annas favorite subject?_(设计意图:新课标要求学生能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。而目前学生的听力相对较差,所以本节课听力环节设置了两个由易到难的任务,每听一遍,完成一个任务,逐步提高学生的听力

7、能力。)Step:4 GroupworkT:Talk about your favorite subject and reason with your partner like this:A:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is scienceA:Why do you like it?B:Because itsThen make a survey in your group,fill the chart below.namesubjectreasonT:Make a report like this: Hello,everyo

8、ne.My name is. My favorite subject is P.E. Because its exciting. This is .His/Her favorite subject is Because its (设计意图;课标要求学生在课堂活动中用简短的英语进行交流,还要关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,让所有学生都开口讲英语,基础稍好的同学,可以担任Speaker,汇报本组同学所喜爱的科目和理由。)Step4 SummaryT:Boys and girls,what have you learned in this class?Ss: - Whats your favor

9、ite subject? - My favorite subject is - Why do you like ? - Because its (设计意图:帮助学生对自己本节课所学到的知识进行梳理,进一步强化记忆。)Step5 Test、根据句意及汉语提示,补全句子。1. They are my favorite _(科目).2. Blue and black are my _(最喜爱的) colors.3.Their _ (地理) teacher is Miss Zhang.4.She thinks music is _(有趣的)。5.Jim likes _(历史) and _(科学),bu

10、t he doesnt like _(音乐).、按要求完成句子每空一词。1.My favorite subject is English.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your favorite subject?2.Her mothers favorite color is blue. _ her mothers _color?2. He likes art because its fun.(对划线部分提问)_ _ he like _?4.Kates favorite subject is math.(改为一般疑问句)_Kates _ _ math?5.我喜欢历史,因为它很有趣。 I like

11、_,because its _.(设计意图:根据本节课的重难点,设置了根据汉语提示,对划线部分提问、翻译句子等练习题,检测学生对本节课所学内容的掌握情况,根据反馈,有针对性的进行课后辅导。)Step 6.: Homework A:To make a conversation with your friends. (用今天学到知识编写一个对话。)B:To copy the words in this class.(抄写今天学习的词汇。)A&B: 1.To practice the conversations with your friends.(和朋友一起练习所学对话。)2.To preview

12、 tomorrows lessons,finish 3a and 3b on Page 51.(预习明天的内容,完成3a和3b。)(设计意图:旨在全面培养学生听说读写的能力和养成良好的课前预习习惯。介于学生的个体差异,分层布置作业,确保每个人各项英语技能都有所提高)Blackboard designUnit 9 my favorite subject is science.Section A 1a-1c 1.favorite=like.best2.A:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is science。A:Why do you like it?B:Because its interesting。(设计意图:帮助学生理清本节课的重点句型,做好笔记。)第 4 页


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