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1、南京市南京市 20202020 年中考英语试卷年中考英语试卷一、单项填空(共一、单项填空(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)1We still know little about the Moon _ men have landed on it.AifBsinceCalthoughDbecause2Chinas efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 will _ the worlds ability to limitthe harm in the near future.AimagineBinventCi

2、nsistDimprove3Sorry,you cant take the dictionary away,Vicky.I _ it.AusedBam usingChave usedDwas using4Jenny just wondered _ Angela already knew about the event.Ahow soonBhow manyChow oftenDhow much5By the time she was eight,Linda _ read English and French.AcouldBmustCneedDmay6When Henry first came t

3、o Nanjing in 2010,it was all _ to him,but he soon learnthis way around.AsmoothBslightCstrangeDsuccessful7What a terrible experience!_,lucky us,we are safe now.AAnywayBOtherwiseCFor exampleDAs a result8The poster saysBasketball Computer Game_.FOR SALEBasketball ComputerGame2-4 playersBought last mont

4、hPlayed once-worksperfectlyPhone lack:3665444Ais designed by JackBis only suitable for younger playersCis almost new and in good conditionDdoes not work on the sellers computer9Nanjing Zijinshan Insect Museum,which will be open to the public soon,was formed at thefoot of Zhongshan _ April 2nd.AinBon

5、CatDfrom10How delicious!Did the students make the fruit salad all by _?AtheyBthemCtheirDthemselves11Which bicycle should I choose,sir?It _ what you want to use it for.Atakes onBcarries onCputs onDdepends on12Now waste from daily life in the city of Shanghai _ to be separated into four differentgroup

6、s.Ais requiringBis requiredCwas requiredDrequired13Maria is always full of _ because she takes exercise every day.AenergyBtalentChumourDwealth14Many Chinese characters symbolisesymbolise their meanings,unlike English words which are speltout according to how they sound.The underlined word symbolises

7、ymbolise in the sentence is a(n)_.AnounBverbCadjectiveDadverb15It was a fantastic trip.So,which city did you like best,Wuhan,Chengdu or Chongqing?_.There were good things and bad things about them.ANo problemBIt is hard to sayCEnjoy yourselfDYou must be joking二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 1010 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分

8、,满分分,满分 1010 分)分)16请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。According to several recent surveys,some people fear public speaking more than anythingelse.(1),this fear can be overcome(克服)with two simple methods:practice and usingpositive(正面的)energy from the audience.Practicing for a speech is essentia

9、l.(2)the task of writing the speech is complete,speakers must practice,practice,practice.Themore times they practice the speech,the more(3)they are discussing the topic.Using(4)such as mirrors or video recordings as they practice can show speakers what they lookand sound like to the audience.Video i

10、s particularly helpful as it can be(5)manytimes,with the presenters focusing(集中)on one part at a time.Another(6)of dealingwith public speaking fears is using the audiences positive energy.Speakers need to rememberthat the audience wants them to(7).Something as basic as a small nod or a smile froma m

11、ember of the audience should give(8)to the presenters behind the podium.Whileit is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation,using theaudiences(9)will(意愿)helps much in making a speech better.All in all,these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaki

12、ng.Withproper practice and audience empathy(共鸣),it is(10)to overcome the fear of publicspeaking and deliver a successful speech.So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.(1)ALuckilyBSuddenlyCSadlyDTerribly(2)AUnlessBAfterCUntilDBefore(3)AnervousBscaredCcomfortableDdifficult(4)AobjectsBact

13、ivitiesCsignsDinstructions(5)AfoundBsoldCclearedDwatched(6)AcauseBproblemCwayDpurpose(7)AsurpriseBscreamCsupposeDsucceed(8)AconfidenceBchallengeChumourDservice(9)ApoorBgoodCweakDfree(10)AnecessaryBimportantCinterestingDpossible三、阅读理解(共三、阅读理解(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1515 分)分)17阅读理解TheThe Wal

14、laWalla WallaWallaWallabyWallaby FoundationFoundationW Welcome to the Walla Walla WallabyFoundation of America,Washington chapter.Here you will find news,photos,and otherresources about the wallaby.In addition,our sites unique(独特的)features formembers include profile pages,discussionforums(论坛),and ot

15、her contents.We arethe worlds best wallaby support group.For over 20 years,the Walla WallaWallaby Foundation has served the WallaWalla community through education andoutreach on behalf of the wallaby.SearchMember LoginDiscussion ForumsMember ProfilesDonateContact Us(1)The Walla Walla Wallaby Foundat

16、ion is set up to _.Asell the wallabys foodBsupport the wallabyCtake photos of the wallabyDprovide news about the wallaby(2)If you want to give money to support WWWF,you can click on the icon _.AAbout WWWFBDonateCDiscussion ForumsDEducational Resources(3)The reading material above is _.Aa diaryBa storyCa questionnaireDa web page18阅读理解Tea is tasty and good for you.It is also one of the most popular drinks around the world.But what is tea?And why is it so popular?All tea comes from tea leaves but t



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