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1、2022-2023年甘肃省金昌市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.Get Paid for Teaching in ChinaI am a foreigner living in Chengdu, and I have been teaching English for over three years now. Anyone who doesn t know LISTEN UP! ! I was getting 3,000 yuan per

2、 month when I first arrived and didn t know Jack about contracts. I thought I was getting a pretty good deal. Most first year teachers think this way. Now, I get no less than 5,500 yuan per month for a 12 hour work week plus all the other benefits (ex. air travel - 10,000 yuan per year).Don t let th

3、eir griping and complaining about how much foreigners get paid versus what they get paid dissuade YOU from getting paid. Feel free to e - mail me and ask for my Bargaining Points as well as a sample contract from the school I am now working at. The Bargaining Points is written in MS Word Format so I

4、 can attach it and send it to you, or you can simply ask me to copy them to a reply THEY include all the things you should watch out for (like the fact that no contract I ever heard of includes a Personal Income Tax Benefit where the school pays for taxes on income over 4,000 yuan per month. Get cau

5、ght with your pants down on this one and just smile as wide as you can while you bend over. )The only way the system will change is if everyone (meaning all foreigners) starts demanding the same thing and starts saying NO to the ridiculously low offers out there.The best scenario for anyone wanting

6、to work in China is to get the most money you can for the least hours, whatever that might turn out to be, and then to farm yourself out hourly to other schools, ff you don t do it yourself, the schools will find a way to do it for you and in a way that they get the majority of the profits. I was do

7、ing this for 125 yuan per hour when I found out that here in Chengdu, 175 yuan per hour is the norm. Start at 200 and let them bargain you down to 175. In all, my situation has turned out to be very profitable. I live in a 225 sq meter apartment and pay all my own bills while living off campus. Last

8、 month I made 12,300 yuan working for three different schools and doing part -time tutoring work. Part of it was due to my availability to other schools on an hourly basis because of the low hours of my original contract.This level of involvement also requires a more experienced individual who reall

9、y knows their city and has made some few relationships to be able to make it work out properly to his/her own advantage without gaining the ire (愤怒) of the wrong people. It is a little risky at first, but once things are done properly in the Chinese way it is rather simpler than it seems.MOST IMPORT

10、ANT IS TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION! ! HELPING OTHERS HELPS YOURSELF! ! If you have ANY questions at ANY time, feel free to e- mail meId be all too happy to help.As I said, just e -mail me and ask for A copy of the MS Word documents which contain the Negotiating Points and the most recent contract whic

11、h I signed to begin the spring semester of 2006. Please note, when you read this, that the lines in BOLD text were the changes I made to the original contract. Sometimes I overwrote what they had, other times I added. Other sections were entirely my own additions resulting in the contract lengthenin

12、g somewhat. In all, there are still some things I feel like I should have added - like getting paid vacations for foreign holidays (paid leave for Christmas and Thanksgiving for example) - but will have to remember to add those later in the next contract. These are not mentioned in my original Negot

13、iating Points, but then again, living in China and not getting paid leave for those two holidays is not THAT big a deal anyway.One last piece of advice Being able to make such changes usually requires a face - to - face, so don t expect too much if youre bargaining over the internet or the phone. So

14、, that said, you can sign whatever contract you want, buA.Y B.N C.NG2.One-or two-minute excerpts _, can be sent to friends by e-mail or instant message.3.The reservoirs that were built by China have the biggest reserve capacity in the world.A.Y B.N C.NG4. Helene Hegemann, whose novel includes passag

15、es lifted from others, stated that what matters is nothing but _.5. _ are applied in conventional farming for weed control.6.What is peoples attitude towards a mixture of blood between dogs and wolves?A.Its not encouraged.B.Its strongly protested.C.Its warmly welcomed.D.Its responded indifferently.7

16、.Space policy is dominated by polities.A.Y B.N C.NG8.What kind of students does Bill Stroud teach?A.9/11 survivors.B.High school juniors.C.Film-making majors.D.Future engineers,.9.Seven Steps to a More Fulfilling JobMany people today find themselves in unfulfilling work situations. In fact, one in four workers is dis



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