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1、2022-2023年广东省广州市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.A great slogan should remind people of the brand name, so the name should appear in the tagline.A.Y B.N C.NG2. The comparison in a dangling comparative is often left _.3._ is sweeping Chi

2、nese retailing business to cream big local retailers that will be strong enough to compete with the multinationals at home and expand overseas.4.In modem times, most of us create wealth directly for ourselves.A.Y B.N C.NG5. Caregivers of disabled family members are reported to undergo a mortality ra

3、te of_6.Fast food, Disney, and pop music will change the world in the same way as Plato and Shakespeare have.A.Y B.N C.NG7.The most probable cause of depression is that it is an imbalance in _.8.In Scotland, your divorce application can be accepted if you make it in _ after you find any adultery of

4、your spouse but still live together with him.9. _ are applied in conventional farming for weed control.10.Where two colors meet, you dont have to wait until the first color dries before returning to apply the second color.A.Y B.N C.NG11.According to the passage, many people are afraid of trying to c

5、hange because _.A.They are satisfied with the present situationB.They care about the present securityC.They are happy in current stateD.They are afraid to confront tears12.In the U.S., the amount of indoor water use surpasses the amount of outdoor water use.A.Y B.N C.NG13.Gossip about Jason appeared

6、 partially because the company management failed to have _ with the staff.14.When is the best time to take the newer SAT IIs American history?A.After several years of study.B.Immediately when you finish the course,C.When you have a large information source.D.Right after a holiday when your mind is r

7、efreshed.15.It is _ that plays the leading role in the ethnic intermixing of the U.S.16.In a talk with the Pfc, the author found the Pfc. had developed the habit of carrying a little book in his pocket when he joined the army.A.Y B.N C.NG17. To build your audience, youd better catch the opportunitie

8、s to be acquainted with people and try to catch their attention on you.18.Young Richard _ his older brother Harold.19.Is Stress Making You Fat?The Trigger That Causes the Most TroubleOur ancestors ate to survive. They ate because they were hungry or maybe to celebrate a victory over a warring tribe.

9、 We eat because were hungry, too, but also when were stressed, angry, bored, depressed, frustrated, and busy.Stress may actually be the eating trigger that causes the most trouble. Many of us have high levels of chronic stress, whether its from work, relationship troubles or to-do lists that are lon

10、ger than Route 66. Our bodies respond to this stress the same way our ancestors bodies did: triggering fight or flight chemicals in the brain that lead to calorie accumulation and fat storage. But the difference is that we have plenty of food at our disposal. So we end up continually upgrading the s

11、ize of our storage unit.When you have chronic stress, your body steps up its production of cortisol(皮质醇) and insulin(胰岛素). Your appetite increases, and so do the chances youll engage in eating in the form. of high-calorie sweets and fats. That, in turn, makes you store more fat, pumping even more of

12、 it into the liver. This creates a resistance to insulin, which makes you secrete(分泌) more insulin to compensate. And that makes you hungrier than a muzzled wolf.When you try to combat stress with food, you activate the reward center of your brain. But after that initial feel good system wears off,

13、youll reach again for the same thing that made you feel good, calm and relaxed in the first place: more food. Thats why its a myth that overeating is triggered mainly by extreme hunger. Its a myth that cravings are dictated by our taste buds. And its a myth that we can resist temptations if we just

14、put our minds to it.Your goal: to keep your feel-good hormones(荷尔蒙) level. That will provide a steady state of satisfaction so that you never experience those huge hormonal highs and lows that make you search for good-for-your-brain, bad-for-your-belly foods. The following tips will help.Make Foods

15、Work in Your FavorFoods have different effects on your stomach, your blood and your brain. Here are some that may help your hunger and the brain chemicals that affect it.Fish and walnuts are rich in fatty acids, which have long been known as cholesterol clearers. But theyve also been shown to help with depression in pregnant women. Depression contributes to emotional overeating. Eating foods that contain the fatty acids may help lift our spirits.Green tea contains catechins(儿茶酚), thought to inhibit the br


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