31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳

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31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第1页
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31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第2页
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31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第3页
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31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第4页
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31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第5页
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《31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《31 被动语态-备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题考点分类突破-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、31 被动语态备战2023年英语中考(名校预测+中考真题)新题分类专练一、单项选择1(2022辽宁沈阳统考二模) Look, Linda is laughing happily. What happened? She _ by our teacher just now.ApraisedBis praisedCwas praisedDwas praising2(2022黑龙江哈尔滨哈尔滨市第四十七中学校考一模)Nowadays Chinese students _ to attend labor classes to improve their life skills and prove the

2、y are growing up.Awere askedBwill be askedCare asked3(2022重庆九龙坡重庆市育才中学校考三模)The traffic in our town has become busier and busier.No worries. It is said that a new road _ very soon.Awill be builtBis builtCwas builtDbuilds4(2022贵州贵阳模拟预测)You_ lunch at school. So you dont have to bring your own food.Agiv

3、eBwill giveCare givenDhave given5(2022安徽滁州校联考二模)The noise which _ by teenagers outside the house kept people awake all night.Awas madeBmadeCwere madeDmaking6(2022四川达州统考一模)The 2022 Winter Olympic Games in China. Im sure it will be a great success.AholdBwill holdCwere heldDwill be held7(2022黑龙江哈尔滨哈尔滨风

4、华中学校考三模)Every minute should _ to good use. Only in this way can we save more time to practice.AputBbe putCputting8(2022江西景德镇统考一模)Recently, the Awakening Age(觉醒年代)that talks about Chinas revolutionary stories _ by young people in our country.Ais welcomedBhas welcomedChas been welcomedDwas welcomed9(2

5、022甘肃酒泉统考二模)Which sentence uses the passive (被动语态) ?AIs he often invited to go to his friends parties?BWill he go to Lisas housewarming party next Sunday?CIs Tina with her friends going to the library?DHas the man caught the thief?10(2022四川成都统考二模)Whenever you want to give up, just think about your f

6、amily and friends, then you _ to fight on.AencourageBare encouragedChave encouraged11(2022河北邯郸校联考一模)When tea_ to England, it was very expensive. Some of the people didnt know how to make it.AbroughtBis broughtChas broughtDwas brought12(2022黑龙江哈尔滨校考模拟预测)Today, an increasing number of teenagers are be

7、ing influenced by various violent actions on television. These types of television programs are _ to be very harmful to the development of teenagers.AsayBsayingCsaid13(2022甘肃武威统考二模)Which of the following is RIGHT?AThe school art school held by some students.BMy Chinese teacher has come here for six

8、years.CThe meaningful sentences were written by Lu Xun.DThe bridge between these two villages is built last year.14(2022黑龙江哈尔滨统考二模)The young man _ to have a medical test before he started working.Thats right and now most companies ask people to do the medical tests.ArequiresBwas requiredCrequired15(

9、2022福建宁德统考一模)Ningde CATL (时代新能源) is well-known in the world.Yeah, many electric cars _ here.Awill makeBare madeCmade16(2022河北保定统考二模)This book _ with knowledge on computer. You can buy it.AfilledBhas filledCis filledDwas filled17(2022河北保定统考二模)Little Tom _ to make a speech about his hobby in class and

10、 he felt really nervous.AasksBaskedCis askedDwas asked18(2022福建厦门福建省同安第一中学校考模拟预测)The official English name of the Chinese dilled spirits (白酒) _ into “Chinese Baijiu” in January 2021.AchangedBwas changedCwill be changed19(2022江苏统考一模)During the online learning period, the most interesting part was whe

11、n we _ on to answer questions, teachers called us “Todays lucky dogs”.AcallBcalledCare calledDwere called20(2022吉林长春校考模拟预测)The second lesson of “Tiangong Classroom” _ on March 23rd, 2022 in China Space Station by astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu of Shenzhou XIII.AgaveBhas been giv

12、enCwas givenDgives21(2022江苏连云港统考二模)Shanxi kuaiban _ to the list of national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in June last year.Awere addedBwill be addedCwas addedDis added22(2022江苏苏州苏州市振华中学校校考二模)Do you know chocolate _ to Europe from Mexico? Oh, I always thought it was born in Switzerland.Abro

13、ughtBrecommendedCwas broughtDwas recommended23(2022湖北武汉校考模拟预测)Nearly everything produced in the world _ on the streets of Changan during the Tang Dynasty (朝代).Ais foundBhas been foundCwould be foundDcould be found24(2022北京模拟预测)The rubbish _ from the grass, and then the campsite was clean again.Aremo

14、vedBis removedCwas removedDbe removed25(2022重庆模拟预测)This year, many people in China _ to stay at the places where they work because of the COVID-19.AtellBare toldChave been toldDhave told26(2022海南海口海口市第九中学二模)It is said that 1000 national eco-farms(生态农场) _ in China by 2025.AbuildBare builtCwill be built27(2022河北石家庄校考一模)Paper _ about 2000 years ago in China.Ais inventedBwas inventedCis inventingDwas inviting28(2022黑龙江哈尔滨哈尔滨市第六十九中学校校考二模)Do you know when the XXIV Winter Olympic Games _?_



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