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1、2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit 5 PoemsReading and Thinking录制课教案Teaching objectives:1. Enable students toread a brief introduction on some simple forms of English poems.2. Help students toexplore the characteristics of different forms of poems and learn to appreciate English poems.3. Guide students towrite th

2、eir own poems.Teaching key and difficult points:1. Help students to analyse the structure of expository genre and the features of five forms of English poems.2. Lead students to appreciate the poems and analyse the poetic devices conveyed by the poets.3. Instruct students to create poems. Teaching p

3、roceduresStepPre-readingLead-inT: Lets watch a short video. Did you know him? Did you know the song before? Do you think the song is a poem? A video that Teacher Liu is singing Row Row Row Your BoatRow row row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrilyLife is but a dream.T:I

4、t a nusery rhyme. But how to appreciate a poem like these? Why I highlight these words? Lets figure out it later.StepPre-readingActivity1Predict the main idea.Task:Look at the keywords of the title A Few Simple Forms of English Poems. Q:The text is mainly about the different _ of poems.Suggested ans

5、wer: formsStepWhile-readingActivity1Skimmingfor the structure.Task1:Devide the passage into several parts and summarize whats the main idea of each part.Part 1: Para.1, introduction;Part 2: Para 2-6, different forms of poems;Part 3: Para 7, Conclusion.Task2: How many forms of poems are mentioned? Wh

6、at are they?Nursery rhymes, Listpoem, Cinquain, Haiku, Tangpoem.Activity2Read the Paragraph 1 carefully and answer the questions.Q1: Why do people compose poetry ?Suggested answer: tell a story; describe a certain image in the readers mind; try to convey certain feelings;Q2: What are the characteris

7、tics of poetry?Suggested answer: economical use of words; descriptive and vivid language; integrated imagery; literary devices; arrangement of words and lines, rhymes, rhythmActivity3:Read the Paragraph 2-6 carefully and underline the definition and characteristic of each form of poems.Q: How to app

8、reciate different forms of poems?Suggested answer: definition(定义);characteristics(特征);topic(主题);poetic devices(诗歌修辞手法).Learning tips: some common poetic devices(诗歌修辞手法).1. rhyme(押韵): A repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. E.g. phone home; bill pill hill meal;2. rhythm(节奏): It can be th

9、e beat or the flow of a poem. E.g. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.3. metaphor (暗喻): Comparing one thing to another without “like” or “as”. E.g. Life is but a dream.4. simile(明喻): Comparing one thing to another with “like” or “as”. E.g. Life is like a dream.5. repetition(重复):

10、Using the same words or phrases again and again.E.g. Row row row your boat.Activity4: Appreciate different forms of poems.l Nursery rhyme:Q1: What poetic devices are used in this poem? (Where are the repetitions/rhymes)A. metaphor B. repetition C. rhymeSuggested answer: B, CQ2: Whatre the characteri

11、stics of nursery rhymes?Suggested answer: rhyme, have a strong rhythm, and often repeat the same words. easy to learn and recite.Q3: Whats the topic?Suggested answer: Love between father and baby.T: Back to the nursery rhyme we learn in the beginning of the class, it has strong rhythm, and it uses r

12、hyme, repetition and metaphor as its poetic devices.l List poem: Q1: What is the definition of list poem? It contains a list of _, _, _, or _ that develop a particular theme.Suggested answer:things; people; ideas; descriptions. Q2: What re the characteristics of list poem? Have a _ line length and _

13、 phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.Suggested answer: flexible; repeated. Q3: What poetic devices are used in poem B and C? (Where are the repetitions/rhymes) A. metaphor B. repetition C. rhymeSuggested answer: B, CQ4: What does the repetition of Hundreds of highlight?Suggest

14、ed answer: The uniqueness(独特性) of mother.l Cinquain Q1: What is the definition of Cinquain? It is made up of _ lines. Suggested answer: five.Line 1a noun (the topic) Line 2two adjectives (describe the topic) Line 3three verbs (describe actions) Line 4four words (something related) Line 5a word (conc

15、lusion) Q2: What are the characteristics of Cinquain?Suggested answer: Convey a strong picture or a certain mood. l Haiku Q1: What is the definition of Haiku?Suggested answer: Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines, containing 5.7. and 5 syllables respectively.Learning tips: A syllable is a part of a word that contains a single vowel sound(元音) and that is pronounced as a unit(单位). Q2: What are the characteristics of Haiku?



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