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1、2021-2022年浙江省杭州市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Men and women have problems in conversing with each other because they are raised to see the world in different ways.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Space Travel in the FutureSpace flight may be about to unde

2、rgo a transformation far more radical than anything planned by national or international space agencies. In the next fifteen years or so, there could be a fleet of fifty space-planes carrying a million people into orbit about the Earth each year, at $10,000 per head. A prototype of space plane could

3、 be up and flying within five or six years.Perhaps surprisingly the main obstacles to realizing this dream are neither technical nor commercial. Space transportation is expensive and risky at present because all launchers so far have used large throw-away components that are based on ballistic missi

4、le technology. But the technology already exists for a prototype of a fully reusable, aero-plane-like launcher, and its development costs need only be equivalent to about two space shuttle flights(about $1,000 million). The cost per prototype space-plane flight would be about 1 percent of the cost i

5、n the space shuttle.Costs that low will not be achieved without several years of operating experience and continuous development to create heat shields and rocket motors that meet the usual airliner standards of long life and low maintenance costs. According to recent market research in Japan, more

6、than a million people a year would be prepared to pay such a price for a brief visit to a space station. If correct, this level of space tourism would provide the sort of commercial incentive and operating experience needed to achieve airliner standard.However, space policy is so dominated by politi

7、cs that more than sound engineering and commercial arguments will be needed to transform. a high-cost industry into a low-cost one. Many aviation engineers in 1961, was as a member of a space-planes to be feasible over thirty yeas ago. (My first job, starting in 1961, was as a member of a space-plan

8、e design team.) They were not developed primarily because the main player in the filed, NASA, because preoccupied with its part in the Cold War and locked into a ballistic missile mindset. As a result, NASA has not encouraged studies of space-planes that could be built using existing technology and

9、tends to view predictions such as those outlined above as far-fetched.How then can the transformation be brought about? Four recent events should between them trigger the required overthrow of the mindset. The first components have been manufactured for the International Space Station and NASA, in c

10、onjunction with the Space Transportation Association, has begun the first official study the Orbital Science Corporation and the Rockwell International Corporation, for development of the X-34 launcher.The X-34 has a reusable lower stage and an expendable upper stage, and is designed to reduce the c

11、ost of launching small satellites. Unpiloted and looking rather like a large, fat fighter aero-plane, it is launched from a converted Boeing 747. Having released the upper stage at about one half satellite speed, the rocket -powered lower stage glides back to base and lands. Following inspection, ma

12、intenance and refueling, the lower stage will be ready for the next flight a few days later. The first orbital test flight is scheduled for just two and a half years from now. In April 1995, NASA places competitive study con- tracts with Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas and Rockwell for the X-33 demonstr

13、ator, which is tended to lead to an unpiloted single-stage-to-orbit launcher.When the implications of such projects become widely appreciated, the case for a new and realistic way ahead for space will become overwhelming. While the X-34 cannot be described as a true space- plane, since it has an exp

14、endable upper stage, if it is successful it will provide unassailable evidence for the feasibility of a true space-plane. A piloted two-stage space-plane using existing technology will then be seen as among the all - time best aerospacA.Y B.N C.NG3.Population growth is the sole factor that has widen

15、ed the gap between developing and developed countries.A.Y B.N C.NG4.Lisa Perez was always optimistic during the period of her unemployment.A.Y B.N C.NG5.An increase in reading rate usually results in an increase in reading comprehension.A.Y B.N C.NG6.The vaccine made by Merck & Co was halted in that

16、 it might_.7.If the eyes of a sleeping person flicker back and forth rapidly, that means he or she is in _.8.By pretending to be a Martian, we may _.A.feel relaxed and interested in solving the problemB.find a way out to escape the problem temporarilyC.avoid stereotypes and see the problem from a fresh angleD.find out the significance of imagination9.


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