Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Speaking教案教案课件习题-高中英语必修二

新人教版(2019)英语必修二 Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and Thinking教学设计 课题 Period 1 Listening and Thinking 单元 Unit 5 Music 学科 English 教材 分析 During this period, the class will focus on listening and thinking. Students are expected to get insight into music. The teachers would inspire students to talk about music preference. 教学目标与核心素养 Knowledge objectives: Enable the students focus on listening and thinking. Skill objectives: Help the students get insight into music. Emotional objectives: Improve students’ sense of music. Thinking quality objectives: Inspire the students think about how to express preference. 重点 1. Master the usage of key words and phrases. 2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking ability. 难点 1. Let students pay attention to the plosives. 2. Make the students know about paraphrase. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Daily routine Step 1 Warm up Teacher greets the whole class as usual. - Activate students and remind them to concentrate. Step 2 Preview check Teacher asks students the meaning of words, phrases and knowledge points learnt last lesson. Students answer the questions loudly together. - Check the teaching situation of last lesson quickly. - Help students consolidate the knowledge points. Lead-in Step 3 Saying Teacher shows the pictures to lead the topic. 1. Do you know where the photo was taken? 2. Which languages do you think are officially used here? keys: 1. The photo was taken at a United Nations General Assembly meeting. 2. English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian are officially used here. After acknowledging the information and the meaning of the new words, answer the questions. - Use pictures to catch students’ attention. - Expand their horizons and spark their interest. Step 4 New words Teacher explains the meaning of the new words, and asks students to translate the meaning of the whole sentence. hip-hop bagpipes stringed instrument There is classical music playing in the background. classic adj. I like to listen to it when I exercise.It gives me energy. energetic adj. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband. soulmate n. - Teach the meaning of new words. Step 5 Let’s play Teacher choses students to answer the questions. 1. You're a brave __________. 2. It is of great importance for us to save __________. 3. Most _________ music sends me to sleep. keys: 1. soul 2. energy 3. classical - Familiarize the new words - Clear the tackle of listening practice. Step 6 Pair work Discuss the questions in groups. Before you listen, discuss the question in groups. What are the people doing in the pictures below? Discuss with their patterner and voice their opinions - Familiarize Students with key words. - Make students use core words and phrases. - Exercise students’ expression and speaking skills. Listening & Speaking Step 7 Listening practice Teacher shows the questions. Then teacher plays the listening material and asks students to answer. video: Kinds of music Match the pictures with the correct types of music. Chinese traditional classical country music hip-hop Keys: B A C D A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music. Listen to the interviews. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. Some words will not be used. The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him. Listen to the interviews again and complete the sentences with the words you hear. A: Country music touches my heart. B: So you like music that's __________ of__________? A: When I listen to hip-hop, I just have to move! B: So it makes you want to _________? A: Classical music makes me feel like I'm sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. B: So to you, it's __________ and __________? Keys: full; feeling dance peaceful beautiful Listen to the materials carefully and do the listening exercises. - Familiarize students with key words. - Exercise students’ speaking skills. Step 8 Paraphrase When you want to explain something difficult to somebody, it is helpful to use easier words with the same meaning. This will help you make it easier to understand. Paraphrasing tips Writing an idea in a different way than the published version can be difficult. These are four tricks you can apply to help you do so. Start your first sentence at a different point from that of the original source Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing) Change the sentence structure (e.g. from active to passive voice) Break the information into separate sentences Students listen to the tips. - Help students learn tips in listening practice. - Make students master the listening skill better. - Better finish the testing task. Step 9 Discussion Teacher shows the topic and gives students examples to discuss. Discuss these questions with your classmates. Do

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