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1、2022-2023年河北省衡水市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.A large sum of money must be spent on Lyubomirskys research because it needs to trace a lot of people _.2.Winston declares that sharpening your time management skills is very important an

2、d can make you _.3. People can pass superstitions down from generation to generation because of _.A.the power of luckB.the power of GodC.the power of beliefD.the power of intelligence4. Judging from Duke Universitys recent study, even students recruited by top colleges seem to have_before.5.It is re

3、ported by Roland Anderson that the GPOs are filled with _.6.According to the passage, in certain situations our former experiences _.A.will always work once againB.can improve the efficiency of solving problemsC.can be our personal treasureD.may hinder us from conceiving better ideas7.In organized e

4、xercise programs, exercise therapists or physiologists can expertly guide an exerciser to the proper way to increase his or her _ without risking injury or fatigue.8.Brain scans can make the doctors know the differences of patients responses to danger, thus can cure their anxiety disorder.A.Y B.N C.

5、NG9.In recent years, satellite television has started to be broadcast in the radio frequency range_.A.between 3.4 GHz and 7 GHzB.between 12 GHz and 14 GHzC.between 14 GHz and 21 GHzD.between 21 GHz and 27GHz10.Cutting budget for science research and development further smothers incentives for Americ

6、an students to _.11.The networks of communication system which are peer-to-peer are one property of 4G wireless communication.12.In historical record, water use demand caused _.13.You get a patent doesnt mean you can use the product because you may be prevented by_.14.The book Silent Spring has chan

7、ged our thinking by providing us with an entirely new and different way of _.15.The government takes much advantage from ones assets when he passes away without a Will.A.Y B.N C.NG16.In order to_, California also has created a special identity theft registry.A.help those victimsB.make things rightC.

8、make up for their mistakesD.prevent a mistaken arrest17.It is helpful for managers to talk with their employees to learn the workplace negativity problems.A.Y B.N C.NG18. With internet seen in almost every corner of the world, todays world is said to have become _.19.If you want to have the same kin

9、d of living as a retiree, you may spend 20% less monthly than you do now because _ .A.older people tend to be more frugalB.expenses involved in work are savedC.public transportation will be cheaper thenD.older people can do their own cleaning then20.AIDS is the leading cause of death among women and

10、 babies in 15 cities of the USA.A.Y B.N C.NG二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.听力原文: A lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seem so ordinary that the peo

11、ple in the society think theyre not significant. Let me give you an example. I see lots of T-shirts here in class today, but you probably dont think of them as an important part of your culture, but anthropologists could learn a lot about the culture of the US just by studying the T-shirt. For one t

12、hing, T-shirts are a mark of how casual clothing has become in America. No one was quite sure where they came from, but the T-shirt first became popular in this country as an undershirt for Sellers in the 1940s. Then in the 1950s, it became a sign of rebellion for teenagers to wear this white unders

13、hirt by itself, not under anything. By the 1960s and 70s, T-shirts had become accepted as part of the uniform. views. You could even say that they came to symbolize that generations attitude towards informality and all things, including dress. Another aspect that anthropologists would find interesti

14、ng is that T-shirts are used to express personal opinions. Look around this room, you know who likes watching TV shows, who went where on vacation, who belongs to what organizations on campus. All of these aspects of our culture are printed on your T-shirts. OK, I want to stop for a minute and ask y

15、ou to try to write down five different conclusions you could reach about American culture from just the T-shirts in this classroom.(30)A.The effect of ordinary aspects of life on anthropology.B.A good source of information about a society.C.Attitudes toward culture in the 1940s.D.The relationship between anthropology and military.22.(21)A.Stay and negotiate or move.B.Buy a laptop or accept the increase.C.Move closer to the


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