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1、2021-2022年广东省中山市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AturnedBworkedCbroughtDmade2.AofficersBmenCadministratorsDfathers3.AbelievingBconvincedCassuredDdoubtless二、阅读理解(5题)4.Which of the following best represents Mr. Westhusins attitude toward cloning?AAnimal cloning is a stupid attempt.BHuman cloning is n

2、ot yet close to getting it worked out.CCloning is too inefficient and should be stopped.DAnimals cloning yes, and human cloning at least not now. word “tough”(Line 7, Paragraph 2) most probably means_.Apiercing to the truthBusing vulgar languageCmean and hostileDdifficult to understand三、1

3、.Use of English(20题)9.(15)A.connections B.relations C.activities D.accesses10.(2)A.color B.which C.it D.that11.(17)A.resembling B.like C.similar D.identical12.(11)A.edition B.reason C.comprehension D.cause13. 【C20】A.in principle B.in confidence C.in name D.in earnest14.(16)A.nothing B.something C.an

4、ything D.none15.(12)A.deleted B.validated C.finished D.erased16.(14)A.produced B.was produced C.producing D.had been17.(20)A.stimulate B.constitute C.furnish D.provoke18.(5)A.large B.long C.wide D.big19.(3)A.Advertising B.Marketing C.Sales D.Promotion20.(9)A.illogical B.improbable C.improper D.irrel

5、evant21.(10)A.to wondering B.to be wondering C.wonder D.wondering22.(19)A.call upon B.call off C.call forth D.call over23. It is an astonishing fact that there are laws of nature, rules that summarize conveniently (1)_ qualitatively but quantitatively-how the world works. We might (2)_ a universe in

6、 which there are no such laws, in which the 1080 elementary particles that (3)_ a universe like our own behave with utter and uncompromising abandon. To understand such a universe we would need a brain (4)_ as massive as the universe. It seems (5)_ that such a universe could have life and intelligen

7、ce, because being and brains (6)_ some degree of internal stability and order. But (7)_ in a much more random universe there were such beings with an intelligence much (8)_ than our own, there could not be much knowledge, passion or joy.(9)_ for us, we live in a universe that has at least important

8、parts that are knowable. Our common-sense experience and our evolutionary history have (10)_ us to understand something of the workaday world. When we go into other realms, however, common sense and ordinary intuition (11)_ highly unreliable guides. It is stunning that as we go close to the speed of

9、 light our mass (12)_ indefinitely, we shrink toward zero thickness (13)_ the direction of motion, and time for us comes as near to stopping as we would like. Many people think that this is silly, and every week (14)_ I get a letter from someone who complains to me about it. But it is virtually cert

10、ain consequence not just of experiment but also of Albert Einsteins (15)_ analysis of space and time called the Special Theory of Relativity. It does not matter that these effects seem unreasonable to us. We are not (16)_ the habit of traveling close to the speed of light. The testimony of our commo

11、n sense is suspect at high velocities.The idea that the world places restrictions on (17)_ humans might do is frustrating. Why shouldnt we be able to have intermediate rotational positions? Why cant we (18)_ faster than the speed of light? But (19)_ we can tell, this is the way the universe is const

12、ructed. Such prohibitions not only (20)_ us toward a little humility; they also make the world more knowable.A.just B.very C.just not D.not just24.(7)A.discounted B.demurred C.discredited D.denied25.(6)A.perspective B.prosperity C.prospect D.project26.(13)A.pressured B.ashamed C.insecure D.unhappy27

13、. 【C3】A.varied B.various C.sorted D.mixed up28.(18)A.duplicated B.dwarfed C.made D.over lapped四、2.Reading Comprehension(30题)29.Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)To live in the United States today is to gain an appr

14、eciation for Dahrendorfs assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change.Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as

15、 much a cultural as a physical object. (46)Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter.For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident


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