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1、2022-2023年江西省抚州市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Mary Lyn Millers job is to advise people on their life and career.A.Y B.N C.NG2.Most models predict more warming in the troposphere than at the surface, whereas most datasets _.3.We often

2、 use the term craving when referring to _ addiction.4. Who does the writer blame for the collapse of the Newfoundland cod fishery?A.The US fishing industry.B.The Canadian government.C.The foreign fishing industry.D.The Canadian fishing industry.5. According to the first paragraph,what was a major fa

3、ctor in the Newfoundland cod disaster?A.The mass unemployment.B.The collapse of marine ecosystem.C.The cod collapse.D.The fleets destructive fishing practices.6. To limit wrong doing, governments have long been trying to control_7.Here They ComeMost of the immigrants came because they were hungryhun

4、gry for more bread and for better bread. America offered that. Europe was old; America was young. European soil had been farmed for many years; American soil was practically untouched. In Europe the land was in the hands of a few people, the upper classes; in America the land was available to all. I

5、n Europe it was difficult to get work; in America it was easy to get work. In Europe there were too many laborers looking for the few available jobs, so wages were low; in America there werent enough laborers to fill the available jobs, so wages were high.A bigger and better loaf of bread, then, att

6、racted most of the inpouring hordes of people to America. But many came for other reasons. One was religious persecution. If you were a Catholic in a Protestant country, or a Protestant in another kind of Protestant country, or a Jew in almost any country, you were oftentimes made very uncomfortable

7、. You might have difficulty in getting a job, or you might be laughed at, or have stones thrown at you, or you might even be murderedjust for having the wrong ( that is, different) religion. You learned about America where your religion didnt make so much difference, where you could be what you plea

8、sed, where there was room for Catholic, Protestant, Jew. To America, then!Or perhaps you had the right religion but the wrong politics. Perhaps you thought a few people in your country had too much power, or that there should be no kings, or that the poor people paid too much taxes, or that the mass

9、es of people should have more to say about governing the country. Then, often times, your government thought you were too radical and tried to get hold of you to put you into prison, where your ideas might not upset the people. You didnt want to go to prison, so you had to leave the country to avoid

10、 being caught. Where to go under the circumstances? Some place where you could be a free man, where you werent clapped into jail for talking. Probably you turned to the place Joseph de scribed in his letter to his brother. Michael, this is a glorious country; you have liberty to do as you will. You

11、can read what you wish, and write what you like, and talk as you have a mind to, and no one arrests you. Off to America!For several hundred years America was advertised just as Lucky Strike cigarettes and Buick cars are advertised today. The wonders of America were told in books, pamphlets, newspape

12、rs, pictures, postersand always this advice was given, Come to America. But why should anyone be interested in whether or not Patrick McCarthy or Hans Knobloch moved from his European home to America? There were two groups interested at different times, but for the same reasonbusiness profits.In the

13、 very beginning, over three hundred years ago, trading companies were organized which got huge tracts of land in America for nothing or almost nothing. That land, however, was valueless until people lived on it, until crops were produced, or animals killed for their furs. Then the trading company wo

14、uld step in, buy things from the settlers and sell things to company would step in, buy things from the settlers and sell things to them at a profits. The Dutch West India Company, the London Company, and several others were trading companies that gave away land in America with the idea of eventuall

15、y making money on cargoes from the colonists. They wanted profitsneeded immigrants to get them advertised and people came.In later years, from 1870 on, other groups interested in business profits tried to get people to come to America. The Cunard line, the White Star line, the North German Lloyed, a

16、nd several others earned money only when people used their ships. They therefore sent advertisements to all parts of the world to get people to travel to Americain their ships. They sent not only advertisements, but alsoA.Y B.N C.NG8.The happenings in the emergency room are usually as dramatic as the scene on TV shows.A.Y B.N C.NG9.



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