
题库复习题库复习 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模拟年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模拟考试试卷考试试卷 B B 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、基金管理公司的监管机构是()。A.证监会 B.银监会 C.中国人民银行 D.中国银行协会【答案】A 2、多数鱼类背部发黑、腹部发白,其原因是()。A.长期进化形成的保护色 B.背部比腹部接受光线多,导致色素沉淀 C.背部比腹部黏膜厚,吸收光线多 D.背部鱼鳞多,吸收光线多【答案】A 3、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors.Bank of India CDs are safe,FDIC insured&offer decent returns.There is no brokerage,no fees or hidden costs.However,the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD.Look at our Star CD plan below.A.The minimum amount to invest is USD 2000 B.You may choose any maturity date as you wish C.The rates on certificate of deposits may vary day to day D.Separate certificates of deposits will be issued for additional deposits【答案】B 4、Authorities gave them a few hours to _ their belongings before it was detonated later that morning.A.retrieve B.release C.reassure D.revive【答案】A 5、某企业从外地购进甲种材料,买价 3200 元,外地用杂费 120 元,那么该材料实际成本是()。A.3320 B.3200 C.120 D.3080【答案】A 6、There was a _ rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.A.calm B.mad C.frantic D.wild【答案】C 7、在我国加入 WTO 后的今天,外资银行已经逐步突破地域、业务等限制进入我国市场。外资银行在我国拓展业务,由于对国情、民情和金融法规不甚了解,难以准确把握市场信息。外资银行把握市场信息的捷径就是实现管理人员的“本土化”。外资银行用优厚的薪酬待遇、优越的工作环境、良好的福利保障、众多的出国培训机会、灵活的用人机制来吸引和留住人才。这一举措导致了我国金融人才的大量流失,这对我国商业银行人力资源开发和管理提出了严峻挑战。A.主要 B.重要 C.次要 D.核心【答案】D 8、不属于商业银行经济资本管理内容的是()。A.经济资本的计量 B.经济资本的分配 C.经济资本的评价 D.经济资本的测算【答案】D 9、某商业银行违反审慎经营规则,造成资本和资产状况恶化,严重危及稳健运行,损害存款人和其他客户合法权益。对此,银行业监督管理机构对该银行依法可采取的措施是()。A.限制分配红利和其他收入 B.限制工资总额 C.责令处罚高级管理人员 D.责令减员增效【答案】A 10、With great efforts and friends help,Xiao Hua finally found a_job.A.luxurious B.luminous C.luminant D.lucrative【答案】D 11、信用卡透支利率是日利率的()。A.万分之一 B.万分之三 C.万分之五 D.万分之十八【答案】C 12、采用直接标价法条件下,汇率的上升意味着()。A.外国货币价值不变 B.外国货币贬值 C.本国货币价值不变 D.外国货币升值【答案】D 13、应在公文首页标注签发人的是()。A.上行文 B.平行文 C.下行文 D.所有公文【答案】A 14、1984 年之前我国的中央银行制度类型属于()。A.复合式 B.单一式 C.二元式 D.准中央银行【答案】A 15、下列表述中不符合因事设职和因人设职相结合原则的是()。A.任何组织首先是人的集合,而非是事和物的集合 B.组织中的工作最终要靠人完成,不能完全招聘社会上的人员来满足企业的所有需要 C.即一个上级直接领导与指挥下属的人数应该有一定的限制,并且应该是有效的 D.组织设计往往不是全新的,进行再度调整时,要考虑“事事有人做”而非“人人有事做”【答案】C 16、While the reasons for massive,longer-burning wildfires are complex,there is_that wildfires will occur more frequently with climate change。A.consensus B.conclusion C.recognition D.compromise【答案】A 17、承担支持进出口贸易融资任务的政策性银行是()。A.国家开发银行 B.中国农业发展银行 C.中国进出口银行 D.中国银行【答案】C 18、_to the Olympics opening ceremony is considered as Dylans greatest honor by far.A.Being invited B.Be invited C.Inviting D.Invited【答案】A 19、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life.They seem real while they are takingplace.Some dreams are pleasant,others are annoying,and still others are frightening.Everyone dreams,but some persons never recall dreaming.Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams.No one recalls all his dreams.A.deprives people of a good sleep B.makes people always restless C.disturbs peoples life D.is beneficial to people【答案】D 20、某大型晚会的导演组在对节日进行终审时,有六个节目的尚未确定是否通过,这六个节目分别是歌曲 A、歌曲 B、相声 C、相声 D、舞蹈 E 和魔术 F。综合考虑各种因素,导演组确定了如下方案:A.无法确定论述 F 是否能通过 B.歌曲 A 不能通过 C.无法确定两个相声节目是否能通过 D.歌曲 B 能通过【答案】A 21、阅读理解 A.a solid motionless object B.certain characteristic vibrations in“ether”C.a form fixed in space and time D.a mass of atoms in motion【答案】D 22、资料:Actually,any sale is a gift until you get paid.But exporters are especially concerned,since their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!A.Cynical B.Subjective C.Critical D.Objective【答案】B 23、Passage 8 A.the widows were pressured to lose their own names B.the widows may be forced to leave their homes C.the widows have misunderstood the reverse mortgage D.the widows do not know what their long-desired things are【答案】B 24、新中国成立以来被国家授予第一个特等发明奖的科学家是()。A.钱学森 B.李四光 C.邓稼先 D.袁隆平【答案】D 25、优先股不享有的权利是()。A.优先清偿权 B.优先分配权 C.股息固定 D.优先认购公司新发股票【答案】D 26、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at the banks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-cola B.New designs inspired by old products are not good C.Young companies do better than old companies in using history D.Consumers often trust old-aged companies more【答案】D 27、2012 年 5 月 13 日,中华人民共和国政府、日本国政府及大韩民国政府关于促进、便利 和保护投资的协定于()正式签署。A.北京 B.首尔 C.东京 D.上海【答案】A 28、20 世纪 30 年代,美国经济危机产生的直接原因是生产和销售之间的矛盾加剧。加剧这 一矛盾的因素有()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A 29、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at the banks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.He is the sole author of“Authenticity”B.He encourages firms to look for typical events from archives C.He loves the cobalt-b

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