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1、备考测试备考测试 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库(含答案含答案)典型题典型题 单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、对英镑和美元而言,如果英镑的汇率上升,意味着美元的汇率将()。A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.两者之间没有关系【答案】B 2、关于共同犯罪,下列表述最为准确的是()。A.共同犯罪是指两人以上共同参加的犯罪 B.三人以上为共同实施犯罪而组织在一起的,是犯罪集团 C.犯罪集团是共同犯罪的特殊形式 D.刑法理论上,对共同犯罪成员的分类一般是主犯、从犯、教唆犯、胁从犯【答案】C 3、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认

2、为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.新技术对于成年人来说并不需要 B.孩子的好奇心比成年人大 C.成年人总是会担心末知因素对下一代的影响 D.新技术大多都是针对下一代人而推出的【答案】D 4、商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为()。A.长期贷款和短期贷款 B.信用贷款和担保贷款 C.企业贷款和个人贷款 D.正常贷款和关注贷款【答案】B 5、下列说法不正确的是()。A.鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人 B.郭沫若的女神是现代文学史上第一篇白话文 C.田汉是中国现代戏剧的奠基

3、人 D.巴金是现代家族小说的开拓者【答案】B 6、在我国,对于项目型管理的企业来说,会优先采取哪一种运作模式?()A.事业部制 B.矩阵制 C.直线职能制 D.职能制【答案】B 7、在货币资金借贷中,还款违约属于金融风险中的()。A.流动性风险 B.市场风险 C.操作风险 D.信用风险【答案】D 8、以下有关计算机病毒的描述,不正确的是()。A.特殊的计算机部件 B.传播速度快 C.人为编制的特殊程序 D.危害大【答案】A 9、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2 元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.Y X r B.Y/r C.r/Y D.Y X(1+r)【答案】

4、B 10、Passage 2 A.Modern technology is what we cant live without B.Digital technology often falls short of our expectation C.gital devices are more reliable than they used to be D.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceelys accident【答案】B 11、资料:For nearly a century,Hilton Worldwide has offered business

5、 and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations,service,amenities and value.A.A policy announcement B.A recruitment ad C.A proposal D.A business license【答案】B 12、()要求企业对于已经发生的交易或者事项,应当及时进行确认、计量和报告,不得提前或者延后。A.重要性 B.及时性 C.可靠性 D.谨慎性【答案】B 13、下列销售预测方法中,属于定性分析法的是()。A.指数平滑法 B.加权平均法 C.德尔菲法 D.回归直线法【答案】C 1

6、4、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her countrys withdrawal from the European Union,Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the countrys exit.A.Thereas Mays makes financial commitment

7、 to EU for the transition period B.Britain insists on leaving EU without any agreement C.EU wont talk to Britain unless Britain makes concessions D.Thereas May seeks to unlock Brexit talks in her speech【答案】D 15、下来关于“服务业营业税改征增值税”的说法正确的是()。A.服务业营业税改征增值税是指根据服务业的营业税修改增值税 B.改革只针对服务行业 C.服务业营业税改征增值税是指对服务业由

8、征收营业税改为征收增值税 D.试点行业的总体税负略有增加【答案】C 16、In 2012,the last_flood hit the southwestern part of the Netherlands and caused more than 1800 casualties.A.adverse B.radical C.severe D.disastrous【答案】D 17、同时同地,一根长 1 米的标杆的影长 0.6 米,一名修理工要爬至 48 米高的电视塔上修理设备,他竖直方向爬行的速度为 0.4 米/秒,则此人的影子移动的速度为()米每秒。A.0.56 B.0.24 C.0.48

9、D.0.36【答案】B 18、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.A.admitted B.accepted C.received D.announced【答案】A 19、在 20 世纪 80 年代中后期,由于温州很多企业生产假冒伪劣产品,导致了在全国市场上抵制“温州货”现象。这表明()。A.使用价值是价值的物质承担者 B.生产商品的个别劳动时间少于社会必要劳动时间 C.生产商品的个别劳动时间多于社会必要劳动时间 D.价值是使用价值的前提和基础【答案】A 20、Whi

10、le food waste is a hot topic in the U.S.,its a particular_in low-income nations where food is sometimes a scarce resource to begin with。A.increase B.initiative C.damage D.challenge【答案】D 21、_ with the law is expected in the state.Any violation will put you into great trouble.A.Compliance B.Agreement

11、C.Balance D.Obedience【答案】A 22、There are many ways to define the“time”at a particular _.Here,on Earth our usual system is defined by the motion of the Sun in the sky.A.district B.iocation C.interpretation D.direction【答案】B 23、资料:Talk about Christmas in July.Carrie Rocha has already started her holiday

12、 shopping.“A few weeks back I picked up a$60 toy for$4,and,truth be told,I picked up a whole lot more than that,”she wrote in an email.“I spent about$80 total and got$350+in toys.”A.Buy as many cheap items as possible B.Get loans from different banks C.Publish her own books to pay off the debt D.Get

13、 prepared for holidays as early as possible【答案】D 24、资料:It is September of 1998,Im sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights.Im listening to the sound of my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend h

14、ad made the year before.For the past eight months,the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head.A few days later,the Star Report is released to Congress,and all of those tapes and transcripts,those stolen words,form a part of it.That people can read the trans

15、cripts is horrific enough,but a few weeks later,the audio tapes are aired on TV,and significant portions made available online.The pubic humiliation was excruciating.(1)A.The idea of committing suicide B.The urgent peril to the authors life C.The harm caused by cyberbullying D.The hatred to those wh

16、o cheated the author【答案】C 25、资料:Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity.It may be walking,cycling or swimming,or in winter,skating or skiing.It may be a game of some forms,football,hockey,golf,or tennis.It may be mountaineering.A.cold B.hardship C.physical risk D.all of the above【答案】D 26、Passage 1 A.It can accurately pinpoint a countrys current economic problems B.It can help to raise peoples awareness of their economic well-being C.It can diagnose the causes of a countrys slowing


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