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1、2022-2023年河南省洛阳市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题一卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1._is largely responsible for the slight slowdown in the growth of the labor force.2. When using a drive-up ATM, youd better drive close to the machine as well as _.3.Television is compared

2、to the Cyclops because _.A.it deprives us of our thinking ability before destroying usB.it is also enormous in sizeC.it is as cruel as the one-eyed giantD.both TV and the Cyclops do harm To our children4. Why the constant bombardment of information about food is bad for people who have the eating di

3、sorder orthorexia nervosa?A.Because they will follow the information seriously.B.Because they will aim to become thinner.C.Because they wont make suitable plans.D.Because they wont enjoy eating.5. Old people shouldnt bother to change their eating habits because its too late for it to do them any goo

4、d.6.In the passage, the danger of some parents in raising bicultural children is _.7.During the 20th century, _ , abundant conflicts in use demand, and an intensification of use that has accelerated quickly.8. To limit wrong doing, governments have long been trying to control_9.Many Christians now r

5、eenact Last Supper to symbolize Judas Iscariots betrayal of Jesus.A.Y B.N C.NG10.Using the containers to transport can keep the goods clean.A.Y B.N C.NG11.The main shortcoming of FS2000 is its _.12.In most stressful conflict situations we try to manage the stress while coping with the conflict.A.Y B

6、.N C.NG13.Common people used words as they like.A.Y B.N C.NG14.Most old-growth forests that are outside of protected parks and _ have been harvested.15.The walls framing the highways are useful in decreasing noise pollution, because _.16.Human response to stress is individual.A.Y B.N C.NG17.To becom

7、e a foster parent, one needs to undergo, through a foster agency, the process of _.18.The ultimate advantage of viewers online communication by Joost is to help advertisersA.find out the number of different kinds of viewersB.collect the viewers IP addresses and locationsC.improve the effect of adver

8、tisementsD.judge whether the viewers are Desperate Housewives fans or not19.Below the canopy level of a tropical rainforest grows an overabundance of plants.A.Y B.N C.NG20.The reservoirs that were built by China have the biggest reserve capacity in the world.A.Y B.N C.NG二、3.Listening Comprehension(2

9、0题)21.(34)A.The most dangerous earthquakes will take place.B.Fires, floods and landslides will take place.C.The ground will open and swallow great numbers of people.D.Mountains will landslide and kill the rest of our lives.22.听力原文:M: How much is the ticket, please?W: theyre $ 4 each for adult. But s

10、tudents can get them at half price.Q: How much will the man pay if he gets two adult tickets and two student tickets?=(16)A.$ 12. B.$ 4. C.$ 10. D.$ 8.23.【B10】24. 【B11】25.听力原文: The results of the municipal elections in Italy in which the governing coalition lost ground to parties on the left and rig

11、ht attracted considerable attention in todays British newspapers. Its the lead story for the Financial Times, which focuses on the sharp falls on the Milan stock exchange and says the nervousness in the financial markets reflected the view that fresh general elections would be held early next year a

12、mid increased political uncertainty.The Scotsman says file results reflect the bewilderment of a people who are watching file abrupt disintegration of the countrys post-war political and economic fabric. The Yorkshire Post says the results raise the perennial question of whether Italy is governable.

13、 And The Independent adds that theres little prospect of a convincing new party of the moderate centre right emerging in time for the elections to fill the political vacuum left by the discredited Christian democrats and socialists.(33)A.It won the elections easily.B.It lost the elections completely

14、.C.It attracted considerable attention in newspapers.D.It didnt cause the falls on the stock exchange.26.听力原文: Generalizing about education in the United States involves some hazard because education is decentralized and standards vary from place to place. What is more, diversity is the hall-mark of

15、 American education.Education is largely a public function in America, but religious and private institutions do sponsor schools. These private schools, particularly in the primary and secondary field, are now enjoying a resurgence.Most children in America begin school in a kindergarten class at age 5. This follows with eight years of primary education, then four years of high school. Education is compulsory until about



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