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1、2022年甘肃省张掖市公共英语五级(笔试)真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. Good books can decrease our contentment when we are happy and lessen our troubles when we are sad.A.True B.Fasle2.Part ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE

2、. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文: Every year there are reports of people dying as the result of extremely hot weather. Many of the victims are old persons, whose hearts or breathing systems decline. But many die from lack of water.Water is necessa

3、ry for life and good health. We often forget this fact when we think about the other building blocks of life such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. We can live for many days without eating, but two or three days without water usually leads to death.The human body may look solid, but most of it is

4、water. New born babies are as much as 85% water. Women are about 65% water and men about 75%. Women usually have less water than men because women, in general, have more fat cells, and fat cells hold less water than other kinds of cells.Water does many different things to keep us healthy. It carries

5、 hormones , antibodies and foods through the body, and carries away waste materials. That is why different parts of the body contain different amounts of water. For example, blood is 83% water, muscles are 75% water, the brain is 74% , and bones are 25%, .Water is also necessary for cooling the body

6、 under hot weather and when we are working hard or exercising. Water carries body heat to the surface of the skin, where the heat is lost through perspiration. Researchers say cool liquids cool us faster than warm liquids, because cold liquids take up more heat inside the body and carry it away fast

7、er. They say, however, that cold sweet drinks do not work well because the sugar slows the liquid from getting into the blood-stream.Researchers also note that fat cells block body heat from escaping quickly. Fat cells under the skin act like warm clothing to keep body heat inside. This is why overw

8、eight people have a more easy time staying cool than thin people.The body loses water every day through perspiration and urine. If we lose too much, we will become sick. A 10% drop in body water can cause the blood system to fail. A 15% 20% drop usually leads to death. To replace what is lost, healt

9、h experts say growing persons should drink about 2 liters of liquids each day, and more in hot weather. They say we can also get some of the water we need in the foods we eat. Most fruits and vegetables are more than 80% water. Meats are 50% 60% water. And even bread is about 33% water. Water may be

10、 one of the most simple of all chemical substances, but it is the most important substance that we put into our bodies.Water is a kind of chemical substance.A.True B.Fasle3. What suggestion does the man think it is good?A.Try to give up smoking.B.Eat sweets everyday instead of smoking.C.Try to give

11、up one cigarette every day.D.Go to a hypnotist.4. According to the talk, only real characters portrayed in books may become our friends.A.True B.Fasle5. How high are the mountains in Norweija?A.Two thousand feet.B.Twelve thousand feet.C.Twenty thousand feet.D.Twenty-two thousand feet.6. Strokes may

12、sometimes destroy all of the mirror image.A.Right B.Wrong7. Chains dont offer students the chance to pursue their study . from one country to another.A.True B.Fasle8. What is the passage mainly talking about?9. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of the problem, whom is it better to complain to?A

13、.A shop assistant.B.The store manager.C.The manufacturer.D.A public organization.10. Calories, natural food, mountains and the distance from modem cities are the only common things in the three regions.A.Right B.Wrong11. According to the speaker, what gives modern log homes their warm atmosphere?A.T

14、heir small size.B.Their rustic dirt floors.C.Their walls made up of rounded logs.D.Their sliding board windows.12. What was used to carry most mail after the colonies became a nation?13. A stroke victim can put gloves on both his hands.A.Right B.Wrong14.Part ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you

15、 listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.听力原文: Do It Yourself Magazine organizes a competition every summer to elect the“Handyman of the year”. The winner of this year iS MrRoy Miller. a Sheffield postman. A journalist and a photographer have come to his house. The journalist is interviewing Mr. Miller for an article in the magazine.W:Well, Im very impressed by all the work youve done on your house, Mr. Miller. How long have you been working on it?M:I first became interested in Do-it-Yourself


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