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1、2022-2023年湖北省黄石市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.The laws regulate that the foster parents have priorities in adopting their foster child.A.Y B.N C.NG2.For the entire Iditarod race, a sled dog team has to eat so much as to _.3.Olympic Ga

2、mes and SpiritToday, the Olympic Games are the worlds largest pageant (盛典)of athletic skill and competitive spirit. These two opposing elements of the Olympics are not a modern invention. The ancient Olympic Games, part of a major religious festival honoring Zeus, the chief Greek god, were the bigge

3、st event in their world. They were the scene of political rivalries between people from different parts of the Greek world, and the site of controversies, boasts, public announcements and humiliations. In this section you can explore the context of the Olympics.The Greek City-states and the Religiou

4、s FestivalOne difference between the ancient and modern Olympic Games is that the ancient games were played within the context of a religious festival. The Games were held in honor of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, and a sacrifice of 100 oxen was made to the god on the middle day of the festival.

5、 Athletes prayed to the gods for victory, and made gifts of animals, produce, or small cakes, in thanks for their successes.According to the legend, the altar of Zeus stood on a spot struck by a thunderbolt, which had been hurled by the god from his throne high atop Mount Olympus, where the gods ass

6、embled. Over time, the Games flourished, and Olympia became a central site for the worship of Zeus. Individuals and communities donated buildings, statues, altars and other dedications to the god. The most spectacular sight at Olympia was the gold and ivory cult (膜拜仪式)statue of Zeus enthroned, which

7、 was made by the sculptor Pheidias and placed inside the temple. The statue was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and stood over 42 feet high. A spiral staircase took visitors to an upper floor of the temple, for a better view of the statue.People who were not Greek could not compete in

8、 the Games, but Greek athletes traveled hundreds of miles, from colonies of the Greek city-states. These colonies were as far away as modern-day Spain, Italy, Libya, Egypt, the Ukraine, and Turkey. A city-state, called a polls, was a typical Greek settlement, with a fortified city and a defensible c

9、itadel at the center of a territory, which might include other villages. The polls of Attica was made up of Athens and its environs (近郊), for example, and the Acropolis was its fortress. The Greek city-states began to establish colonies from the mid-8th century on. After the 2nd century A. D., the R

10、oman Empire brought even more competitors to the Olympic Games, but regional differences always gave the Olympics an international flavor.Excellence and the Competitive SpiritAncient athletes competed as individuals, not on national teams, as in the modern Games. The emphasis on individual athletic

11、achievement through public competition was related to the Greek ideal of excellence, called arete. Aristocratic men who attained this ideal, through their outstanding words or deeds, won permanent glory and fame. Those who failed to measure up to this code feared public shame and disgrace.Not all at

12、hletes lived up to this code of excellence. Those who were discovered cheating were fined, and the money was used to make bronze statues of Zeus, which were erected on the road to the stadium. The statues were inscribed with messages describing the offenses, warning others not to cheat, reminding at

13、hletes that victory was won by skill and not by money, and emphasizing the Olympic spirit of piety toward the gods and fair competition.The Olympic Truce(休战)A truce (in Greek, ekecheiria, which literally means holding of hands) was announced before and during each of the Olympic festivals, to allow

14、visitors to travel safely to Olympia. An inscription (题字) describing the truce was written on a bronze discus which was displayed at Olympia. During the truce, wars were suspended, armies were prohibited from entering Elis or threatening the Games, and legA.Y B.N C.NG4.Principles in Japanese Organiz

15、ationsDuring the 1970s and 1980s, American managers invested much time and money studying Japanese approaches to management because of the fine quality of Japanese products and the general productivity of their organizations. While the American and Japanese cultures differ significantly in many ways

16、, it is still possible to examine Jap0nese management and discover several relevant principles.Extensive studies of Japanese organizations have demonstrated that Japanese managers stress the following:Bottom-up InitiativeJapanese managers believe that change and initiative within an organization should come from those closest to the problem. So they elicit(引起) change from below. Top-level Japanese



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