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1、2022年四川省德阳市公共英语五级(笔试)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. According to the speaker, how do some pesticides get into ponds?A.They are applied to aquatic weeds by fish farming.B.Amphibians release them from their skin.C.Irresponsible dispose of them in ponds.D.They are washed into pon

2、ds by the rain.2. The speaker will introduce six departmental managers one by oneA.Right B.Wrong3.Part CDirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21-30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on t

3、he right. You will hear the talk TWICE.You now have 1 minute to read Questions 21-30.听力原文: Imagine you are a high school principal. A teacher bursts breathlessly in-to your office. Theres a fist fight in the dining-room, she gasps. The responsibility is yours to stop the fight. How do you meet it?(1

4、)Perhaps you, as a youngster, took part in fights and your present-day ties with students are warm and strong. You can stop the fight because your prestige is high among them.(2) You have a plan prepared. Other schools have been disrupted so you have already planned a way to stop any fight.(3) You a

5、re totally confident of your ability in a crisis. You are ready to stride into the lunchroom and take charge without a single qualm. Stopping the fight will be easy.(4) You fervently wish that you could delegate the job since you know that youre not a talented peacemaker. You wish you could return t

6、o the job of planning for the schools need ten years hence.One of these four reactions would be the first youd feel, but only onenot two or three of them, say three psychologists. These psychologistsDr. Harriet Mann, Dr. Humphrey Osmond and Miriam Sieglerhave come up with a scheme for sorting people

7、 regardless of their education, age or situation.The concept is based on the premise that all people have a basic way of seeing time. Each of us is predisposed to see all events from time vantage point. Either it reminds you of the past (past-oriented) , how the event fits into today, yesterday, and

8、 tomorrow (time line) , what it is today (present) , or how it will develop (future).The three began working in 1968 when Dr. Mann and Mrs. Siegler were assistants to Dr. Osmond, director, at the Bureau of Research, New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute in Princeton. Dr. Osmond is currently devisin

9、g ways to make empirical studies of the theory and Dr. Mann is in Cambridge , Massachusetts, writing a book on the Worlds of Time. Their take-off point was an interest in observations made by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who described in the 1920s the temperamental differences of four psycho

10、logical types. Jung is known as the founder of analytic psychology. Since Jungs work in 1921 .however, no one had conceived of a theoretical framework that would account for the four types. Without such a framework, there was no possibility of substantiating that people of different types experience

11、 the world very differently.Time and space are the touchstones in the system. Each person, after all, uses his time somehow and exists within and acts upon the space around him. Dr. Mann, and company propose that certain traits are shared by persons falling in each of the four categories.The first t

12、ype, the past type, sees time as being circular. For him, the past crops up in the present and then returns to the past as a memory. He enjoys collecting souvenirs and keeping diaries. He tells stories about Great Aunt Hattie and always remembers your birthday.Past types are pegged by this system as

13、 emotional people who see the world in a highly subjective way. For instance, School Principal I (past type) could identify with the fight and know how to handle it because of some past experiencewhether it be similar fights as a child himself or ones previously dealt with as the school principal. I

14、n addition, past types usually follow strict moral codes and often are valued more for what they are than for what they do. This quality itselfbecause it lends authoritarian strength to one who possesses itmight cause the students to quit fighting. Past types often have been found to be skillful at

15、assessing the exact emotional tenor of an event an4. The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited.A.Right B.Wrong5.听力原文: Now,let me first give you a brief introduction to the American poet,Emily DickinsonEmily Dickinson was Americas best-known female poet and one of the foremos

16、t authors in American literatureBorn in Amherst,Massachusetts,Dickinson was the middle child of a prominent lawyer and one-term United States congressional representative,Edward Dickinson,and his wifeEmily Norcross DickinsonFrom 1840 to 1847 she attended the Amherst Academyand from 1847 to 1848 she studied at the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary(now Mount Holyoke College)in Sout



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