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1、2023年陕西省汉中市成考专升本英语预测卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1.- Between the two possible plans, I m bound _the second oneA.favouring B.to favour C.for favouring D.to favouring2. Whats the chance of there_an election this year? I have no idea.A.is B.to be C.being D.be3. Mr. Black, our new English teacher,

2、 is strict_kind.A.or B.but C.with D.as well4. This is just the place_he and his wife visited last year.A.where B.that C.when D.why5. The education system rather than the teachers_to answer for the overburden on the studentsI agreeI hope the reform. being carried out in our country will hang about th

3、e_results.A.are; desired B.is; desired C.are; desiring D.is; desiring6. Sickness deprived me _ the pleasure of seeing you.A.from B.of C.out of D.with7.Little_that their plan has beenDiscoveredA.did they suspectB.do the suspectC.do they suspectD.they suspect8. This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom Tha

4、t s interestingWhy _did you give him such a name?A.in the earth B.in world C.on earth D.on the world9.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch10. Countries that traditionally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the U

5、nited Kingdomare facing their own labor _ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws.A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D.imports11. He was a man of strong feelings, _ normally lay hidden deep inside him.A.it B.that C.those D.which12.While _ a job ,the graduate student got an offer t

6、o study abroadA.applied for B.applying to C.applied to D.applying for13. He is too weak to _ the heavy box.A.rise B.put C.raise D.arise14. Finally he got time for a glance_this report.A.off B.round C.on D.at15.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn t complain.A.amazement B.sat

7、isfaction C.disappointment D.attraction16. No conclusion has been _ yet.A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived17. The heavy snow could not keep US_going out to workA.on B.up C.upon D.from18.12It was the training _ he had at school _ made him a good jumper A.what; what B.that; that C.what; that D.

8、that; had19.The search was _ when night came, even though the child had not been foundA.approved B.acquired C.achieved D.abandoned20. -If you are offered a trip to the moon, _ it?-Of course. Why not?A.did you acceptB.are you going to acceptC.will you acceptD.would you accept21.I noticed his eyes _,

9、because they were very large.A.in particular B.with particular C.in special D.with special22. When we _ the museum is not decided.A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting23. They required that all the necessary documents _ to the presidents office before the end of this month.A.be handedB.must be h

10、andedC.should hand inD.had been handed in24. His handwriting is _yours.A.more better B.as well as C.much better than D.as better as25. Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. _.A.Thats not a very good idea.B.TV produces good influence on children.C.What makes you say t

11、hat?D.You said TV was educational.26. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I27.After all this time youd think hed have forgotten, _ ?A.should you B.wouldnt you C.dont you D.do you28.Helen always helps her grandmother even though going to school _ most of her day.A.takes up B.ma

12、ke up C.save up D.put up29. Thank you for the _you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness30. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out二、汉译英(10题)31. 我期待着再次见到他,因为我们已整整十年没见面了。32. 如果主任知道你是这种感受,你认为会发生什么?33. “他们决定不去

13、了,是吗?”“是的,他们不去了。”34. 找个好工作越来越困难了。35. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。36. 除非摆脱了这样的干扰,否则政府部门无法有效工作。37. 这位著名的科学家把他的一生都献给了祖国。38. 尽管气候恶劣,他还是在那里工作了二十年。39. 政府和社会非常关心老人的福利问题,并给他们提供了许多服务。40. 我往车站跑的时候,遇到了约翰。三、语法与词汇(10题)41. Smoking during pregnancy could _ (danger) your babys health.42. You should make good use of your time

14、. There is not a moment to _ (loss).43. Mother put many _ (taste) dishes on the table.44. I am very doubtful whether the proposed scheme would be _ (advantage) to us.45. Max has no _ (appreciate) of the finer things in life.46. A good advertisement should not arouse _ in the public. (resist)47. Her mother told her, Its not _ (lady) to cross your legs,48. The _ (provide) of a new and large library is of great advantage to the students.49. The first American _ (perform) of this opera was


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