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1、6.2 Slope Engineering边坡工程边坡工程v一、重点专业词汇和词组一、重点专业词汇和词组return on investment 投资回报率投资回报率variability 可变性可变性slope angle 边坡角边坡角slope failure 滑坡滑坡 steeper 陡峻,陡峭陡峻,陡峭the cost of 以以为代价为代价curve k:v 曲线曲线第1页vNet 净利净利,实价实价,净赚净赚,得到得到,纯粹纯粹,净余净余vas a function of 根据根据vcriteria kraitiri 原则、条件原则、条件vfrom the standpoint o

2、f 从从角度来看角度来看vsafety factor 安全系数安全系数vcivil engineering 土木工程土木工程vbasis for 以以作为基础作为基础vquasi kweizai 类似;准;外表类似;准;外表第2页vrandom events 随机事件随机事件vapproach to 靠近靠近,约等于约等于,通往通往措施措施 vReliability 可靠性可靠性vWhereby 凭什么,靠什么凭什么,靠什么vprobability,prbbilti 机率机率,也许性也许性,或然或然率率vwhether or not 不管,与否不管,与否vinput values 输入值输入值

3、vStandpoint 立场,观点立场,观点vmagnitude mnitju:d 大小大小,重要重要,震级震级,量量级级第3页vDisplacement 位移位移vstatic solutions 静态方案静态方案vMonitoring 监视监视,监控监控,检查检查,检查检查,监听监听,监监督督 vadvance warning 预警预警vac panied by 连同连同,随附随附,由由陪伴陪伴vremedial measures 补救措施补救措施 vIn spite of 尽管尽管vmine steep slopes 陡坡开采陡坡开采 vInter-ramp 内部斜坡内部斜坡第4页vCo

4、nfiguration 构造构造vface angle (坡)面角(坡)面角vBedding 基床,层理基床,层理vdipping into 浸在浸在里;稍加研究里;稍加研究vday-lighting 采光,日光照明采光,日光照明vShear 修剪修剪,剥夺剥夺,剪切剪切,切变切变,大剪大剪刀刀vdaylighting plane shear 采光切面采光切面vcut into 切入,割入,砍入切入,割入,砍入 第5页vUndercut 从下边切,底切,根切,咬边从下边切,底切,根切,咬边vConduct 带领带领,导电导电,行为行为,进行进行,实实行行vpotential instabili

5、ty 潜在不稳度潜在不稳度vinteractive process 交互过程,动态过程交互过程,动态过程vtrial pit 探坑,试井探坑,试井vSectors 部门部门,分区分区,把把提成部提成部分分vDomain 领域领域,产业产业,地产地产,计计域域名名 vBoundaries 边界,界线边界,界线vlithologic,liuldik 岩性,岩石学岩性,岩石学第6页vContact 接触接触,联络联络,使接触使接触 vDissimilar 不一样样不一样样vSignificantly 值得注意地,明显地值得注意地,明显地vSlab 厚板厚板vwhereas hwz 然而,反之,鉴于然

6、而,反之,鉴于vminor main 较小;次要较小;次要 vraveling rvli 解开解开,剥落剥落,松散松散 vPreliminary 初步,最初初步,最初vPlot 划分划分,标绘标绘,绘图绘图,标标示示第7页v二、复合难句二、复合难句v1、In the design of a typical open pit,increasing the slope angle decreases thev stripping andor increases the recoverable ore,which produces a higher benefit or return on inve

7、stmentv在经典(常规、一般)露天矿设计在经典(常规、一般)露天矿设计中,增大边坡角会减少剥离量或增大中,增大边坡角会减少剥离量或增大可采矿石量,这就意味着获得更好收可采矿石量,这就意味着获得更好收益或投资回报。益或投资回报。第8页v2、Because of the variability of geologic structure and rock properties,there is not a unique angle below which there is no slope instability and above which massive failure occursv由

8、于地质构造和岩石性能可变性,因此没有一种特定(唯一)角度使不不小于它边坡角都是稳定,不小于它就会发生大量垮塌。第9页v3、More typically,as the slope angle is increased,the number,size,and movement rate of slope failures increases.v v一般状况是:伴随边坡角增大,滑坡泥土量、滑坡范围及滑动速度都会增长。第10页v4、These slope failures result in operating costs such as the expense of cleaning up fail

9、ed material,lost production,and unrecovered Orev滑坡导致后果是增大了作业成本,例如清理滑下物质费用、耽误生产、不能再开采矿石等。第11页v5、Thus the net benefit curve obtained by subtracting the cost of instability from the gross benefit has a maximumv 因此,用总利润减去边坡不稳定产生费用可获得净利润曲线,其中会有一种最大值。v 第12页v6、The slope angle at which this maximum occurs i

10、s the optimum angle,since mining at a flatter angle results in higher stripping costs and reduced ore recovery.v净利润最大值对应边坡角就是最对旳边坡角,由于在一种平缓角度下开采会产生高昂剥离成本同步减少可采矿石。第13页v7、Conversely,mining steeper than the optimum results in slope instability costs greater than the increased ore recoverv相反地,以超过最对旳边坡角陡

11、坡开采导致边坡不稳定产生费用不小于增长可采矿石(带来收益)。第14页v8、From the standpoint of simple mechanics,the stability of a slope is the ratio of the strength of the material to the stresses in the slope.v从单纯从单纯力学力学角度来看,边坡稳定性就是边坡抗角度来看,边坡稳定性就是边坡抗压力与边坡压力之比(边坡材质强度与边坡所压力与边坡压力之比(边坡材质强度与边坡所受应力之比)。受应力之比)。第15页v9、If the stress exceeds

12、the strength,the slope is unstable;conversely,if the strength exceeds the stress,the slope is stable.v假如压力不小于(超过)所能承受应力,边坡就是不稳定;相反地,假如可以承受应力不小于压力,那么边坡就是稳定。v假如边坡压力不小于边坡材质强度,边坡就是不稳定;相反地,假如边坡材质强度不小于边坡压力,那么边坡就是稳定。第16页v10、This ratio is termed(被称为)the safety factor and has been the basis for stability ana

13、lysis in civil engineering for many yearsv这个比率就是所谓安全系数,数年来它都作为土木工程稳定性分析基础。第17页v11、Because of the variability of rock properties,uncertainty in the measurement of these properties,and the influence of quasi-random events,such as earthquakes and rainfall,the stresses and strengths used in stability ar

14、e estimates of populations(总体)with significant distributions rather than single values.v因岩石性能可变性、对这些性能测量不确定性、以及类似随机事件影响,例如地震、降雨、用于稳定性压力和张力等,都占有重大比重需要进行综合评估而不是单一评价第18页v12、An alternate approach to defining stability is to use the reliability method,whereby(凭什么,靠什么)(凭什么,靠什么)the probability of(概率)概率)whe

15、ther or not(与否)(与否)a slope will be stable is calculated from the distribution of input values.v另一种确定边坡稳定性备用方案是使用可靠另一种确定边坡稳定性备用方案是使用可靠性措施,该措施是从输入值分布中计算出边性措施,该措施是从输入值分布中计算出边坡与否稳定概率坡与否稳定概率第19页v13、Slope instability does not necessarily mean slope failure from the operational standpoint.v 边坡不稳定性未必就意味着从操作

16、角度产边坡不稳定性未必就意味着从操作角度产生滑坡生滑坡v14、It is not un mon for a slope to be e unstable,with the resulting displacement being less than 1 mv由于边坡不稳定而产生滑动位移不不小于由于边坡不稳定而产生滑动位移不不小于1m状况是很平常(正常)状况是很平常(正常)第20页v15、Whether an unstable slope results in significant cost to the operation depends on the rate of movement,the type of mining operation,and the relationship of the unstable material to the mining operationv一种不稳定边坡与否对运作导致重大经济损一种不稳定边坡与否对运作导致重大经济损失取决于它滑动速率、开采工作类型、以及失取决于它滑动速率、开采工作类型、以及不稳定物质与开采工作关系不稳定物质与开采工作关系第21



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