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1、河南省洛阳市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AontoBagainstCoffDalong2.AabandonedBcaughtCseparatedDinvolved3.AworshipBreverenceCadmirationDgratitude二、阅读理解(5题)4.According to the second paragraph, land-grant College _.Abelonged to the land-owning classBenlarged the scope of educationCwas provided only to th

2、e poorDbenefited all but the upper class5.6.In the text, the author mainly deals with _.Athe necessity of drama in a cultureBsome social functions of dramasCthe responsibility of dramatistsDsome key elements in drama-making7.With a series of questions at the end of the text, the author _.Afeels unce

3、rtain of what his own opinion isBdifferentiates two conflicting viewsCcriticizes the Bush AdministrationDargues for the US policy on Iraq8.The word “devastating” (Line 3, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to _AdestructiveBregretfulCfrustratingDterrible三、1.Use of English(20题)9.(14)A.or two B.and two

4、 C.even two D.of two10.(4)A.originated B.evolved C.developed D.grew11.(13)A.sponsored B.recommended C.criticized D.supervised12.(19)A.more or less B.much little C.much less D.more than13.(8)A.overwhelming B.imaginary C.trivial D.apparent14.(10)A.as B.if C.even D.even if15.(12)A.rune B.figure C.accou

5、nt D.count16.(11)A.Respite B.Although C.Besides D.Despite17.(6)A.second B.and C.then D.later18.(9)A.virtually B.admittedly C.absolutely D.originally19.(5)A.rolls B.piles C.works D.slips20.(3)A.dimensions B.perspectives C.indices D.diameters21. More and more residences, businesses, and even governmen

6、t agencies are using telephone answering machines to take messages or give information or instructions. Sometimes these machines give (1)_ instructions, or play messages that are difficult to understand. If you (2)_ telephone calls, you need to be ready to respond when you get a (3)_The most common

7、machine is the (4)_ used in residence. If you call a home (5)_ there is a telephone answering machine (6)_ you will hear several rings and then a recorded message that (7)_ says something like this: Hello. We cant come to the (8)_ right now. If you want us to call you back, please leave your name an

8、d number after the beep. Then you will hear a beep, (9)_ is a brief, high-pitched (10)_. After the beep, you can say who you are, whom you want to speak to, and what number the person should call to (11)_ you, or you can leave a (12)_. Some telephone answering machines record for only 20 or 30 secon

9、ds after the beep, (13)_ you must respond quickly.Some large businesses and government agencies are using telephone answering machines to provide information on (14)_ about which they receive a large volume of (15)_. Generally speaking, using these systems (16)_ you to have a touch-tone phone (a pho

10、ne with buttons rather than a rotary dial). The voice on the machine will tell you to (17)_ a certain button on your telephone if you want information on Topic A, another button for Topic B, and so on. You listen (18)_ you hear the topic you want to learn about, and then you push the (19)_ button. I

11、mmediately after making your (20)_, you will hear a recorded message on the topic.A.disturbing B.annoying C.confusing D.surprising22.(16)A.durable B.classic C.thorough D.immediate23.(17)A.over B.with C.on D.at24.(18)A.less than B.much less C.apart from D.rather than25.(15)A.when B.whereas C.while D.

12、once26. It has been a hundred years since the last big one in California, the 1906 San Francisco earth quake, which helped give (1)_ to modem earthquake science. A century later, we have a highly successful (2)_, called plate tectonics, that explains why 1906-type earthquakes happenalong with why co

13、ntinents drift, mountains rise, and volcanoes (3)_ the Pacific Rim. Plate tectonics may be one of the (4)_ triumphs of the human mind, geologys (5)_ to biologys theory of evolution. And yet scientists still cant say when an earthquake will happen. They cant even come (6)_.What scientists can do righ

14、t now is make good maps of fault zones and (7)_ out which ones are probably due (8)_ a rupture. And they can make forecasts. A forecast might say that, over a certain number of years, there is a certain (9)_ of a certain magnitude earthquake in a (10)_ spot. And that you should fix your house to its foundation and glue the water heater to the wall.Turning forecasts into predictionsa magnitude 7 earthquake is (11)_ here three days from nowmay be impossible, but scientists are doing everything they can to solve the (12)_ of earth quakes. They break rocks in lab


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