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1、2022-2023年山东省淄博市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Thanks to_, water beyond 100 could not boil.2. What did the researchers do to participants in the experiments?A.They put on a magic performance to the participants.B.They diverted the part

2、icipants attention and disrupted their choosing.C.They changed the things participants chose without their noticing.D.They added confusion to the two options the participants faced.3. In general, when it comes to the issue of pop singers ethics, average listeners are4.Part Reading Comprehension (Ski

3、mming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information g

4、iven in the passage.So Near and Yet So FarIn many examinations, 90% is an excellent score, deserving a prize and a handshake from the headmaster. In Geneva this week, only full marks would do, and the worlds trade ministers failed. No matter that they came closer to a deal than anyone should have ex

5、pected. No matter that they stuck at it for nine days and several nights, in the longest ministerial meeting in the history of the World Trade Organization (WTO). No matter, too, that this time they parted in stunned disbelief, heads shaking, rather than in acrimony(刻薄), quarrel and spite, as at Can

6、cun in 2003. They managed convergence on 18 of the 20 topics set before them by Pascal Lamy, the WTOs director-general, but they stumbled on the 19th, a device for protecting farmers in developing countries against surges in imports. They never reached the 20th, cotton. Failed.You can construct a pl

7、ausible argument that the collapse of yet another set of talks on the Doha round, which is now coming up to seven years old, is of little importance. While the worlds trade ministers have alternated between talking and not talking to one another about Doha, the worlds businesspeople have carried on

8、regardless: the growth of global commerce has outstripped the hitherto (到前为止) healthy pace of global GDP. Developing countries in particular have continued to open up to imports and foreign investment. You might say that not much was on offer in Geneva anyway: one study put the eventual benefits at

9、maybe $70 billion, a drop in the ocean of the worlds GDP. Global stock markets, with so much else on their minds, either didnt notice or didnt care. On July 29th, the day the talks broke up, the S&P 500 index rose by 2.3%.Plausible, but wrong. For a start, the lowish estimates of the economic benefi

10、ts of the round miss out two things. One is the value of the unpredictable dynamic benefits of more open markets. Access to more customers allows exporters to exploit economies of scale. Competition encourages not only specialization, the classic result of more open trade, but also increased product

11、ivity. The other is what you might call the option value of the Doha round. The WTO inhabits a sort of parallel universe in which countries negotiate not on what tariffs and subsidies will actually be, but on maximum (or bound) rates and amounts. Although many countries have cut tariffs and farm. su

12、bsidies - if only, in the latter case, because of rising food prices - too few have turned these cuts into commitments. Tighter binding would cramp their ability to turn back to protection. It would have made up the bulk of a Doha deal.Do you care about the beans or the beings?Also on offer were ben

13、efits that are easier to visualize. Some cuts in bound tariffs would have bitten into actual rates. There would have been much less tariff escalation(增加) - a nasty practice, by which higher tariffs are levied on successive stages of production. Raw coffee beans may be tariff-free, but roasted beans

14、incur a higher levy, and so on as they are ground, getting rid of caffeine and so forth. Move up the value chain, and you pay. Some developing countries - in Latin America, especially Brazil, and in Africa too - are seething that a deal slipped away.Given all this, the inability of ministers to agre

15、e, having come so close, seems unfathomable(难解 ). Belief is all the more beggared when you look at the wider world. The global econoA.nine days B.ten days C.eighteen days D.twenty days5. Studies of humans eating fish with PCBs have found that _.6.The three arrested in Sudan were regarded as_by local

16、 authorities.7.Where two colors meet, you dont have to wait until the first color dries before returning to apply the second color.A.Y B.N C.NG8.Antipollution legislations have been enacted thanks to the continued pressure from _.A.grass-roots organizationsB.individual activismC.environmentalistsD.environmental regulation



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