
题库过关题库过关 20222022 年教师招聘之小学教师招聘高分通关年教师招聘之小学教师招聘高分通关题型题库含答案题型题库含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、在埃里克森看来,学龄期(612 岁)儿童心理发展困难容易导致其产生()。A.孤独感 B.羞耻感 C.自卑感 D.内疚感【答案】C 2、经验描述阶段是从()到 20 世纪初。A.19 世纪末 B.18 世纪末 C.19 世纪初 D.19 世纪中叶【答案】D 3、以下不属于主谓谓语句的一项是()。A.今天星期三 B.我肚子疼 C.他哪儿都去过 D.他俩谁也没见过谁【答案】A 4、As to the development,our country is working hard for a_,from speed over quality to quality over speed.A.switch B.limit C.link D.departure【答案】A 5、古代教育家朱熹认为“小学”阶段(大约十五岁以前)的德育主要应该让学生学习洒扫、应对、进退、衣服冠履等,这类教育活动属于()。A.爱国主义教育 B.基本行为规范教育 C.纪律和法制教育 D.民主意识教育【答案】B 6、对小学生的舆论起主要导向作用的是()。A.班干部 B.教师 C.学生自身 D.学生领袖【答案】B 7、应用题的解题策略一般应包括()A.提出问题、判明问题性质、选择算法、找寻条件 B.提问、识别、探索、解决 C.判明问题性质、选择算法、找寻条件 D.提出问题、选择算法、找寻条件【答案】A 8、It was the afternoon of December 24,but I had to work.The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_.As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me.I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her arms nervously,she explained that her husband,a prisoner,was my next patient.She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son.She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment.Since my timetable wasnt full,I agreed._25_,it was Christmas Eve.A short time later,her husband arrived.The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her.I kept peeling(偷看)out to watch them laugh,cry,and share their child.A.reminded B.asked C.demanded D.allowed【答案】D 9、根据下面资料,回答题 A.more Mayan cities could be found near rivers B.generally pyramid are surrounded by many buildings C.a square could be attributed to natural phenomena D.more Mayan metropolises could be found later by William s technique【答案】D 10、根据下面资料,回答 A.involve B.supply C.charge D.familiarize【答案】D 11、如果高水平学生在测验项目上能得高分,而低水平学生只能得低分,那么就说明=列哪种质量指标高?()A.效度 B.信度 C.难度 D.区分度【答案】D 12、2012 年 2 月,中央“一号文件”发布,主题是_。A.农业科技 B.工业科技 C.商业科技 D.军事科技【答案】A 13、“既追求让所有人都受到同样的教育,又追求教育的自由化”体现教育特点是()。A.教育全民化 B.教育终身化 C.教育多元化 D.教育民主化【答案】D 14、It was the afternoon of December 24,but I had to work.The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_.As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me.I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby in her arms nervously,she explained that her husband,a prisoner,was my next patient.She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son.She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appointment.Since my timetable wasnt full,I agreed._25_,it was Christmas Eve.A short time later,her husband arrived.The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her.I kept peeling(偷看)out to watch them laugh,cry,and share their child.A.sad B.shocked C.cheerful D.confused【答案】A 15、以下属于问题解决的是()A.欣赏音乐 B.每天练太极拳 C.做几何证明题 D.对黑暗的适应【答案】C 16、根据下面资料,回答 A.unproven therapies are commonly used by people B.chronic insomnia is just a minor healthy problem C.the side effects of cognitive/behavioral therapy deserve our attention D.dietary supplements can be introduced to insomnia sufferers【答案】A 17、阅读下面的文字。回答问题。A.隔帘相看可以产生两种感受截然相反的心理,这与阅读宋词时从乐观的视角还是悲观的视角相关,乐观的视角产生幸福和慰藉感,悲观的视角则产生痛苦和折磨感 B.帘外世界对帘内人而言,隐喻着一种美丽然而难以预测的诱惑,一种与当下生存不同的别一样的激情与热烈。不管她接受与否,都会有一种隐秘的渴望被点燃 C.在帘外人看来,帘不仅隔开了帘内外两人的身,也隔开了两人的心,帘内人对帘外人的态度是不很明朗的。道是无情又似声声呼唤,道是有情又似诸多推拒 D.宋代词人普遍流露出一种对既定现实的无奈情绪,既无力进行抗争,又无法断然舍弃,这种忧郁、感伤、惆怅,也传递到了对帘意象的运用处理上【答案】A 18、心理状态是指人在某一时刻心理活动水平。以下属于心理状态是()A.勤劳 B.心境 C.想象 D.态度【答案】B 19、威尼斯画派三杰是()。A.贝里尼、乔尔乔内和提香 B.贝里尼、丁托列托和柯罗乔 C.委罗内塞、丁托列托和柯罗乔 D.提香、委罗内塞和丁托列托【答案】D 20、“综合探索老师(),寻找美术各门类、美术与其他学科、美术与现实社会之间的连接点 A.熟悉教材 B.提高设计水平 C.了解学生 D.改变思维定式【答案】D 21、下列句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是()。A.我这个人到了陌生的地方就容易晕头转向,不知道哪是东,哪是西?B.晚上,屋里静悄悄的,只听见父、子俩的翻书声和窗外三、四只蟋蟀的呜叫声。C.在两幅画前我感到了一种心灵的震撼,也许是达到了与艺术家的“心有灵犀一点通”。D.新疆的胡杨,甘肃的火炬树,黑龙江的暴马丁香,西藏的高山松,广东的大王椰真可谓四海奇树、五洲绝品都汇聚在世博园内。【答案】C 22、人体半月板位于()A.肘关节 B.髋关节 C.膝关节 D.肩关节【答案】C 23、Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a _16_ in number.Human beings are born with this ability._17_,experiments show that many animals are,too.For example,many birds have good number sense.If a nest has four eggs and you remove one,the bird will not _18_.However,if you remove two,the bird _19_ leaves.This means that the bird knows the _20_ between two and three.A.confused B.gone C.tired D.drunk【答案】B 24、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()。A.亵渎 能屈能伸 迫不及待 披星戴月 B.魁梧 舍身取义 刻不容缓 两全其美 C.狡黠 高深莫测 鸦雀无声 和言悦色 D.虔诚 原形毕露 步步为赢 哄堂大笑【答案】A 25、下列各句中没有语病的一项是()。A.“魏晋风骨”这个词对于我们很陌生,读读鲁迅先生的魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系,会有很大的收获。B.据世界野生动物保护协会的最新统计结果显示,目前全世界的动物园的总数至少有 900 家以上。C.面对激烈的竞争,我们所缺乏的,一是面对困难的勇气不足,二是在复杂的形势下采取的策略不当。D.健康休闲是一种以恢复身心健康状态、丰富生活、完善自我为目的的闲暇活动。【答案】D 26、福建省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020 年)提出工作的根本要求是坚持()。A.优先发展 B.改革创新 C.育人为本 D.促进公平【答案】C 27、指导学生的日常交往属于()A.学习指导 B.生活管理 C.学习管理 D.生活指导【答案】D 28、有一位文学家,家道中落,尽管“满径蓬蒿老不华,举家食粥酒常赊”,却对他的作品披阅十载,增删五次,终于写成了一部伟大的现实

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