Unit 2Bridging cultures Period 5 Using language (2) 学案 -教案课件-高中英语选择性必修二

Unit 2 Period 5 Using language (2) Reading for writing导学案 1. to read these two articles, and understand the author's point of view and argument ideas 2. to summarize the structure and writing methods of argumentative writing, and guides students to correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad 3. to analyze problems objectively, comprehensively and deeply 4. to write an argumentative paper with correct views and rigorous argumentation on the above problems, and use cohesive words properly in writing. 1: What do you think of studying abroad? 2: Underline each writer’s main points. Then make the reasons for their opinions. Studying abroad: Is it a good or bad idea? Wang Li Zhang Yi main points reasons 3: Read to underline all the connectors in the text and then use connectors below to rewrite the following sentences. As a result besides for instance that is to say 1) Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. They should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas. 2) Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss their families. 3) Studying abroad will give students a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective. 4) Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. As a result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed. 4: Which parent would you like to side with? And why? 5: Writing instructions How to write the augmentative letters 本模块要求写一篇正反观点对比类议论文,写作时应注意下面几点: 1.主体结构:本文可分为三部分: 1)开头部分:论点的提出; 2)第二部分:使用论据来论证论点; 3)第三部分:得出结论或提出解决问题的措施或建议。 2.主体时态:常用一般现在时。 3.主体人称:议论文常用第三人称。 【常用句式】 1.引出讨论话题 (1)Recently...had a heated discussion about whether...or not. (2)There have been many reports of... (3)People hold different opinions about... (4)The reasons for that are as follows. 2.对比双方观点及陈述理由 (1)表达支持的: Some people think it...;Some are in favour of...;Some support...;The majority of them think...;Many of them are for...;There are many advantages of...;...play an important part in...;...be of vital significance...;...benefit a lot from... (2)表达反对的: But I disagree;Others are against...;Some hold the different view that...;There are also some disadvantages of... (3)承接词汇: firstly;secondly;besides;in addition;what's more;furthermore;in a word;in short;even worse... (4)引出另一方的转折词汇: however;on the other hand;while;on the contrary;whereas... (5)表明作者的看法及理由: in my opinion;in my view;Personally,I think...;Taking everything into consideration,we should make good use of...;Only in this way can we do... Practice 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友John将以"背包旅行"的方式来游览你的城市,以更好地了解这个城市。请你根据以下要点用英语给他写一封信。 1.背包旅行的好处(至少两点);2.结合自己的经历说明注意事项。 注意: 1. 词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:背包旅行backpacking __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案 1: What do you think of studying abroad? In my opinion…;as far as I know…;Personally… 2: Studying abroad: Is it a good or bad idea? Wang Li Zhang Yi main points Disadvantages for youths are greater Advantages are much greater. reasons 1.Costly tuition fees and living expenses. 2.Tremendous pressure 3.Different approaches to teaching and learning can be as a shock 4. Studying in China has a great future 1.Personal growth. 2.The increased chance for cultural exchange. 3.Provide a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland. 4.Help to build character and increase people’s understanding of cultural diversity. 3: Read to underline all the connectors in the text and then use connectors below to rewrite the following sentences. As a result besides for instance that is to say keys: 1) Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. That is to say, they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas. 2) Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. For instance, they may feel lonely and miss their families. 3) Studying abroad will give students a good education. Besides, it also helps them to gain a glo

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