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1、2021-2022年辽宁省本溪市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The ancient Olympic Games originated from _ that were held to show respect the Gods of the Greeks.2.Many American organizations go bankruptcy because of imitating the code of Japanese.A.Y B.

2、N C.NG3.In fact, the process of giving up drug addiction for a determined person is easier than what he thought.A.Y B.N C.NG4.Without the prenuptial talk, it s not likely that couples have an actual plan for their lives together.A.Y B.N C.NG5.When a shared resource is in short supply, organisms comp

3、ete, and those that _survive.6. ARVs havent been used widely to prevent HIV transmission or infection for lack of money.7.Why might the grade-grubbers sometimes cheat in exams?8.Students from one developed nation to another equal students from developing to developed countries in number.A.Y B.N C.NG

4、9.A substantial fiber link damaged by a train derailment affected _.10.Multinationals in 1913 were composed of a domestic firms and its self-contained and autonomous11.According to the author, we can always find satisfaction in _.A.trying to make the world a better placeB.fulfilling our long-cherish

5、ed dreamsC.accepting the good and evil sides of the worldD.standing up to the challenges of the world12.Newton was never a good student and had never finished his university studies.A.Y B.N C.NG13.The main measure the foreign teacher takes to get PAID is_.14.What is peoples attitude towards a mixtur

6、e of blood between dogs and wolves?A.Its not encouraged.B.Its strongly protested.C.Its warmly welcomed.D.Its responded indifferently.15.The data quoted by the European Payments Council indicates that _.A.the cost of cash transactions is very enormousB.cash dominates in the societyC.it doesnt accord

7、with others estimationD.it is amazing of the European Unions cash transactions16. Bad eating habits, increased food availability, increasingly sedentary lifestyle. and reduced physical activity are the first four causes of the obesity epidemic.17.A rat can learn and form. new memories in its brain u

8、nder the effect of18.The private jet that carried Salopek home stopped in France, Ireland, and Canada for_.19.Earth: Melting in the Heat?Glaciers are melting; the ice caps are disappearing into the oceans; sea levels may rise by many meters as a consequence. Indigenous(本土的) Arctic peoples will find

9、their food stocks gone, while flesh water supplies in Asia and south America will disappear as the glaciers which provide them melt away; penguins, polar bears and seals will find their habitats gone, their traditional lives unlivable.But how realistic is this picture? Is the worlds ice really disap

10、pearing, or is it unscientific hot air?A European satellite named Cryosat was designed to provide definitive answers to some of these questions. A launcher fault destroyed the mission in October 2005, hut the European Space Agency has approved a replacement, in the meantime, here is our global snaps

11、hot.The AntarcticHuge, pristine(质朴的), dramatic, unforgiving-the Antarctic is where the biggest of all global changes could begin.There is so much ice here that if it all melted, sea levels globally would rise hugely-perhaps as much as 80m. Say goodbye to London, New York, Sydney, Bangkok.in fact, th

12、e majority of the worlds major cities.But will it happen? Scientists divide the Antarctic into three zones: the east and west Antarctic ice sheets; and the Peninsula, the tongue of land which points up towards the southern tip of South America.Everybody thinks that the Antarctic is shrinking due to

13、climate change, but the reality is much more complex, says David Vaughan, a principal investigator at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, U.K. Parts of it appear to be thickening as a result of snowfall increases, but the Peninsula is thinning at an alarming rate due to warming. The West Anta

14、rctic sheet is also thinning, and were not sure of the reason why.On the UpTemperatures in the Peninsula appear to be increasing at around twice the global averageabout 2 over the last 50 years. Those figures are based on measurements made by instruments at scientific stations.Earlier this year, Dav

15、id Vaughans group published research showing that the vast majority of glaciers along the Peninsula-87% of the 244 studied-are in retreat. The ice dumped into the ocean as the glaciers retreat should not make much difference to global sea levels-perhaps a few centimeters.More worrying, potentially, are the vast ice sheets covering the rest of Antarctica. Making temperature measurements for the continent as a whole is difficult; it is a vast place-more than 2,000 km across-there are few re


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