人教PEP版四年级下册Unit2核心突破专项训练 情景选择卷含答案

人教PEP版四年级英语下册核心突破专项训练 Unit2 What time is it? 情景选择卷 1. 当你想说放学了,该回家了。应该这样说:( ) A.What time is it? B.School is over. It’s time to go home. C.Hurry up. Let’s go. 2. 你想出去玩,但是要征求妈妈的同意,你可以这样问妈妈: ( ) A.Can I help you? B.Mum, can I go outside? C.Do you go home, Mum? 3. 快上数学课了,弟弟还在吃早餐,你应说:( ) A.Hurry up! B.It's time for maths class. 4. 上学时间到了,你应该提醒妹妹:( ) A.It's time to go to school. B.It's time for breakfast. 5. 你告诉朋友是时候吃晚饭了,应说: ( ) A.Time for dinner.                                   B.Time for bed. 6. 你想表达“我准备好了”,你会说:( ) A.I’m ready. B.It’s nice. 7. 你想表达现在是晚上8点钟,你应说:( ) A.It's 8:00 a.m. now. B.It's 8:00 p.m. now. 8. 老师宣布放学应该说:( ) A.School is over. B.Class is over. 9. 一班和二班的男同学在进行拔河比赛,女同学们在旁边给他们加油时会喊:( ) A.Come on! B.Excuse me. C.What’s that? 10.过马路时,你想提醒对方要当心,你可以这样说:(      ) A.Hurry up! B.Be careful. 11.妈妈做好了早饭,她应该说:( ) A.Let’s have dinner! B.Breakfast is ready! 12.你想表达去图书馆的时间到了,你应该说:( ) A.It’s time to go to the library. B.It’s time for go to the library. 13.上学时间到了但是你还在整理书包,于是哥哥催促道:( ) A.Time to go to bed. B.Come on! Please get up. C.Hurry up! It’s time to go to school. 14.一切准备好了,可以出发了,你应该说:( ) A.Let’s go. B.Time to go home. C.Let’s have breakfast. 15.上课铃响了,同桌还在慢吞吞地走着,你会对他说:( ) A.All right. B.Hurry up. C.Goodbye! 16.你邀请别人和你一起唱歌、跳舞时,你说:( ) A.Let's sing and dance. B.Let's read and write. C.Let's jump and run. 17.上学快迟到了,妈妈会对你说:( ) A.Hurry up! B.Be quiet! 18.中午妈妈做好了午饭,她会对你说:( ) A.It's time for lunch. B.It's time for breakfast. C.It's time to go home. 19.午餐时间到了,妈妈喊你吃午餐,她应该说:( ) A.It’s time for lunch. B.Have some dinner. 20.你想表达自己的钥匙和玩具在书包里, 你应该说:( ) A.I have keys and toys in my schoolbag. B.I have a key and a toy in my schoolbag. 21.你通常九点睡觉,当同桌问你几点睡觉时,你会说:( ) A.It`s eight o`clock. B.I go to bed at nine. C.It`s time to go home. 22.当你想说“该回家了,孩子们。”时,你应说:( ) A.Time to go home, kids. B.Time to go to bed, kids. C.Time to go to school, kids. 23.当你想询问别人“现在是什么时间?”你可以说:( ) A.What time is it now? B.What’s the weather like? 24.中午十二点,妈妈喊你吃饭时,她会说:( ) A.It’s time to have dinner. B.It’s time for lunch. C.Breakfast is ready. 25.晚饭已经做好了,妈妈应该说:( ) A.Dinner is good. B.Dinner is ready. 26.妹妹问你现在几点了,你看了看表告诉她:( ) A.Just a minute. B.It’s three o’clock. C.I have an English class. D.I have three. 27.当你想问时间,你应该说:( ) A.It’s 6 o'clock. B.What time is it? 28.早上你想和小明一起去上学,但是他想让你等他一会儿,他会说:( ) A.Just a minute. B.Let’s go! C.It’s time for school. 29.你想表达上英语课的时间到了,你应该说:( ) A.It’s time for English class. B.It’s time to English class. 30.早上醒来你想知道几点了,你会问妈妈:( ) A.How time is it now? B.Where’s the clock? C.What time is it? 31.早晨七点半,你叫妹妹起床时,妹妹想知道几点了,你会告诉她:( ) A.It’s 7:30 a. m. B.It’s 7:30 p. m. C.It’s 7 o’clock. 32.你想问下Miss White是不是该上音乐课了,你会问:( ) A.Miss White, is it time for music class? B.Miss White, is it time for art class? 33.你想表达八点了,该上英语课了,你应该说:( ) A.It’s 8 o'clock. It’s time for English class. B.It’s 8 o'clock. It’s time for computer class. 34.当你想说“放学了。”时,你会说:( ) A.Time to go to school. B.School is over. C.Class is over. 35.让我们一起在操场上踢足球吧,用英语应说:( ) A.Let’s play on the playground! B.Let’s play football on the playground! 36.你想让你的同学快点,可以说:( ) A.Just a minute! B.Hurry up! 37.早上妈妈把早饭做好了,她会这样告诉我们:( ) A.I’m ready. B.Breakfast is ready. 38.你想知道同学Amy在哪里,在电话中,你可以这样问她:( ) A.What time is it there? B.Where are you? 39.该上体育课了,班长会对同学们说:( ) A.Let’s go to the computer room. B.Let’s go to the library. C.Let’s go to the playground. 40.当朋友参加足球比赛时,你会说:( ) A.Come here. B.Come on! 41.放学后,你想邀请同桌一起去操场,应该说:( ) A.Let's go home together. B.Let's go to the playground. 42.你上学要迟到了,妈妈会说:( ) A.Hurry up. B.Just a minute. 43.当别人催促你时,你可以说:( ) A.Hurry up! B.Just a minute. 44.你肚子饿了,提议吃一些米饭,你应该说:( ) A.I’m hungry. Let’s drink some rice. B.I’m hungry. Let’s eat some rice. C.I’m hungry. Let’s have some milk. 45.你想告诉Amy“该到吃早饭的时间了。”你会说:( ) A.It’s time have breakfast. B.It’s time for music class. C.It’s time to have breakfast. 46.你想给别人带路,应该说:( ) A.Just a minute. B.This way, please. 47.假如你是Tom打电话时,应该这样说:( ) A.Hello! This is Tom speaking. B.Hello! I’m Tom. 48.你想邀请你的朋友和你一起去操场,你这样对他说:( ) A.Let’s go to the playground. B.Let’s go home. 49.当你没有戴手表,想问别人时间时,你应该说:  ( ) A.What time is it? B.I have a watch. 50.你想说“我准备好了”,应该说:( ) A.I’m ready. B.Hurry up. C.It’s nice. 51.晚上你在书房看完故事书已经九点了,这时妈妈会对你说:( ) A.Time for bed. B.Let’s go home. C.It’s time to get up. 52.当你向别人询问时间时,你会问:( ) A.What's it? B.Where is the clock? C.What time is it? 53.同桌想知道你早上几点起床,你要如何告诉他你七点起床呢?( ) A.It’s time for school. B.I get up at 7:00 a.m. C.At 7:00 p.m. I go home. 54.放学了,老师这样对孩子们说:( ) A.School is over. B.Let’s go. 55.你和弟弟在公园玩了一下午,眼看着天就要黑了,这时你会怎样提醒弟弟该回家了呢?( ) A.Get up, please. B.It’s time to go home. C.Time to go to school. 56.表弟说他该回家了,应该说:( ) A.It’s time for go home.B.It’s time to home. C.It’s time to go home.

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