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1、2022-2023年江苏省常州市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.From a Japanese perspective, commitment and dedication are probably more important than the decision itself in a decision making process.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Your divorce application can be acce

2、pted if you make it in half a year after you find any adultery of your spouse.A.Y B.N C.NG3.What Garret Jones really wants is to _.4.Some of the old people who inject flu vaccines experience serious side effects.A.Y B.N C.NG5.The drugs used to prevent migraines can block the_ effects, which may caus

3、e the blood vessels to expand.6.According to John Hallam, who should be responsible for the harm done by robots in the future will not be so _ as it is now.7. According to Visa, transactions by mobile ATMs can encourage spending by_.A.18% B.5% C.0.4 D.0.28. From the quiz researchers find that most p

4、eople are quite confident about their feelings in the_.9.If your potential clients are all local, you still must develop and maintain a Website.A.Y B.N C.NG10.Since Internet has become pan of daily life, it is highly essential to _.11.How is sustainable public space developed in Serenbe?A.People pla

5、nt trees and make water flow in that space.B.Citizens can grow trees freely in the space.C.Concrete walls are made outside the place for a protection.D.Natural things in that space develop without human disturbance.12. During the interview, scientists emphasized that it was important to start an_.13

6、.The governments polices to attract new residents and slow depopulation process might become futile once _ .14. According to the passage, many people who travel overseas expect to_.A.see the locals living in a primitive wayB.learn technology developed by foreignersC.challenge the stereotype about th

7、eir motherlandD.experience changes taking places in another country15.How did people in colonies respond to the Tea Act?A.They showed their loyalty to the British government.B.They were dedicated to the Revolutionary War.C.They paid nearly $1 million to the EIC.D.They threw a huge amount of tea into

8、 Boston Harbor.16.Googles assertion of its own holiness _.A.brings about sourgrapes rivals scornB.is able to receive unquestioning trustC.makes many firms disgustedD.attracts the support of many firms except sourgrapes rivals17.There are six tax brackets in the U.S. and which can apply to an individ

9、ual is determined by_.18.In Spanish (Puerto Rico is a Spanish-speaking island), nova means start, but when spoken, nova means it doesnt go. Very naturally, few people would _.19.Fullers family dwelling was not fully produced mainly because there were _ .20.Social networking has its enormous utility

10、and enables friends to interact via means such as games, greetings and _.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.(15)A.They might be customers.B.They might be visitors.C.They might be countrymen.D.They might be actors.22.【B2】23.【B6】24.(43)25.(34)A.How difficult it is to learn to ride a bicycle.B.It is im

11、possible to learn to ride this bicycle.C.How difficult it is to learn a new software package.D.To learn to ride a bicycle is the same thing as to learn a new software package.26.(42)27.【B9】28.Great climate pattern changes will alter available water resources,as well as the availability of usable agr

12、icultural land29.【B11】30.(44)31.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choice

13、s marked A, B, C and D.听力原文: After shopping for most of the day, a couple return to find their car has been stolen. They are shocked and very upset because they just bought it a month ago. They go to the police station to make a full report. Then, a police officer drives them back to the parking lot

14、 to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime. To their surprise, the ear has been returned.There is an envelope stuck on the car with a note of apology and two tickets to a concert. The note reads, I apologize for taking your car, but my wife was having a baby and I had to use your

15、 car to rush her to the hospital. Please forgive the inconvenience. Here are two tickets for tonights concert.The couple feel relieved. After all, most human beings are kind, they think. They even feel glad that their car was used in such a way. It might perhaps have saved two lives, the mothers and the babys. They go to the concert, enjoy the music to their he


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