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1、2022-2023年山西省阳泉市大学英语6级大学英语六级知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Glaciers are much thicker than previously thought, which means _into the ocean.2.Momentum busters refer to _ that will prevent you from continuing to work.3.Parasites, which are smaller t

2、han their hosts, include _.4.The price of natural gas is cheaper and more stable than that of gasoline.A.Y B.N C.NG5.The management official _the blue-collar robots that the unions revolted against.A.will welcome B.wont welcome C.supported D.opposed6.Studies indicate that obesity is heritable, and t

3、he heritability is _.7.Monkey Bailey once lived in Little River Zoo.A.Y B.N C.NG8. If you want to answer the 12 questions honestly, you should know what makes you not blindly blame your department for _.9.Large-package purchase can benefit low-income households in theory, but. it seldom works in rea

4、lity.A.Y B.N C.NG10. According to Annie Stevens, many newly recruited managers fail in a new job because they cannot get along with their coworkers.11.Each federal urban search-and-rescue task force is made up of at least 60 members.A.Y B.N C.NG12.An insurance company can estimate with some accuracy

5、 how many will have losses by_.13.(11)14.In the 1880s _ uncovered Ruins that showed the existence of a great civilization.15.It may take large bodies of water and ice decades to respond to changes in temperature.A.Y B.N C.NG16.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes are likely to lead to a _.17.Asilo

6、mar has been regarded as a landmark in the history of science since the worlds leading biologists met there to discuss _.A.genetic issuesB.world peaceC.artificial intelligenceD.the origin of life18.Even if the company overall cannot pass the 12-question test, _ may pass it.19.Some people boost genet

7、ically modified crops on the condition that these altered plants contain _.20.This gives us good reason to hope that if we act to solve the environmental problems that still remain, we will _.二、3.Listening Comprehension(20题)21.听力原文:W: The place Ive heard so much about is Los Angeles. The climate is

8、pretty good. Year-round flowers, year-round swimming. How do you like it?M: Well, the beaches are beautiful, but the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air. I mean the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust. There is not enough wind to blow it away.Q: What does the man think of

9、 Los Angeles?(19)A.Its too windy.B.The people there are terrible.C.The air is polluted.D.The beaches are dirty.22.【B11】23.(31)A.Rag dolls.B.Wooden and clay dolls.C.Fashion dolls.D.Stone dolls.24.(24)A.At the seaside.B.In a restaurant.C.On a bus.D.On the plane.25.Section BDirections: In this section,

10、 you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.听力原文: The Republican Party is one of the two m

11、ain political parties of the USA. It was formed in 1854 by groups opposed to slavery. Lincoln became the first Republican president in 1861, and Republicans held the presidency from then until 1913, except for two terms. They returned to power from 1921-1933, but were blamed for the economic crisis

12、of 1929 and the poverty and unemployment that followed. The Party did not win back the presidency until Eisenhower was elected in 1952. The next Republican president was Richard Nixon, elected in 1968. During Nixons presidency as during most of Eisenhowers, the Republicans failed to win a majority i

13、n Congress. The Republican Party tends to be more conservative than the Democratic Party; it is associated with free enterprise in the economy, and is most strongly supported in the rural and suburban areas of the North, the Middle West and the West.(27)A.The presidents of the United States.B.Congre

14、ss of the USA.C.The relationship between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.D.The Republican Party.26.(28)A.It preserves the vitamins.B.It breaks down the vitamins.C.It makes the meat easier to digest.D.It reduces the protein content.27.听力原文:W: Hey, Jim, what a coincidence to see you here

15、! Long time no see.M: Yeah, me too. Hey, just as old friends I tell you . you dont look that well. Axe you sick or something?W: Well, not really. Its the same old story of the life of an overworked undergraduate student, I am up to my neck on this project. I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month.M: Cant you speak to your professor about that? Maybe he would al


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