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1、2022-2023年广东省韶关市大学英语6级大学英语六级学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.According to Statistics Canada, most Canadian seniors over 65 try to live independently until they die.A.Y B.N C.NG2.If Americans arent competitive in science, they cannot survive the severe compet

2、ition between developed countries.A.Y B.N C.NG3.Bluetooth networking transmits data via low-power radio waves between 402 GHz and 480 GHz.A.Y B.N C.NG4.The disadvantage of the hybrid corn is that it was _ and poor in flavor.5.Emergency RoomsMillions of Americans visit an emergency room each year. Mi

3、llions more have seen the hit TV show ER. This has sparked a great interest in the fascinating, 24-hour-a-day, non-stop world of emergency medicine.A visit to the emergency room can be a stressful, scary event. Why is it so scary? First of all, there is the fear of not knowing what is wrong with you

4、. There is the fear of having to visit an unfamiliar place filled with people you have never met. Also, you may have to undergo tests that you do not understand at a pace that discourages questions and comprehension.In this article, we lead you through a complete behind-the-scenes tour of a typical

5、emergency room. You will learn about the normal flow of traffic in an emergency room, the people involved and the special techniques used to respond to life-or-death situations. If you yourself find the need to visit an emergency room, this article will make it less stressful by revealing what will

6、happen and why things happen the way they do in an emergency department.Understanding the ER MazeThe classic emergency room scene involves an ambulance screeching to a halt, a gurney(推送病人的活动床) hurtling through the hallway and five people frantically working to save a persons life with only seconds t

7、o spare. This does happen and is not uncommon, but the majority of cases seen in a typical emergency department arent quite this dramatic. Lets look at a typical case to see how the normal flow of an emergency room works.Imagine that its 2 a.m., and youre dreaming about whatever it is that you dream

8、 about. Suddenly you wake up because your abdomen hurtsa lot. This seems like something out of the ordinary, so you call your regular doctor. He tells you to go to your local hospitals emergency department: He is concerned about appendicitis(阑尾炎) because your pain is located in the right, lower abdo

9、men.When you arrive at the emergency department, your first stop is triage(医疗鉴别分类). This is the place where each patients condition is prioritized, typically by a nurse, into three general categories. The categories are immediately life threatening; urgent, but not immediately life threatening; and

10、less urgent.This categorization is necessary so that someone with a life-threatening condition is not kept waiting because they arrive a few minutes later than someone with a more routine problem. The triage nurse records your vital signs(temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure). She

11、 also gets a brief history of your current medical complaints, past medical problems, medications and allergies so that she can determine the appropriate triage category. Here you find out that your temperature is 101 degrees F.Whats next? You need to register.RegistrationAfter triage, the next step

12、 is registrationnot very exciting and rarely seen on TV. Here they obtain your vital statistics. You may also provide them with your insurance information, Medicare, Medicaid or Health Maintenance Organization card. This step is necessary to develop a medical record so that your medical history, lab

13、 tests, X-rays, etc., will all be located on one chart that can be referenced at any time. The bill will also be generated from this information.If the patients condition is life-threatening or if the patient arrives by ambulance, this step may be completed later at the bedside.Examination RoomNow y

14、ou are brought to the exam room. You promptly throw up in the bathroom, which may be more evidence of appendicitis. You are seen by an emergency department nurse who obtains more detailed information about you. The nurse gets you settled into a patient gown so that you can be examined properly and p

15、erhaps obtains a urine(尿) specimen at this time.Some emergency departments have been subdivided into separatA.Y B.N C.NG6. What is the force of the rise of two trends which appear opposite to each other?A.The development of pop radio.B.Photoshop that can edit human voice.C.A vocal software called Au

16、to-Tune.D.The popularity of a pop singer named Cher.7. Are you still beating your wife? is in reality two questions that are usually _.8.Compared with a big engine, a small one can improve the gas mileage by running closer to its _.9.Of all the clocks introduced in the passage, the one with the most accuracy is _.


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