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1、2021-2022年浙江省温州市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1. What is the difference between Joost and KaZaA according to Fredrik de Wahl?A.KaZaA benefited the industry which it entered.B.KaZaA didnt impact the industry which it entered.C.Joost doesnt threat

2、en the industry which its entering.D.Joost negatively impacts the industry which its entering.2.Calcium-rich food _ its supplements because it also provides other nutrients like vitamin D and other minerals.3.Turkey is the source place of _and _Rivers4.The worlds population will increase in 2000 to

3、9.3 billion people.A.Y B.N C.NG5.Rachel Carson started writing before _.6.NGO community is often the only available source of support for the internally displaced though the assistance is inadequate for _.7. When traveling in another country, many Americans bring water with them because_.A.they are

4、not used to drinking local waterB.they assume that local water is not safeC.they are more prone to water-borne diseasesD.their can easily fall ill if contacting with local germs8.The torch relay was brought back to the Olympics in Berlin in 1936, the flame lit in Olympia, Greece.A.Y B.N C.NG9.Creati

5、ve justice started in the United States is based on _.10.Alternative sentencing is considered only good for young offenders.A.Y B.N C.NG11.Biological MimicryThe Invention of VelcroAfter taking his dog for a walk one day in the early 1940s, George de Mestral, a Swiss inventor, became curious about th

6、e seeds of the burdock plant that had attached themselves to his clothes and to the dogs fur. Under a microscope, he looked closely at the hook-and-loop system that the seeds have evolved to hitchhike on passing animals and aid pollination, and he realised that the same approach could be used to joi

7、n other things together. The result was Velcro, a product that was arguably more than three billion years in the making, since that is how long the natural mechanism that inspired it took to evolve.Velcro is probably the most famous and certainly the most successful example of biological mimicry, or

8、 biomimetics. In. fields from robotics to materials science, tech nologists are increasingly borrowing ideas from nature, and with good reason: natures designs have, by definition, stood the test of time, so it would be foolish to ignore them. Yet transplanting natural designs into man-made technolo

9、gies is still a hit-or-miss affair.Engineers depend on biologists to discover interesting mechanisms for them to exploit, says Julian Vincent, the director of the Centre for Biomimetic and Natural Technologies at the University of Bath in England. So he and his colleagues have been working on a sche

10、me to enable engineers to bypass the biologists and tap into natures ingenuity directly, via a database of biological patents. The idea is that this database will let anyone search through a wide range of biological mechanisms and properties to find natural solutions to technological problems.The Po

11、wer of BiomimeticsSurely human intellect, and the deliberate application of design knowledge, can devise better mechanisms than the mindless, random process of evolution? Over billions of years of trial and error, nature has devised effective solutions to all sorts of complicated real-world problems

12、. Take the slippery task of controlling a submersible vehicle, for example. Using propellers, it is incredibly difficult to make refined movements. But Nekton Research, a company based in Durham, North Carolina, has developed a robot fish called Madeleine that man oeuvres using fins instead.In some

13、cases, engineers can spend decades inventing and perfecting a new technology, only to discover that nature beat them to it. The Venus flower basket, for example, a kind of deep-sea sponge, has spiny skeletal outgrowths that are remarkably similar, both in appearance and optical properties, to commer

14、cial optical fibres, notes Joanna Aizenberg, a researcher at Lucent Technologys Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. And sometimes the systems found in nature can make even the most advanced technologies look primitive by comparison, she says.The skeletons of brittle stars, which are sea creatures relat

15、ed to starfish and sea urchins (海胆), contain thousands of tiny lenses that collectively form. a single, distributed eye. This enables brittle stars to escape predators and distinguish between night and day. Besides having unusual optical properties and being very small- each is just one twentieth of a millimetre in diameter the lenses have another trick of particular relevance to micro-optical systems. Although the lenses are fixed in shape, they are connected via a network 0f fluid-filled channels, containing a light-absorbing pigment. The creature can vary the contrast of the lenses


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