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1、备考模拟备考模拟 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲刺模拟试卷冲刺模拟试卷 B B 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、The()behind the yellow tape is prohibited to anyone without a press pass.A.positing B.scenery C.exterior D.area【答案】D 2、下列关于期权的说法中,()是不正确的。A.期权的买方只有义务而没有权利 B.期权的卖方没有选择权 C.期权的交易对象是选择权 D.期权的买方可以放弃行使期权【答案】

2、A 3、Passage 4 A.a form of gambling B.a way of making money quickly C.useful and necessary D.old-fashioned【答案】C 4、In some cases the exchange continued further,a sign of strong_over basic matters.A.disagreement B.consistency C.joke D.diversion【答案】B 5、我国人民币汇率采取的标价方法是()。A.直接标价法 B.间接标价法 C.美元标价法 D.双向标价法【答

3、案】A 6、资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses arent one and the same,though.A.will probably loan money bad-credit people as they still have open accounts B.will probably loan money no-credit people as they havent made any financial mistake

4、s C.wont risk loaning money or extending credit to no-credit person or bad-credit person D.None of above【答案】C 7、He said the UK government would allow the island to determine its own_and democracy.A.equality B.enhancement C.agreement D.development【答案】A 8、下列各项中,不具有行政主体资格的是()。A.乡镇人民政府 B.公安派出所 C.街道办事处 D

5、.公安局法制科【答案】D 9、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,investin

6、g(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.ways to teach students to earn money B.how Diane Ray learns to value money C.the push to t

7、each personal finance in school D.how students choose a proper financial class【答案】C 10、()就是取得或制造某项财产物资时所实际支付的现金或者其他等价物。A.历史成本 B.公允价值 C.可变现净值 D.现值【答案】A 11、资料:We never thought wed say this,but wed welcome back some chilly weather.A.the cool mass of air originates from Canada B.a mass of cold air will

8、affect both Canada and the U.S C.the chilly weather is back to the globe D.only the upper Midwest will be affected by the cool air【答案】B 12、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba.Just last week,the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hour

9、s on Singles Day.A few months back,Alibaba claimed the title of the worlds biggest IPO,raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE.Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.A.It announced that they would import more Australian products into China B.It announced that they would promote the trade between China an

10、d Australia C.It announced that they would introduce more Australian products to Chinese online consumers D.It announced that they would bring more Chinese goods into the Australian market【答案】C 13、根据蒙代尔的国际收支政策配合理论,当某国处于国际收支顺差、国内经济膨胀的经济状态时,应搭配财政政策和货币政策。()A.紧缩性的;扩张性的 B.扩张性的:扩张性的 C.扩张性的;紧缩性的 D.紧缩性的;紧缩性

11、的【答案】A 14、当外汇业务发生时,对有人民币外汇汇率的外币,都直接以()为记账单位。A.外币 B.原币 C.外币或者原币 D.依情况而定使用何种货币【答案】B 15、商业银行的经营是指对其所开展的各项业务活动的()。A.组织和控制 B.组织和营销 C.控制和监督 D.计划和组织【答案】B 16、Passage 10 A.protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies B.teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year C.ensure constant interaction with their chi

12、ldren D.remain concerned about kids use of screens【答案】C 17、资料:Candle Light College Limited A.Degree B.Computer knowledge C.Related work experience D.Flexible working hours【答案】C 18、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special disco

13、unt()its customers.A.by B.to C.with D.upon【答案】B 19、下列各项业务,在进行会计处理时应计入管理费用的是()。A.支付离退休人员工资 B.销售用固定资产计提折旧 C.生产车间管理人员的工资 D.计提坏账准备【答案】A 20、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”A.It designs classic car models B.It produces hand-made cars C.It research and develop car-related technolo

14、gies D.It creates advertisements for the cars【答案】B 21、由某一银行集团成立股权公司,再由该公司控制或收购两家以上的若干银行而建立的一种银行制度,属于()制度。A.持股公司制 B.连锁银行制 C.代理银行制 D.总分行制【答案】A 22、()基金,股份相对固定,一般不向投资者增发新股或赎回旧股。A.开放型 B.契约型 C.公司型 D.封闭型【答案】D 23、2010 年某省 8 个地市的财政支出(单位:万元)分别为:59000,50002,65602,66450,78000,78000,78000,132100 这组数据的中位数和众数分别是()

15、万元。A.78000.78000 B.72225,78000 C.66450.132100 D.75894.25,132100【答案】B 24、Education has a value of consumption and its demand will depend on its own price,prices of other goods,and_income.A.domestic B.home C.house D.household【答案】D 25、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,but other financial hubs i

16、n America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center,and Houston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.A.New York is the worlds largest financial hub B.Houston is the worlds biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds C.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United Stat



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