
过关检测过关检测 20222022 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力模拟提升试卷模拟提升试卷 A A 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、资料:According to our research,Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive,with many of their products priced higher than in local markets.Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more,like at the Apple stores,if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere.A.Localize their product selection B.Better understand the evolving Chinese consumer preferences C.Be aware of the importance of location choice D.All above【答案】D 2、资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence,and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language?A.attracting readers to a new approach that will help them become bilingual in 10 days B.introducing various ways of learning a foreign language C.explaining the benefits of learning a foreign language D.making readers pay attention to the importance of learning foreign languages【答案】A 3、Provision of medical care is classified into primary,secondary,and _ care categories.A.third B.three C.tertiary D.the third【答案】C 4、We need to involve at least 20 people on this project,_it cant go ahead.A.however B.even if C.due to D.otherwise【答案】D 5、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means of safeguarding cash and preventing fraud.Although internal control is an important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,this is only a part of its roles.Remember that business decisions are based on accounting data and the system of internal control provides assurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in making decisions.A.Financial forecasts B.According rules C.Manuals of accounting policies and procedures D.Organization charts【答案】B 6、马柯维茨的现代投资组合理论认为,只要两种资产收益率的相关系数不为(),分散投资于两种资产就具有降低风险的作用。A.0 B.-1 C.1 D.2【答案】C 7、政府支出增加时,可能会使私人支出减少,这一效应称为()。A.替代效应 B.挤出效应 C.投资乘数效应 D.凯恩斯陷阱【答案】B 8、The chewable substance called chicle(糖胶)had_until Thomas Adams added licorice and sold it as gumballs.A.hardly flavored B.any flavor hardly C.flavor hardly none D.hardly any flavor【答案】D 9、Think of a dance floor,which is designed to dampen vibrations and limit the _dancers could do to their limbs.A.problem B.dilemma C.trouble D.damage【答案】D 10、中国证监会根据国务院的授权,依法对()实施监督管理。A.证券业 B.信托业 C.基金业 D.租赁业【答案】A 11、按规定,我国商业银行附属资本最高不得超过()的 100%。A.运营资本 B.普通资本 C.实收资本 D.核心资本【答案】D 12、2013 年 3 月 16 日,我国目前正在建设的最长高瓦斯隧道兰州至重庆铁路客运专线()隧道,经过中茵铁建十八局集团建设者三年多施工正式贯通,标志着制约兰渝铁路全线铺轨工期的难点按期突破。A.梅岭关 B.南岭关 C.上下关 D.天涧关【答案】A 13、资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence,and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language?A.Strengthen your cognitive skills B.Improve your basic conversations C.Begin to learn a foreign language D.Talk with others as often as possible【答案】C 14、She and another woman were convicted in 2005 of tax_but were released under an amnesty.A.evasion B.enclosure C.erosion D.exception【答案】A 15、按照消费资料的存在形式,消费可分为()。A.实物消费与服务消费 B.个人消费与社会集团消费 C.个人消费与行政机关消费 D.个人消费与事业单位消费【答案】A 16、Was it in the school reading room()you found the missing book?A.who B.that C.which D.when【答案】B 17、下列表述中不符合因事设职和因人设职相结合原则的是()。A.任何组织首先是人的集合,而非是事和物的集合 B.组织中的工作最终要靠人完成,不能完全招聘社会上的人员来满足企业的所有需要 C.即一个上级直接领导与指挥下属的人数应该有一定的限制,并且应该是有效的 D.组织设计往往不是全新的,进行再度调整时,要考虑“事事有人做”而非“人人有事做”【答案】C 18、He didnt tell the truth.That reason could not()his absence from school.A.take into consideration B.account for C.make out D.make up for【答案】B 19、In 2012,the last_flood hit the southwestern part of the Netherlands and caused more than 1800 casualties.A.adverse B.radical C.severe D.disastrous【答案】D 20、_ we have finished the course,we shall take a new one.A.Ever since B.Now that C.As soon as D.By now【答案】B 21、让考核回归价值本位、激发更多正能量,_。在江西景德镇,当地就领导干部存在的突出问题向社会征求意见,并以此为依据分类设计“逆向民主测评表”;在江苏南通,有关部门在领导干部“德”的评价指标中设置正反两个层面,让考核考出差别、考出问题。各地积极的探索尝试表明,只要高度重视、认真谋划、矢志创新,就能更好激活考核的正向效应,为干部队伍建设注入新的活力。A.主要是干部队伍建设 B.核心是加强道德建设 C.关键还是靠制度创新 D.突破口在于群众监督【答案】C 22、多媒体处理的信息是()。A.模拟信号 B.数字化信息 C.电视信息 D.网络信息【答案】B 23、毛泽东对“实事求是”这句话作了科学解释的著作是()。A.改造我们的学习 B.论联合政府 C.关于领导方法的若干问题 D.论人民民主专政【答案】A 24、Education has a value of consumption and its demand will depend on its own price,prices of other goods,and_income.A.domestic B.home C.house D.household【答案】D 25、资料:Actually,any sale is a gift until you get paid.But exporters are especially concerned,since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!A.Descriptive Composition B.Expositive Composition C.Narrative Composition D.Argumentative Composition【答案】B 26、关于债券收益率的说法错误的是()。A.易被赎回的债券的名义收益率比较高 B.享受税收优惠的债券的收益率比较低 C.流动性低的债券收益率较高 D.违约风险髙的债券收益率比较低【答案】D 27、Guess,how much does it cost?A.from B.between C.among D.with【答案】B 28、从布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,国际储备最明显的变化是()。A.美元是唯一的储备货币 B.英镑是唯一的储备货币 C.黄金是最重要的储备资产 D.国际储备资产多元化【答案】D 29、“电子汇兑往来”科目下设“往账户”和“来账户”,属于()科目,核算参加联行的机构之间的资金往来。A.负债类 B.损益类 C.资产负债共同类 D.资产类【答案】

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