Unit 3 Food and Culture 单元测试卷 ( 原卷版)-教案课件-高中英语选择性必修二

选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Food and Culture 单元测试卷 姓名:___________学号:_________得分:____________ I.听力测试。(每个1.5分) 听第1段材料,回答第1至4题。 1.What is the purpose of the app? A. To help people get directions. B. To help people walk more. C. To help people learn some local history. 2 .According to the talk, why is this app popular? A. It is visually attractive. B. It is very cheap. C. It turns exercise into a game. 3. How does the app motivate users? A. By keeping long-term statistics. B. By giving them more games to play. C. By giving them some money. 4 .What doesn't the app record? A. How many miles have been covered. B. How many steps have been taken. C. How many calories have been burned. 听第2段材料,回答第5至7题。 5.Why does the speaker mention the song? A. To explain the difference between cultures. B. To give an example of cultural transmission. C. To recall the memory of the students. 6.Which of the following is example of meme transfer? A. Telling familiar stories. B. Planting a tree. C. Sharing feelings. 7.What will the speaker probably talk about next? A. The development of the meme theory. B. The differences between genes transfer and meme transfer. C. The three key characteristics of meme. 听第3段材料,回答下面8-11个小题。 8 .What is true about central Copenhagen? A. There are 1.27 million bikes there. B. There are more bikes than people there. C. There are the most bike thieves in the world. 9.What percentage of people in Copenhagen ride bikes throughout the year? A. 75%. B. 45%. C. 36%. 10.Where are the free bicycles located? A. Outside most offices. B. Around major tourist attractions. C. Near most schools. 11. According to the talk, what are Copenhagen's citizens like? A. Serious and active. B. Wise and in good shape. C. Content and healthy. II. 单词填空。(每个1分,共10分) 1.Large human brains c_______________(消耗)more food, and weaken muscles. 2.Patricin looked beautiful and e____________ (文雅的)as always. 3.She will be unable to attend the party because of a p____________ (先前的)engagement. 4. There are three e____________(例外的)situations, which you must handle separately. 5.The class needs a m____________ (最小量)of six students to continue. 6. Based on their personal experience, c____________(厨师)make various dishes. 7. Our greatest happiness c____________(构成) of serving the people. 8.She's a strict ____________ (素食者) and refuses to cat any meat or fish. 9.Although this ____________ (食谱)looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare. 10.For ______________(甜点), you can have ice cream or apple pie. III.阅读理解。(每个2.5分) A Food is extremely important to us human beings and rice is one of the main food in the world. Australian researchers have discovered a way to genetically engineer rice which would provide significant health benefits to more than half the world’s population. A study undertaken at the University of Tasmania, published in a respected journal of the National Academy of Sciences, discovered a method to increase the resistant starch (抗性淀粉)content in rice, making it more digestible and leading to lower rate of diabetes (糖尿病)and overweight. Steven Smith, the lead author of the study and a foreign expert for the Chinese government who has been appointed to work on crop improvement projects by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said increasing the higher resistant starch content gave this “designer” rice many added health benefits. “We have discovered that we can increase the amount of resistant starch in cooked rice, which could provide health benefits for a large number of people in Asia and beyond,” Smith said in a media release on Friday. “The same approach can be adapted for use in other cereals, including wheat. Not only can it have benefits for diabetes and obesity, but also for disorders of the bowel(肠)including cancer.” Rice is the main food for more than half the world’s population, providing much of the world with most of their calories. Smith said that as the rate of diabetes and obesity in Asian countries continued to grow, his “designer” rice could provide a way to limit health problems. “Not only does resistant starch reduce the possibility of a ‘sugar hit’ but it also reduces the appetite and promotes the growth of the healthy germs.” Smith said. Smith divides his time between the University of Tasmania and his research lab in Beijing where he hopes to make significant advance in sustainable (可持续的)living. 1.What do we know about the study? A. It is part of Chinese crop improvement projects. B. It will have a significant effect on crop researches. C. It was jointly(联合地)carried out by Australia and China. D. It helps solve the food problem for over half of the world’s population. 2. Based on the text, the resistant starch ________. A. exists in large amounts in cooked rice B. decreases the possibility of a “sugar hit”

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