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1、过关检测过关检测 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库(含答案含答案)基础题基础题 单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、任何热机的效率都不可能达到 100%,是在热力学第()定律表现出来的。A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四【答案】B 2、Happiness is subjective,and one that we may not be able to accurately_across all countries.But that obviously isnt going to stop anyone from trying。A.try B

2、.track C.divide D.follow【答案】B 3、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language A.introduce a new course to students B.help students learn about investment C.t

3、each how to apply for a credit card D.encourage studentspersonal savings【答案】B 4、关于股票和公司债券的公开行为,以下说法正确的是()。A.股票发行实行核准制,公司债券实行审批制 B.股票和公司债券均实行审批制 C.股票和公司债券均实行核准制 D.股票发行实行审批制,公司债券发行实行核准制【答案】C 5、中国是世界上()的国家。A.森林资源最丰富 B.植物种类最多 C.微生物种类最多 D.动物种类最多【答案】D 6、She_as an animal trainer since2003.A.hasworked B.wor

4、ks C.willwork D.worked【答案】A 7、明成祖朱棣在位时期,迎来了明朝首个国力强盛的时期,下列事件中,与其有关的是()。A.洪武移民 B.靖难之役 C.废除宰相制度 D.土木堡之变【答案】B 8、对于财产清査结果的处理,国家会计制度和单位内部会计控制制度都有规定和要求,下列各项中,未作明确规定的是()。A.分析产生差异的原因和性质,提出处理建议 B.积极处理多余积压财产,清理往来款项 C.落实经济责任,表彰先进 D.及时调整账簿记录,保证账实相符【答案】C 9、买卖双方分别承诺在将来某一特定时间按照事先确定的价格,购买和提供某种商品。这种金融衍生工具是()。A.远期合约 B

5、.期权合约 C.票据发行便利 D.互换交易【答案】A 10、资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars,but on Sunday,Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge:A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years.A.At almost unprecedented moment in history,we should

6、 reach our potential to decide whether to take the right path B.At almost unprecedented moment in history we should reach our potential to decide whether to take decisive action C.At almost unprecedented moment history,we should reach our potential to choose the right answers to all the problems enc

7、ountered by us D.At almost unprecedented moment in history we should our potential to realize the advent of the era of self-driving cars【答案】D 11、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.新技术对于成年人来说并不需要 B.孩子的好奇心比成年人大 C.成年人总是会担心末知因素对下一代的影响

8、D.新技术大多都是针对下一代人而推出的【答案】D 12、营业推广的目标通常是()。A.了解市场,促进产品试销对路 B.刺激消费者即兴购买 C.降低成本,提高市场占有率 D.帮助企业与各界公众建立良好关系【答案】B 13、随着生产和生活垃圾的急剧增加,垃圾处理已成为一个重要的社会和经济问题。而有关专家却说垃圾是放错了地方的资源。”将垃圾看成是“放错了地方的资源”这段话()。A.坚持了联系的观点,世界上一切事物都是相互联系的 B.混渚了矛盾主次方面,看不到矛盾主要方面决定事物性质 C.坚持了矛盾的分析方法,看到矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化 D.违背了矛盾普遍性和特殊性辩证关系,看不到矛盾的普遍性【

9、答案】C 14、使用“5C”系统评估顾客的信用标准时,首要考虑的因素是()。A.品质 B.能力 C.条件 D.资本【答案】A 15、货币供应量是一国在某时期内为社会经济运转服务的货币存量,它由包括中央银行在内的金融机构供应的存款货币和现金货币两部分构成。中央银行在公开市场上买卖有价证券,最直接影响(),从而影响货币供应量。A.中央银行再贷款 B.商业银行法定准备金 C.中央银行再贴现 D.商业银行超额准备金【答案】D 16、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to t

10、he Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Chinese businessmen look for ways to combine different options B.Chinese businessmen have stronger sense of national pride C.Chinese businessmen have their own pace doing business D.Chinese businessm

11、en treasure close relationship【答案】B 17、资料:欧洲的经济学家 Mr.T 首先跟你谈了欧洲的一些优势,以及一些好的企业。请根据下列资料回答问题 A.It is a Spanish food B.It is a soft drink C.It is a sports drink D.It is a food and drinks company【答案】C 18、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it were so.At your age yo

12、u ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them

13、 are trying to seize at one anothers hands for safety.A.are not sure of themselves B.have much difficulty in understanding each other C.dare not do things D.are very much afraid of getting lost【答案】A 19、资料:Children back at school,nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable.The s

14、easons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets,theres a whiff of uncertainty in the air.Bond yields are up from their lows,and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset,anywhere,with some yield,is slowing.A.After Britain leaving the E.U the investment dec

15、ision of investors has been affected B.After Britain leaving the E.U,the value of the pound will be seen weakened further C.After Britain leaving the E.U,the fed takes this opportunity to raise the rate D.After Britain leaving the E.U,the Bank of England has already cut policy rates to 0.25%【答案】A 20

16、、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【答案】C 21、资料:Happy wood sprites knows the way to Fenghuang city.A.It is creamed B.It is steamed C.It is grilled D.It is roasted【答案】C 22、2020 年 2 月初,武汉市开始连夜建设三所“()”,用于专门收治确诊的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎轻症患者。A.火神山医院 B.雷神山医院 C.小汤山医院 D.方舱医院【答案】D 23、Passage 1 A.0.5%B.0.9%C.3.5%D.3.1%【答案】A 24、人民代表大会制度的核心内容是()。A.民主集中制 B.国家的一切权力属于人民 C.坚持中国共产党的领导 D


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