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1、2022-2023年四川省眉山市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Dreamers are not efficient and often end up having to cram for exams.A.Y B.N C.NG2.The writer thought that one of the achievements he had was that _.A.he began to love learningB.he was promo

2、ted in the postal office after getting the diplomaC.he had learned to ignore negative commentsD.he had no difficulty when he embarked on a new career3. A wedding-planning worker may be the source of his colleagues anger because_.A.the latter is jealous of the formers happinessB.the latter has to do

3、some of the formers workC.the former may force the latter to help with the weddingD.the latter tends to make mistakes under the formers influence4. We can consider our children under stress when they _.A.are unable to communicate their feelings accuratelyB.have trouble communicating their responses

4、to eventsC.often feel abdominal pain without a known reasonD.have a poor and overcrowded family5. According to Bob Nelson, to stop those rumoring about others promotions, its better for the entrepreneur to_.A.explain reasons for the promotionsB.order them to stop spreading rumorsC.ignore this kind o

5、f negative behavioursD.promise promotion for those employees6.The first use of the term organic farming is usually credited to _ in his 1940 book, Look to the Land.7.Why did Frenchwomen except intellectual women seldom have friendship which is independent of their family in the past?A.Because most o

6、f them did not have a job.B.Because they only had close friends in their girlhood.C.Because they usually focused their lives on their families.D.Because they were dependent on their husbands.8.Besides the feature of doing more with less, the spherical structure of dome can also allow natural _ witho

7、ut obstruction.9.In order to levy the income tax without legal barrier, Congress passed a_.10.Asias lowered growth rate can be attributed mainly to the _.11.It is very important the actual population in the world is on the increase.A.Y B.N C.NG12.Lisa Perez found a new interest in homemaking during

8、the period of unemployment.A.Y B.N C.NG13. Legal permanent residents dare not enroll their children in medical insurance, because they are afraid this may become a barrier to _.A.their application for citizenshipB.their participation in activitiesC.their admission to universityD.their enjoyment of w

9、elfare14. For people who plan to depend on UI for a period of time, they should periodically inform. the unemployment office about_.15.The great biologic plausibility makes it possible to use microbicides and oral-prevention drugs to prevent HIV in the next 10 years.A.Y B.N C.NG16.The ice tongue gro

10、wing out from the Greenland coast used to reject salt back into the water, making _ heavier and helping it to sink.17.For an exam, the crammer always choose to wait until_.18.Making sure that Bluetooth and its connected devices dont interfere with one another can be difficult.A.Y B.N C.NG19.From the

11、 advertisement, we can infer that if yon join the club, your figure_.20.Mary Lyn Millers job is to advise people on their life and career.A.Y B.N C.NG二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.(24)A.Because he was feeling terrible with the flu and he couldnt bother about trying to get outside.B.Because he b

12、elieved somebody would come to save him.C.Because he was too scared to run out of the house.D.Because he thought the earthquake wasnt so serious.22.(35)A.The first group.B.The second group.C.The last group.D.All the three groups.23.(34)A.Consumers were responsive.B.Consumers were hostile.C.Consumers

13、 turned cautious of it.D.Consumers didnt care all the time.24.【B10】25.(18)A.The airport is closed due to bad weather.B.The flight is following its regular schedule.C.The plane will return to its point of departure.D.An earlier closure affected the airports schedule.26.(22)A.The girls friend.B.Their

14、another sister.C.The boys dream girl.D.A pop star.27.(21)A.They shine brightly.B.They are extremely strong.C.They can store heat.D.They Can absorb water.28.【B11】29.听力原文:F: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us?M: Ive got a class at ten. But Judies free and shes really good.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?(18)A.Wait for him until he finishes his class.B.Invite Judie to play instead.C.Cancel the game and stay at home.D.Go to attend the class with him.30.听力原文:M: Its nearly lunch timeIll make vegetable soup myself. Can you tell me how to do it?


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