《Unit 3 Reading and Thinking》教学设计【高中英语人教版】

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1、Unit 3 Environmental ProtectionReading and Thinking 教学设计 教材分析本单元的主题是“环境保护”,在“人与自然”的大主题下,探讨了如今人类社会面临的诸如气候变暖、空气污染、水污染等环境问题以及对应的解决方案。本单元的引言是“Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs, but not every mans greed.”(地球所提供的物质财富足以满足每个人的需求,却不足以满足每个人的贪欲。)该引言启示学生应认识到地球是人类生活的家园,人类的生存和发展必须依赖自然坏境和自然资源,我们应该坚

2、持科学发展观,适度地利用资源,不能为了我们的贪婪而过度开采自然资源,这样只会造成环境破坏、生态失衡、资源枯竭,最终受害的还是人类自身。阅读版块主题是“讨论全球气候变化”。语篇是一篇以“现象原因危害措施”为逻辑顺序的说明文。该板块阅读活动的设计是为了引导学生探讨气候变化的表现、原因、后果以及需要采取的应对措施。通过完成阅读理解活动,学生能了解极端气候变化的背后成因,认识人类活动对全球气候变暖产生的巨大影响,反思自己的行为,进而知道如何减缓气候变暖的进程,从自身做起,为保护环境贡献自己的力量。教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 掌握说明文的结构特征和逻辑顺序;2. 掌握利用示意图分析文本信息

3、的能力;3. 理解全球气候变暖的表现、原因、危害和治理措施;4. 理解培养低碳生活方式对环境保护的重要性。教学重难点【教学重点】1. 引导学生观察并掌握说明文的结构特征;2. 指导学生用示意图展示温室效应的原理;3. 引导学生了解气候变化的表现、原因、危害和相应的解决措施,启发和鼓励学生改变生活方式,减少碳排量。【教学难点】正确梳理和归纳文章的段落大意,引导学生掌握说明文的结构,并通过文章内容能意识到环境问题是需要全人类共同面对和解决的问题,有意识地培养人类命运共同体的意识,节约资源,保护环境。教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Look at the theme picture

4、and discuss the following questions.(1) Whats happening in the photo?(2) Where do you think this photo was taken?(3) What do you know about glaciers melting on the earth? What will happen if glaciers are melting faster than before?(4) What does this photo make you think of?2. Understand the quote on

5、 the theme picture, and appreciate more quotes or sayings.(1) What is the difference between “needs” and “greed”? Can you give some examples of them?(2) How do you understand the quote? How is it related to the theme of the unit?设计意图:通过讨论主题图中的冰川融化的现象,引出全球气候变暖的话题。Step 2 Pre-reading1. Watch the video

6、and answer the following questions.(1) What does the video talk about?(2) What have you learned from the video?设计意图:让学生观看与极端天气和气候变暖话题相关的视频,让学生在学习主题词汇的同时,引出阅读语篇的主题。2. Before they read, look at the graph and the picture in the text and discuss these questions in groups.(1) What is the graph about? Wha

7、t information can you get from it?(2) What happened in the picture? What do you think might have caused it?设计意图:引导学生观察阅读语篇中的配图,让学生描述图片信息,激活学生的背景知识。3. What other consequences may global warming bring about?设计意图:让学生进行“头脑风暴”,鼓励学生说出尽可能多的内容,帮助学生积累主题词汇。Step 3 While-reading1. Look at the title, the graph,

8、and the picture and choose the correct answers.设计意图:让学生根据文章标题及配图,判断文章体裁,引导学生关注说明文这一文章的体裁特点。2. Read the text and find out the main ideas of each paragraph.设计意图:引导学生归纳文章各个段落的主旨大意,训练学生运用上一单元所学习的归纳段落大意的能力。3. Summarize the structure of the passage.设计意图:让学生梳理文章的结构特点,总结文章的写作框架。4. Read each part carefully a

9、nd answer the questions.(1) Part 1: Evidence of climate change What happened to the polar bear in the photo? Why did the writer write about it? What is the authors purpose of using the graph and the photo? What evidence of climate change can you find in the first two paragraphs?(2) Part 2: Cause of

10、climate change Why is the “natural” greenhouse effect important and necessary? What are the consequence of high greenhouse gas emissions? What are the “greenhouse gases”? Can you try to create a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works?(3) Part 3: Consequences of climate change What are th

11、e consequences of the global temperature rise? Why did the author mention the climate scientists warning? What examples of extreme weather and disasters do you know? Can you make a list?(4) Part 4: Solutions What should people do about global warming according to the last paragraph? Why is a questio

12、n left at the end? What is the authors purpose of writing this text?设计意图:引导学生在课堂上进行分段阅读,让学生更细致地阅读文本,理解文本的细节信息。同时,引导学生制作温室效应示意图,帮助学生学会用示意图处理文本信息。Step 4 Post-readingGroup discussion.(1) Do you think climate change is the result of human activity? Give your reasons. (2) Who do you think should take res

13、ponsibility for dealing with climate change? What can we do? (3) How should we balance our needs and sustainable nature?(4) What difficulties are there when dealing with climate change and how to overcome them?设计意图:通过讨论以上问题,引导学生对文章主题进行深入探究和思考。Step 5 Assignment1. Write a summary of the passage in about 100 words.2. Search more information about what they can do in their daily life to help to minimize climate change. Then share with their classmates and their families.设计意图:通过布置学生完成文章的概要,锻炼学生的概要写作能力,同时加深对文章内容的印象。此外,引导学生搜集更多关于低碳生活的信息,与身边的家人朋友分享,呼吁大家为环境保护做贡献。 3 / 3



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