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1、2022-2023年湖南省湘潭市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Do not try to make the tagline trendy, because such lined are often _.2.Defending themselves against attack, test preparation companies say their courses are based on _ .3. The authors experience i

2、n Bangkok shows that _.A.the rest of the world proves to be extremely riskyB.people should not be afraid of visiting other countriesC.the locals are unaware of the secret political protestsD.the news helps people stay away from dangerous places4.Often associated with crude oil, natural gas is princi

3、pally made up of _ and other hydrocarbon gases.5.Because each class we teach has its own _, CLT will vary each time we employ it.6.Internet Users Turn AddictsIf youre an Internet user, you know who you are. They are among all of us in society, although many may choose not to acknowledge that they to

4、o, frequently use the Internet. As I sit here and look across the street, I see a man in front of his own computer; the screen glowing against the window behind him. He does not use his personal computer for work, he is a farmer. He has become what is known as an Internet Junky.The addiction begins

5、innocently. At the start, you are not even aware of the possibilities that may form. from your excessive computer use. You begin to take an avid interest in e-mailing with your friends and family. Once the novelty of keeping in touch with your colleagues wears off, and researching starts to bore you

6、, you may possibly expand your computer usage to chatting. Yes, chatting. It is something that is becoming more acceptable in our lives, but it is still looked down upon by many skeptics. Chatting through the Internet involves choosing an appropriate nickname for yourself for example, Fisherman and

7、then finding a room where you feel compelled to spend time in. Once youve entered the room, other fellow chatters may say, Hello. a/s/ 1(age/sex/location) please.And so begins the addiction. Once you become involved in meeting people online, it is difficult to break such a habit. You may even make a

8、 daily habit of it. People have been found to carry out exactly the same behavior, not only across the nation, but across the globe. In any one room, you may come across people from five different countries of the world. Granted, not everyone who stays online for hours on end, are enveloped in chatt

9、ing, but it is more often than not, the cause for Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).The prevalence of Internet Addiction Disorder has been increasing in number, hence a support group, among many the Internet Addiction Support Group (IASG) has been developed. IAD, a maladaptive pattern for Internet u

10、se, is leading to impairment and/or distress caused by three (or more) of the following, at any time in a period of one year:- A need for markedly increased mounts of time on Internet to achieve satisfaction;- Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on Internet;- Red

11、uction in Internet use which has been prolonged.Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder include:- Psychomotor agitation;- Anxiety;- Obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet;- Fantasies or dreams about Internet;- Voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the fingers.These symptoms be

12、gin to cause conflict in social, occupational, or another important area of functioning. People who become addicted, use the Internet to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms, which are similar to those brought on by the halt of drug use. The disorder is recognized by the persistent desire or unsucce

13、ssful efforts to minimize the Internet use.On June 14, 1998, ABC news reported that an Internet crazed Cincinnati woman was arrested for neglecting her three young children. The woman reportedly spent 12 hours straight online, while her hungry kids were locked away in a room so she could be online w

14、ithout interruption.The Internet is rapidly becoming an addictive source to a lot of its users. Users of the Internet include: students, housewives, and business professionals. Some of these users spend a minimum of thirty-eight hours per week on the net; hence, losing touch with reality and reeking

15、 havoc on their studies, family lives, and even their careers. Based on level of addiction, there are three groups of Internet addicts:- the Im-not-addicted-users;- the I-only-use-it-when-I-have-to-users;&nbA.Y B.N C.NG7.Zeda Rosenberg has an assumption that the latest microbicides dont cause many side effects by reason that the body system _.8.Many criminals in England were sent to _ because they were not good citizens.9.Children should learn more responsibility for their health through classes in _.10.People tend to use calorie when referring to food k


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