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1、湖北省黄石市2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听录音选图片1ABC2ABC3ABC4ABC5ABC二、听句子选答语6AYes, I did.BGreat.CTo the museum.7 AYes, I do.BEvery day.CNo, I didnt.8AHe likes singing.BHe is thinner than me.CHe doesnt like it.9AYes, sounds great.BIt was delicious.CNice to meet you.10AFor two days.BFive m

2、inutes walk.CThree times a week.三、听长对话选答案听对话,回答各小题11How did Tim go to the Chaka Salt Lake?ABy train.BBy car.CBy bus.12What did Tim do in the morning?AWent bike riding.BTook a walk.CSwam in the lake.听材料,回答下列各小题。13Who is taller, Jenny or Paul?AJenny.BPaul.CWe dont know.14What sport does Paul play thre

3、e times a week?ABaseball.BBasketball.CTennis.15Who is the most serious?APaul.BJenny.CAlex.四、听短文选答案听材料,回答以下各小题。16Why did Jenny stay up late last week?ABecause she watched TV.BBecause she studied for tests.CBecause she couldnt fall asleep.17How often does Jenny usually go to the library?ATwice a week.

4、BThree times a week.CEvery day.18When did Jenny go to the library last week?AOn Friday.BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.19What did Jenny want to do last Saturday night?ATo watch TV.BTo see a movie.CTo study for her tests.20What kind of movie did they see?AAn old one.BA funny one.CA scary one.五、听短文填表听短文,根据短文内

5、容,完成表格,每空一词,短文读两遍Talent ShowAmyplayed the _21_ and won first prizePetersang _22_Four girls_23_Li Huadid Chinese kung fu without music and he was the _24_ performerJim and his _25_acted the funniest program六、单项选择26How do you like _ TV play Ren Changxia?Oh, its _ wonderful play. Its one of _ best TV p

6、lays.Aa; a; theBthe; the; theCthe; a; /Dthe; a; the27-You play the piano so well. _ do you take piano lessons?-I go to piano lessons twice a week.AHow longBHow manyCHow oftenDHow much28Eating a lot of vegetables _ good for your health.AamBisCareDbe29Which one of these do you want? _. Either will be

7、OK.ANo problemBIm sureCCome onDI dont mind30Which do you think is , Chinese or English?Its hard to say. I think Chinese is as as English.Ainteresting, interestingBmore interesting, interestingCinteresting, more interestingDmore interesting, more interesting31What about doing_for the homeless people?

8、Good idea!Aanything helpfulBsomething helpfulChelpful anythingDhelpful something32 - Which of the two T-shirts would you like?- _. I dont like their styles.AEitherBBothCNoneDNeither33At the party, Lucy _ as Mickey Mouse as to make us _.Adressed up; laughBdressed up; to laughCdressed on; laughDdresse

9、d on; to laugh34_our country gets, _the people will be, which is wellknown.AThe stronger; the happierBThe more strong; the more happyCThe stronger; the happyDThe strong; the happier35I didnt find the way to the post office. _I told you about it this morning.ANo problem.BNot really.CHow come?DThats f

10、or sure.七、完形填空Ne Zha often _36_ in Chinese works such as Fengshen Yanyi. In Journey to the West, Ne Zha is _37_ a famous character. The popular summer movie, Ne Zha, came out in Chinese mainland _38_ on July 26, 2019. It broke a box office record(纪录) to become the _39_ ever cartoon movie in China. M

11、any Chinese Internet users _40_ the film very much, calling it “the glorious light of domestic anime(国漫之光)”. The _41_ of the film comes from the clever take on the well-known work of classical Chinese mythology(神话): Fengshen Yanyi. Ne Zha, one of the works main _42_, always appeared as a lovable chi

12、ld hero in the past. _43_ this newest retelling made him into a different character. He overcame difficulties and his dark life _44_ a hero. The _45_ story of Ne Zha, as China Daily puts it, has a strong faith in the traditional Chinese culture, giving it a “modern meaning”.36AappearsBsmilesChappens

13、Dbecomes37AtooBalsoCeitherDas well38AfamiliesBparksCschoolsDcinemas39AbigBbiggerCbiggestDworst40AlookedBwatchedCsawDenjoyed41AsuccessBlanguageCsurpriseDresult42AcharacterBcharactersCplayersDplayer43AAndBOrCButDStill44AbecameBbecomesCbecomeDto become45AnewBoldCboringDinterested八、阅读单选Crazy Bubble RunThe happiest family activity Ever! Time: 10 a. m. Date: November 3rd A Money-Raising Event for the City Charity Program Organized by the United Nations Childrens Fund(联合国儿童基金会) Come and get your Bubble Run Bag ( T-shirt, number plate, hair ban


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