Unit 1 Festivals and CelebrationsReading and Thinking (I)示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】

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《Unit 1 Festivals and CelebrationsReading and Thinking (I)示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Festivals and CelebrationsReading and Thinking (I)示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 子主题2:探究庆祝节日的原因Period 1 Reading and Thinking ()一、教学内容分析本课时为阅读课,阅读文本是以“我们为何庆祝节日”为主题的论说文。通过对文本的阅读、分析,学生可以了解不同文化背景下形成的不同民族的节日、风俗习惯及其内涵和意义,挖掘这些节日所体现的人类共同的愿望和心理诉求。在阅读过程中学生能够有意识地积累与节日的由来、典故、习俗相关的语言表达,树立文化自信,为传播中华优秀传统文化做好思想上、语言上和行动上的准备。同时,学生还需深入探讨和反思社会的发展变化对传统节日的影响。二、语篇分析【W


3、的情感和蕴藏的文化内涵,体会节日文化的内在实质,感悟世界各国人民共同的精神追求和美好愿望。【How】本文是典型的论说文,结构清晰,每段段首有中心句。文章在介绍世界各地不同节日时运用了一些表达举例的语块:such as, one example is, another example is;在对比各种节日文化时运用了许多表达相似或不同的语块:a wide range of, different customs and unique charms, no matter how different they may seem, is common, can be found in almost ev

4、ery culture, different cultures actually have a lot in common;在阐述习俗的变迁时运用了表达变化的语块:with the development of, withtaking advantage of, fade away, be established, have given up this custom, slowly became, are becoming。三、学情分析学生在初中阶段对中外主要国家的文化习俗、节假日和庆祝活动有一定的了解,并且在前课视听说活动中学习了节日相关话题词汇,能够运用话题词汇来描述节日习俗和庆祝活动,谈

5、论是否喜爱某个节日的理由。四、教学目标通过本课时学习,学生能够:1. 获取与梳理世界各地庆祝节日的原因;2. 描述与阐释不同国家节日庆祝活动的异同;3. 分析和判断不同节日文化的共同实质。五、教学重难点【重点】获取与梳理世界各地庆祝节日的原因,描述与阐释不同国家节日庆祝活动的异同。【难点】分析和判断不同节日文化的共同实质。六、教学活动设计环节一:创设情境,导入话题,激活已知(6 mins)教师播放主题视频,学生观看视频并思考视频中提到了几种庆祝节日的方式,分别是什么。教学活动1. Students watch a video and answer the questions:How many

6、ways of celebration are mentioned in this video?What are the ways?活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价学生能够根据视频内容找出节日的庆祝形式。2. Students discuss the following questions in groups.What festivals do you celebrate with your family each year?Why do you think people celebrate different festivals?活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价学生能够阐述几条与家人

7、一起庆祝的节日以及人们庆祝不同节日的原因。环节设计意图:导入话题,激发学习兴趣,激活已知,为后续阅读做准备。环节二:读前预测(2 mins)学生就文章标题“我们为何庆祝节日”给出自己的答案,并根据文章段落分布猜测作者会给出怎样的解释。教学活动3. Students look at the title and predict:What does this passage mainly talk about?活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价学生能够预测文章的主要内容。环节设计意图:培养读前预测的学习策略,为之后的活动做好铺垫。环节三:阅读文章,获取并梳理信息(14 mins)通过“寻找段落主题

8、句”的阅读策略,概括与整合各段段落大意,绘制思维导图,并向全班进行描述与阐释。教学活动4. Students read the passage and predict their predictions.活动层次学习理解之获取与梳理效果评价学生能够根据对文章的理解验证之前的预测。教学活动5. Students read the text and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph that gives the main idea.活动层次学习理解之获取与梳理效果评价学生能够找出段落主题句,获取段落大意。教学活动6. Students r

9、ead the text again and draw a mind map to show the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph, share and evaluate their work in groups and then share with the whole class.活动层次应用实践之概括与整合效果评价学生能够根据对文章的理解概括和整合重点信息,将其绘制成思维导图,能向全班介绍自己的思维导图,并相互评价同学的思维导图。环节设计意图: 引导学生基于主题整合重点信息,理清文章脉络。环节四:阅读第2段,内化语言

10、(10 mins)学生阅读课文第2段,描述与阐释不同国家节日庆祝收获活动的异同,两人一组互相汇报各国有关丰收的节日的不同庆祝活动以及人们为何庆祝丰收。 教学活动7. Students read Paragraph 2 and compare different harvest festivals around the world, and share their finding with a partner. Similarities: Differences:活动层次应用实践之描述与阐释,分析与判断效果评价学生能够通过阅读和讨论对世界各地丰收节日的异同进行描述与阐释。教学活动8. Stude

11、nts work in pairs and make a report about different harvest festivals and why we celebrate them. Then students share and evaluate their work in groups.活动层次应用实践之内化与运用效果评价学生能够运用所学介绍不同的丰收节日及其庆祝原因,并相互评价同学的介绍。环节设计意图: 学生通过阅读学习如何描述与阐释异同,依托语篇理解并运用新词汇,充分内化语言。环节五:思考、讨论节日的意义与节日文化的实质(8 mins)之后小组讨论为何世界各地都有类似的节日,

12、思考节日文化的实质,并向全班进行描述与阐释。教学活动9. Students discuss in groups: Why can the harvest festival be found in almost every culture? Do you know other kinds of festivals that can be found in almost every culture? Please briefly introduce an example.And then students share their answers with the whole class.活动层次应

13、用实践之分析与判断效果评价学生能够讨论、分析不同节日庆祝活动反映出共同的文化内涵与实质,并能与全班分享。环节设计意图: 学生通过小组讨论深入思考节日文化的内在实质,感悟节日习俗背后的情感与文化内涵。作业与拓展学习设计1. Read the text aloud.2. Write a short passage comparing a Chinese festival and a foreign festival. (e.g. National Day in China and in the US, Tomb Sweeping Day in China and the Day of the De

14、ad in Mexico,)WorksheetUnit 1 Reading and Thinking (): Why Do We Celebrate Festivals?Activity 1: Watch and answerWatch a short video and answer some questions.How many ways of celebration are mentioned in this video?What are the ways?Activity 2: Discuss in groupsDiscuss the following questions in gr

15、oups.What festivals do you celebrate with your family each year?Why do you think people celebrate different festivals?Activity 3: Look and make a predictionLook at the title and predict: Why do we celebrate festivals? There are 5 paragraphs in the text. How many reasons may be mentioned?Activity 4: Read and find topic sentencesRead the text and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph that gives the main idea.Activity 5: Read and draw a mind mapRead the text again and draw a mind map to show the main



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