Unit 5 Why do you like pandads Section B Period IV2a-2c 单元整体教学设计

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《Unit 5 Why do you like pandads Section B Period IV2a-2c 单元整体教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 Why do you like pandads Section B Period IV2a-2c 单元整体教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标英语七年级下册教学设计课题 Why do yo like pandas .Section B Period IV 2a-2c单元Unit 5学科英语年级七年教材分析(语篇研读)作为一节阅读课,由前面一课时Tony 和Mary 参观动物园的场景,学生学会了如何用英语描述动物的特点。本课转向了对“濒危动物”的关注,2a通过众多濒危动物引出本课中关于“大象”的语篇阅读。2b让学生进行整体阅读并选择最佳标题,意在培养学生快速阅读和归纳语篇中心思想的能力。2c意在培养学生构建思维导图的阅读策略,帮助学生将抽象的零碎知识分裂整理成与主题密切相关又相对独立的块状知识。这不仅有助于学生深入理解语篇,抓住

2、重点信息,而且能够增强学生的思维能力,提升注意力与记忆力,启发联想力和创造力。 核心素养教学目标一、语言知识目标1.学生能口头及书面掌握以下重点词汇:save, flag, forget , place , water , danger , cut , down , tree , kill , over ; 理解短文中出现的短语:save the elephants , one of Thailands symbols , be in great danger , cut down , kill elephants . 二、思维品质目标学生能运用不同的阅读策略完成不同的阅读任务,能回答相关问题

3、,从而理解短文大意。 三、 学习能力目标 能主动参与课内外各种英语实践活动,注意倾听,即使使用英语进行交流,遇到问题主动请教。 四、 文化意识目标 学生能运用所学句型,词汇,利用思维导图和课文内容,介绍大象的特点;并能运用所哦学,口头介绍其他动物,从而激发学生关爱动物的情感。 重点培养学生良好的阅读习惯,培养学生快速阅读和归纳语篇中心的能力;学会利用思维导图进行归纳总结。 难点让学生把关于喜好动物原因的口语化表达转化为描述性的语言,完成笔头输出。 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课1. Play a game Who will be the king of the animals

4、 ?竞赛规则:请同学们小组讨论选择代表哪种动物,帮助你所代表的动物闯关,最后获得分数最多的小组所代表的动物为动物之王。 Challenge 1:Show some Pictures of animals fast , and ask students to tell the animals they saw just now .Challenge 2: Discuss the four questions in groups (1) What animals are lazy ?(2) What animals eat grass ?(3) What animals eat meat ?(4)

5、 What animals eat leaves ? Challenge 3: Ask students to talk about animals by using as many description words as possible . 2. Pair work Guide the students to work in pairs to talk about the animals they like and the reasons . A:What animals do you like ? B: I like . A:Why do you like them ?B: Becau

6、se they are . 做游戏自由讨论。通过竞赛的方式帮助学生复习前几课所学的知识,即复习了描述动物的形容词又复习了动物名称,以有趣的形式复习了前面所学的知识。 讲授新课Step 1 Presentation 1. Show the students some pictures about animals in danger , and tell the students the situation of them . 2. 2a Ask the students to check the animals that they think are in great danger . Step

7、 2 Fast reading 1. Guide the students to read the four title . Then let the students read the whole article fast and choose one as the title for the article in 2b. 2. Guide the students to read the article again, and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph . Paragraph 1. _ Paragraph 2 _ Para

8、graph 3 _ Step 3 Careful reading 1. Read the first paragraph carefully and answer the following question . Why are elephants important in Thailand ?They are important because :they are one of Thailands _ . the first flag had _ on it. 2. Read Paragraph 2 and answer the question . What can elephants d

9、o ?Elephants can :_or _ . also _very well . _for a long time and never _ .also _ places with food and water. 3. Read Paragraph 3 and answer the questions . (1)Why are elephants in great dangerThey are in great danger . people _ many trees so elephants are losing _ . people kill elephants for _ . (2)

10、 How can they save elephants ?To save them , we cant cut down so many _ . cant _ things made of ivory . remember that _ is Thai Elephant Day.Step 4 Mind map 2c Read the article again and complete the mind map in the book . Have students work in small groups of four to complete and check the mind map

11、 . Step 5 Retelling Guide students to retell the article according to the mind map . 根据图片思考。 观察与思考同汉语一样,英语的短文每段也又中心句-Topic Sentence .它们大多在句首,有时也在文章的中间出现,有时需要自己去概括,观察本文这三段的中心句是在哪里出现的。 观察并回答问题。 讨论并回答问题。 速读并回答问题。 通过播放濒危动物的图片和介绍濒危动物的现状,在学生的头脑中植入保护动物的理念,为小面的阅读教学做铺垫。 通过此项阅读任务,帮助学生获取每段段意,并且学会在文段中寻找主题句,这有利于

12、培养学生概括文段大意的能力。 通过分段阅读,设计不同的阅读问题,帮助学生进一步了解文章内容,培养学生通过阅读获取细节信息的能力 。 课堂练习一、 英译汉1. save the elephants _2. kill elephants for their ivory _3. one of Thailands symbols _4. be in great danger_5. cut down trees _ 6. get lost _ 二、 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 大象能行走很长实践并且从不迷路。 Elephants can _for a long time and never _ _ .

13、 2. 大象也能记住有食物和水源的地方 。 Elephants can also remember places _ water and food. 课堂小结本节课我们主要学习了重点词汇:save , flag , forget , place , water, danger , cut , down , tree, kill , over; 理解了短文中出现的短语save the elephants , one of Thailands symbols , be in great danger , cut down , kill elephants .本节课我们还运用了不同的阅读策略完成了不同的阅读任务,回答了相关问题,从而理解了短文大意。了解了濒危动物及它们的生存现状,懂得了要关爱动物。 板书 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? Section B 2a-2csave the elephants one of Thailands symbols be in great danger cut down kill elephants f



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