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1、2022年四川省自贡市大学英语6级大学英语六级重点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.No matter what the methods we use, the final result is that we will need to decrease CO2 emissions by 70% to 80% simply to stabilize_.2. Its the monitoring function that makes the host processo

2、r finally solve a dispute about a transaction.3.Dark setting can give a message to the brain to release chemicals that lead to _.4.Rangacharis study caught the attention of Indian government.A.Y B.N C.NG5.The traditional idea that competitive sports build character has apparently _ in todays U.S.6.B

3、y saying As you experiment, avoid random motion, the author means you should _ in order not to head in an opposite direction.7.Jacques Delors suggested euro as the name of the single currency in Europe.A.Y B.N C.NG8.In this article the author uses _ to support many of his important points in the new

4、s story.9.Another technical advance in gardening in the 19th century was that people could grow plants in containers in spring and autumn only.A.Y B.N C.NG10._, in which people can easily anticipate what each other will do day by day, leads to the formation of English friendship.11.The reasons why h

5、ealth services grow fast today are_, the growing size of the U. S. population and the increasing proportion of older people in the population.12.As a result of steady and predictable increases in science funding _.13.The solar spectrum includes visible light, infrared light, X-rays, and _.14.Richard

6、 Nixons ChildhoodOne way in which both Frank and Hannah did show their love was in their willingness to make sacrifices for their children. As parents, they were devoted to ensuring that their sons obtained the best possible education. At an early age they concentrated their efforts on Richard, as h

7、e showed most signs of being a talented and perhaps even a gifted child.The making of the early mind of Richard Nixon owed most to his mother. If her marriage had not cut short her college education she would have become a teacher. She was a well-educated young woman, proficient in Greek, Latin, Ger

8、man and French, with a deep interest in European culture.Hannah taught Richard to read before he went to infant school and awakened his interest in her own specialized areas of classics, languages, and history. By the age of five he had become an eager reader of childrens encyclopedias, history stor

9、ies and adult periodicals.Hannah opened Richards mind to European culture; she started him off in French and German, introduced him to Shakespeare and trained him to recite poetry. Hannah was, above all, a classicist. She believed that Latin was the fountainhead of language, and that the ancient his

10、torians and orators were the masters of clear expression. Under his mothers instruction classics had a strong influence on Richards childhood imagination.Besides expanding Richards mental curiosity and capabilities far beyond the interests of the average five year old, Hannah drilled into him the im

11、portance of working hard in order to grow up to be somebody. A small clue to her strong desire for her second son was her attempt to stop the use of the nickname Dick as too foolish, perhaps, for a future man of importance. By the way Miss George, please call my son Richard and never Dick. I named h

12、im Richard, Hannah told his school-teacher on the day he entered the elementary school. Miss Mary George never forgot this requestone of the many reasons why this little boy was rather different from the others in her class. Her recollections of Richard Nixons early progress are revealing.He was a v

13、ery quiet, studious boy and kept mostly to himself.he was one of those rare individuals born with knowledge. He only had to be exposed or shown and he never forgot.he absorbed knowledge of any kind.in that year he read no less than thirty or forty books, maybe more, besides doing all of his other wo

14、rk.he never had to work for knowledge at all. He was told something and he never forgot. He has a photographic mind, I think.Although this early judgment of Richards ability by his first schoolmistress may be too flattering, nevertheless Miss Georges reference to the photographic quality of his mind

15、 showed much insight. The phrase photographic memory falls too easily from the tongue and is rarely accurate, but what can be said with certainty of Richard Nixon is that he was blessed with a very good memory. For various reasons it has often suited him during his career to downplay this remarkable gift. During his life he preferred to brush aside discussion of this talent with the comment, My memory is very good only for a simple reasonI worked at it. However he acquired it, there is little doubt that this capacity for remembering information of every descrip



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