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1、2022年四川省眉山市大学英语6级大学英语六级测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(20题)1.In the authors opinion, real self-esteem usually comes from meeting worthwhile goals combined with _.A.hard workB.positive praiseC.severe criticizeD.realistic feedback2.The price of natural gas

2、is cheaper and more stable than that of gasoline.A.Y B.N C.NG3.CPAP is a useful machine for people with snoring problems because it can help to_.4.antisocial behavior.5. Teresa Fishman believes that _.A.it is acceptable for unsigned information hanging in cyberspaceB.it is necessary for unsigned inf

3、ormation signed in cyberspaceC.it is reasonable for students to take information unsignedD.it is advisable for anyone to take information unsigned freely6.The author suggests that 20% of each paycheck be invested in something with_.7.Overcoming procrastination: A Practical ApproachDo you find that y

4、ou often begin correspondence with a phrase like, Im sorry its taken me long to get back to you, or, My apologies for the delay in responding? This may be an indication that you re in the habit of purring things off. Similarly, a desk of files filled with projects which you have yet to begin or whic

5、h are partially completed but inactive, is another sure sign that theres problem, ff you are one of those people who insists on cleaning up all the little projects awaiting you, in order to remove those bothersome little things before you begin a major project, you are actually engaging in procrasti

6、nation by allowing yourself to fall victim to the tyranny of the trivial.Reasons for procrastinationLike many issues involving time management, procrastination is a behavioral problem, and like all such problems it can, with sufficient motivation, be changed. In order to change a behavioral parrem,

7、however, it is necessary to understand the reasons for that behavior.Dont know where to startIf you think about it, the tasks which you tend to postpone will generally fall into two categories. The firstof these is the fairly large or complex task. Such tasks are generally important in their outcome

8、, which only adds to the pressure to do a good job, and yet their very complesity makes it diffcult to know just where or how to begin. The result is that the task is put off until it simply has to be dealt with.An unplesant taskThe second category of task commonly postponed is that which is either

9、unpleasant to do or may have unpleasant consequences. This may be some aspect of your work that you simply dont enjoy, or it may be something like a negative job appraisal for an employee, for which you know there will be repercussions. Again, the task is put off until other pressures make it necesa

10、ry for it to be tackled.Fear of failureOn a hit more psychological note, there are those who put off tasks because they have a subconscious fear that they will not be able to perform. them satisfactorily. Related to this arc those who hold themselves to the standard of perfection for all work they d

11、o. If you suspect that their work will be less than perfect they may be inclined to put it off.Excusing sub-standard performanceAt the opposite end of the spectrum are those who use procrastination (generally not on a conscious level) as a means of excusing work which they know is of poor quality. I

12、 could have done better if Id had more time, is the general refrain of such people, though on closer examination it may be found that they didnt have time because they chose to procrastinate. Keep in mind, of course, that there are some projects which do come up as emergencies and for which you real

13、ly dont have sufficient time, so dont assume that this refrain is always a sign of a procrastination problem.Overcoming ProcrastinationIt is important that you take the time to recognize which reasons apply most to you or to your staff members. By doing so you will be able to select from the solutio

14、ns that follow, the one or more that will best help you to overcome procrastination.Use the SWAP approach. If you analyze an overwhelming task that is currently facing you, you will probably find that it can be broken down into a number of smaller, more manageable pieces. A logical order will emerge

15、 for compliting each part, or you may have to impose such an order on the component parts. You can then SWAPStart With A Part. And if youve listed the various parts in writingwhich is recommendedyou can have the pleasure of crossing them off step by step, and seeing a visual representaA.Y B.N C.NG8.

16、How to Find Time to ReadDo you want to know how to improve yourself all the time without having to spend more time reading because you get involved in work everyday? Does it sound too good to be true? Well, read on, please.An Average ReaderIf you are an average reader you can read an average book at th



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