Unit 3 Food and culture Period 2 Learning about Language 教学设计-教案课件-高中英语选择性必修二

Unit 3 Period 2 Learning about Language 教学设计 This section aims to consolidate the key vocabulary of the first text, help students to further expand the topic vocabulary of this unit, and enrich the theme knowledge design. It aims to guide students to understand and consolidate the meaning and usage of the vocabulary in the context, and match sentences around the theme of this unit, so that students can further expand the knowledge of food culture.The teaching design sets up the context related to the food topic, guides the students to use the unit topic vocabulary in a richer context, and lets the students sort out and accumulate the accumulated vocabulary, establishes the semantic connection between the vocabulary, so as to understand and master the vocabulary more effectively 1. Cultivating students' ability to use word formation to induce and memorize vocabulary, and the ability to use lexical chunks to express meaning. 2. Guide the students to use the correct form of words to complete sentences 3. Cultivate students' habit of using lexical chunks to express language completely, guide students to draw words in sentences quickly, pay attention to word collocation, so as to accumulate more authentic expressions Guiding the Ss to use unit topic words and the sentence patterns in a richer context. Step1: Match the noun phrases on the right with the adjectives that collocate with them • 1.fundamental • 2.consistent • 3.ideal • 4.vivid • 5.overall A .tools to eat noodles with B. colors of the fruit bowls C. environment in the restaurant. D. improvement in cuisine development E. differences between Italian cuisine and Chinese cuisine keys: 1.A 2.D 3. C 4. B 5. E Step2: Complete the sentence according to the Chinese meanings and the initial letters. 1. It is now accepted that people should l___________ themselves to only a few cups of coffee a day for the sake of their health.(限制) 2. Almonds are full of c____________, which is fundamental for body building.(能量) 3. Coffee and tea will usually be served with d______________(甜点) 4. It is was _____________(有点儿)wasteful to consume such vast q____________ of food and drink at a birthday party.(大量)) 5. She gave the children some teething biscuits to c___________during the long car journey. 6.There are two c_____________of protein-animal protein and vegetable protein.(种类) 7.Alexander is the new c________________(主席)of the French Cuisine a____________(协会) 8. I usually have lunch in the school c______________, since it is more convenient and comfortable.(餐厅) 9. He was ____________with jealousy.(充满内心) 10.we aim to get the ______________(最大量)benefit with the __________(最小量)effect. 11.we will have to carry all our camping s___________(东西) 12.Water ___________of hydrogen and oxygen.(含有) 13.______to the meeting, we discussed the matter.(在…之前) 14.The students’ safety is the ________of our school.(首先有考虑的事情)。 key: 1. limit 2. calories 3. dessert 4. somewhat;quantities 5. chew  6. categories 7. chairman association 8. canteen 9. consumed 10. maximum;minimum 11. stuff 12. consists 13. Prior 14. Priority Step 3: Learn more about foods around the world by matching the first and second halves of the following sentences. 1. Italy, Greece, and Spain are famous for their olives, figs, and other ingredients, dessert. 2.She sliced off 3.A traditional Western dinner can consist of A. a piece of sausage for her dinner. B.an appetizer, a main course, soup, and dessert. C.which have all contributed to centuries of key:1. C 2. A 3. B Step4: Find words from the reading passage which have similar meaning to the words in italics. 1. We'll need ten months at least to have the restaurant decorated. 2.Some traditional Chinese dishes from before the Ming Dynasty are still popular today. 3.My grandpa's breakfast mainly includes whole grain biscuits and a glass of milk. 4.People in this area would eat nearly a kilo of cheese per week. 5. We enjoyed a special dinner in a fancy restaurant where the waiters all wore attractive suits. 6. He prefers this brand of coffee which, as he said, has an unusually good flavor. Key: 1. at a minimum  2. prior to 3. consist of 4. consume 5. elegant 6. exceptional Step 5:Familiarize yourself with some food idioms by matching the meaning on the right with the colored words on the left. 1.Public concern for the health of farm animals has mushroomed in the UK 2.Anderson may be young but he's certainly rolling to doing dough! 3.George is a popular lecturer. He often peppers his speech with jokes. 4.As the person to bring home the bacon, he needs to find a stable job. 5 He is often regarded as a ham actor for his over emphasized facial expressions. The media reported that these companies had treated pollution as a hot potato. 6.The media reported that these companies had treated pollution as a hot potato. 7.Don't worry about the test tomorrow. It's going to be a piece of ca

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