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1、2022-2023年湖南省娄底市公共英语五级(笔试)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. MD has six departmental managers at the momentA.Right B.Wrong2. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of the problem, whom is it better to complain to?A.A shop assistant.B.The store manager.C.The manufacturer.D.A public

2、 organization.3. List three traditional female occupations mentioned in the talk.4. Where is Low Till Farming becoming popular?A.In areas with few weeds and unwanted plants.B.In areas with a severe shortage of water.C.In areas lacking in chemical fertilizer.D.In areas dependent on imported food.5. S

3、trokes may sometimes destroy all of the mirror image.A.True B.Fasle6. What is Dickiasons particular form. of self-publication?A.She ran her own publishing house.B.She wrote her poems in her letters.C.She wrote to newspapers regularly.D.She recorded her poems in her diary.7. In which year did Columbu

4、s take chili pepper to Spain?8. What does it is as plain as the nose on your face mean? ,A.It is easy to solve.B.Something looks like your nose.C.It is something quite understandable.D.There is a plain-looking nose on your face.9. Dr. Mann is now in Cambridge, writing a book on the_.10. The felt ima

5、ge lets you recognize your physical existence in the world.A.True B.Fasle11. Who benefits most from inflation?A.Persons who have salaries according to long-term contracts.B.Persons who own businesses.C.Persons with old-age pensions.D.Persons with slow-rising incomes.12. Why does the woman refer to f

6、ootball?A.To illustrate mens interest.B.To illustrate that men usually do not touch upon anything important in talking about their work and interest.C.To prove men are mostly football fans.D.To show that men intentionally try to avoid talking about their true feelings.13. Whats the third method ment

7、ioned here to give the listener time to think?14. Behavioral management is very useful but is not _ like scientific management.15. According to the speaker, what gives modern log homes their warm atmosphere?A.Their small size.B.Their rustic dirt floors.C.Their walls made up of rounded logs.D.Their s

8、liding board windows.二、2.Use of English(10题)16.“Down-to-earth”means someone or something that is honest. realistic and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to find【C1】_who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk【C2】_and accepts other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is

9、 just the【C3】_of someone who acts important or proud.Down-to-earth persons may be【C4】_members of society, of course. But they do not let their importance“【C5】_to their heads”. They do not consider themselves to be better persons than【C6】_of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importa

10、nce and pride,【C7】_without cause, is said to have“his nose in the air”. There is【C8】_way a person with his nose in the air Can be down-to-earth.Americans【C9】_another expression that means almost the same as“down-to-earth”. The expression is“both-feet-on-me-ground”. Someone【C10】_both-feet-on-me-groun

11、d is a person with a good understanding【C11】_reality. He has what is called“common sense, ”he may have dreams,【C12】_he does not allow them to block his knowledge of【C13】_is real.The opposite kind of【C14】_is one who has his“head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer【C15】_mind

12、 is not in the real world.【C16】_, such a dreamer can be brought back to earth. Sharp words from teacher Can usually【C17】_a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.Usuallythe person who is down-to-earth is very【C18】_to have both feet on the ground.【C19】_we have both our feet on the ground, when we are dow

13、n-to-earth, we act honestly and openly【C20】_others. Our lives are like the ground below US, solid and strong.【C1】17.【C11】18.(46)19.【C2】20.Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations,【C1】_to the first serious investigation into the wa

14、y in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achievement.The survey of 643 children and adults, ranking from pre-school to 40-plus, also suggests【C2】_penholding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far【C3】_attention to correct pen gri

15、p and handwriting style.Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher【C4】_findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area【C5】_he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling【C6】_had a poor pen grip. While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link【C7】_pen-holding style. and accuracy in spelling,he【C8】_find h



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