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1、2021-2022年山西省阳泉市公共英语五级(笔试)重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. What kind of grain did most Europeans eat 500 years ago?2. Who benefits most from inflation?A.Persons who have salaries according to long-term contracts.B.Persons who own businesses.C.Persons with old-age pensio

2、ns.D.Persons with slow-rising incomes.3. Why did Americans have these movements in the early 1960s?4. How many reactions could you have towards the teachers report?5. How long did the journey take from England to India in the old days?6. What is the talk mainly about?A.Computer lab services.B.Colleg

3、e library facilities.C.The use of micro-computers.D.Printouts from the laser printer.7. Paul could reach all the switches because they Were originally installed at the right height of him.A.Right B.Wrong8.Part BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by c

4、hoosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文:W:Jim,thank goodness youve arrivedThe class presentation started half an hour ago,and I was just beginning to panicM:Im sorry for being late,Alice. This morning has been a real messI didnt think I was going to make it here at allW:Why

5、are you late? Our presentation depends on those graphs you are holdingM:Yes,I knowIll tell you about it laterFirst,lets see how we are doing for timeTwo groups are still ahead of us,arent they? The presentations on the fights of the consumer and the analysis of the stock marketThat means Ive got twe

6、nty minutes to sort outW:You look coldWhat happened?M:Ive been standing outside in arctic temperatures for over an hour waiting for a busW:Over an hour? But I thought your apartment was only a ten minute bus ride to campusM:In normal conditions,but the bus was delayed because of the weather,and when

7、 I stopped in a drug store to call home for a ride,the bus went byAs luck would have it there was no one at home,so I had to wait another forty-five minutes for the next busW:Thats Murphys Law,isnt it? What did it say? If anything can go wrong,it willWell,weve still got twenty minutes to get our wit

8、s togetherWhat is the womans tone of voice when she first sees the man?A.Frustrated. B.Relieved. C.Sarcastic. D.Apologetic.9. which is the most popular major of study?10. A 15%20% drop in body water can cause the blood system to fail.A.Right B.Wrong11. Can you give an example of filler words ?12. Wh

9、at does the talk mainly concern?13. What advantages does work have?14. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of the problem, whom is it better to complain to?A.A shop assistant.B.The store manager.C.The manufacturer.D.A public organization.15. A simple diet high in vitamins and sugar but low in fat

10、 and chemicals benefits those people in Hunza.A.True B.Fasle二、2.Use of English(10题)16.【C12】17.(47)18.(35)19.【C16】20.【C10】21.【C7】22.【C11】23.(37)24.(39)25.【C13】三、3.Reading Comprehension(15题)26.(73)27.(72)28.Which of the following is true according to the text?A.Ashanthi needs to receive gene-therapy t

11、reatment constantly.B.Despite the huge funding, gene researches have shown few promises.C.Therapeutic genes are carried by harmless viruses.D.Gene-doping is encouraged by world agencies to help athletes get better scores.29.(70)30.In New York_.A.violent crime dropped by 23% in one yearB.police depar

12、tment pay as much as $50, 000 for Jack MapleC.the crime rate is highD.Comstats statistical maps are analyzed every week31.Part CDirections: Answer questions 71-80 by referring to the following games.Note: Answer each question by choosing A, B or C and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices may be r

13、equired more than once.Answer questions 7180 by referring to the following games.Note :Answer each question by choosing A ,B , C or D and mark it on ANSWER SHEET 1. Some choices maybe required more than once.A = BOOK REVIEW 1 B = BOOK REVIEW 2C = BOOK REVIEWS 3 D = BOOK REVIEW 4Which book review(s)

14、contain(s) the following information?Comparison of the significance of two economic books. 71. _Stiglitzs prestige in the field of economics. 72. _Stiglitzs criticism of those who exaggerated the power of markets in developing countries.73._Policy making should consider local conditions. 74._The int

15、ervention of government is the way to assist globalization. 75._Stiglitzs dedication to the development of poor countries. 76. _Stiglitzs preference of one type of economic policy over another one. 77. _More people joined Stiglitz in criticizing free trade and globalization. 78. _Stiglitzs points have been supported by what actually happened in t


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