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1、贵州省六盘水市成考专升本2023年英语自考模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1.- Between the two possible plans, I m bound _the second oneA.favouring B.to favour C.for favouring D.to favouring2. Thank you for the _you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness3.Mary, _ hereeverybody else, stay

2、 where you areA.come B.comes C.to come D.coming4.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _, Tom is _Jack.A.All in all; as a clever boy asB.In other words; as clever a boy asC.That is to say; as a clever boy asD.In word; as clever a boy as5.These national parks are very important for preserving many anima

3、ls, which would run the risk of becoming extinct.A.instead B.therefore C.nevertheless D.otherwise6. What he described as only a _ detail I thought was the most important part of the plan.A.common B.plain C.just D.mere7. The education system rather than the teachers_to answer for the overburden on th

4、e studentsI agreeI hope the reform. being carried out in our country will hang about the_results.A.are; desired B.is; desired C.are; desiring D.is; desiring8. The water will be further polluted unless some measures _.A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken9. Countries that traditio

5、nally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the United Kingdomare facing their own labor _ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws.A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D.imports10.The search was _ when night came, even though the child had not been foundA.a

6、pproved B.acquired C.achieved D.abandoned11. _he come, the problem would be settled.A.Would B.Should C.Shall D.If12.12It was the training _ he had at school _ made him a good jumper A.what; what B.that; that C.what; that D.that; had13. His handwriting is _yours.A.more better B.as well as C.much bett

7、er than D.as better as14. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I15.Little_that their plan has beenDiscoveredA.did they suspectB.do the suspectC.do they suspectD.they suspect16.We must _ early in the morning so as to catch the first train.Aset upBset outCset aboutDset aside17. S

8、ometimes children have trouble _ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating18. He is too weak to _ the heavy box.A.rise B.put C.raise D.arise19._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telling C.Having

9、 told D.Having been told20.All the students went to the magic show yesterday. It was really _A.amusingly B.amuse C.amusing D.amused21. Not until this term _ to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.A.he began B.did he begin C.he has begun D.that he has begun22. _to

10、day, be would get there by Friday.A.Were he leaveB.Was be leavingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves23. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out24.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, _ we are all familiar, govern the worldA.to

11、 which B.on which C.which D.with which25.Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours to spend with their children.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off26. My father_me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.A.discouraged B.encouraged C.prevented D.asked

12、27.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch28. Whats the chance of there_an election this year? I have no idea.A.is B.to be C.being D.be29.After all this time youd think hed have forgotten, _ ?A.should you B.wouldnt you C.dont you D.do you30. I

13、 can never forget _ the famous actress during her visit to our schoolA.having been met B.to meet C.to have met D.meeting二、汉译英(20题)31. I tried to get out of the business, (我发现这是不可能的).32. 我们对自己认识得越充分,越容易将我们的潜力充分发挥出来。33. 我们认为学习理论而不实践是没用的。34. 只要你坚持学习英语,你肯定会取得更大进步。35. 假如你不喜欢游泳,你还是呆在家吧。36. (当谈到细节时) he is

14、very careful.37. 我们锻炼得越多,身体越健康。38. 专家们说,伴随着电视机长大的代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以至没有足够的时间学习了。39. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。40.你越是用功,你的功课就越显得容易。41. 下次小心点,别那么粗心大意。42. My income is now (我两年前挣的两倍).43. 他们是在五个不同的大洲进行了研究之后才得出这一结论的。44. 如果你想实现自己的目标,你可不能忽视努力奋斗。45. 我总是说话算话。46. A:这周我打算去购物,你想和我一起去吗?B:哦,购物是我最不想做的事情。A:你业余时间喜欢做什么?B:我喜欢做饭。A:你不是开玩笑吧?47. 尽管火箭看起来庞大复杂,其实只是个相当简单的装置。48. The winner of the competition is entitled to (免费去美国旅行).49. 如我们所知,韩国人与日本人和中国人一样对围棋(the game of Go)极为热衷。50. A few people (葬身于火海), but most were saved.三、语法与


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