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1、2022-2023年江苏省扬州市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The passage implies that Pat Cauley go to church for_.2.What did the East India Company get from British sovereign at its expansion?A.The qualification of establishing its branches.B.The p

2、ermission to build Yale University.C.Financial as well as military support.D.The private army to protect its employees.3. People with social anxiety disorder have a _ of being watched and judged by others and of doing things that will embarrass them.4.Landing a Job of the Future Takes a Two-Track Mi

3、ndIf youre gearing up for a job search now as an undergraduate or returning student, there are several bright spots where new jobs and promising career paths are expected to emerge in the next few years.Technology, health care and education will continue to be hot job sectors, according to the Burea

4、u of Labor Statistics outlook for job growth between 2008 and 2018. But those and other fields will yield new opportunities, and even some tried-and-true fields will bring some new jobs that will combine a variety of skill sets.The degrees employers say theyll most look for include finance, engineer

5、ing and computer science, says Andrea Koncz, employment-information manager at the National Association of Colleges and Employers. But to land the jobs that will see some of the most growth, job seekers will need to branch out and pick up secondary skills or combine hard science study with softer sk

6、ills, career experts say, which many students already are doing. Students are positioned well for future employment, particularly in specialized fields. Ms. Koncz says.Career experts say the key to securing jobs in growing fields will be coupling an in-demand degree with expertise in emerging trends

7、. For example, communications pros will have to master social media and the analytics that come with it; nursing students will have to learn about risk management and electronic records; and techies will need to keep up with the latest in Web marketing, user-experience design and other Web-related s

8、kills.Technology TwistsMore than two million new technology-related jobs are expected to be created by 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and Web developers. Recru

9、iters anticipate that data-loss prevention, information technology, online security and risk management will also show strong growth.A computer science degree and a working knowledge of data security are critical to landing these jobs. Common areas of undergraduate study for these fields include som

10、e of the usual suspects, such as computer science, information science and management-information systems.But those might not be enough. Thats because not all of those jobs will be purely techie in nature. David Foote, chief executive officer of IT research firm Foote Partners, advises current compu

11、ter science students to couple their degrees with studies in marketing, accounting or finance. Before, people widely believed that all you needed to have were deep, nerdy (对社会无用的) skills, Mr. Foote says. But companies are looking for people with multiple skill sets who can move fluidly with marketin

12、g or operations.Social media has opened the door to the growth of new kinds of jobs. As companies turn to sites like Twitter, Linked In and Face book to promote their brands, capture new customers and even post job openings, they will need to hire people skilled in harnessing these tools, Mr. Foote

13、says. In most cases, these duties will be folded into a marketing position, although large companies such as Coca-Cola Co. arc creating entire teams devoted exclusively to social media.Similarly, employment for public-relations positions should increase 24% by 2018. Job titles like interactive creat

14、ive director will reflect the duality of the required skill sets.Back to SchoolStudents will have to study strategy to maximize relationships between third-party content providers and their companys Web team. Other key skills will be search engine optimization to maximize Web traffic and marketing a

15、nalytics to decipher the companys target demographic, says Donna Farrugia, executive director of Creative Group, a marketing and advertising staffing agency in Menlo Park, Calif.Many universities aA.technology B.health care C.education D.media5.The plants would be insect resistant as a gene from the

16、 soil bacterium could direct cells to produce_that is toxic to certain insects.6. Fuller won _ in 1954 for his achievement in the 42-foot cardboard shelter.7.Canada had to totally ban fishing in east coast waters in the year of _.A.1975 B.1980 C.1990 D.19928.Since Britain got the exclusive control on opium, Indian growers must sell


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