
1/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四.单项选择单项选择(10分分)1How do you know about the young boy standing over there?Oh,I heard that he dreamed of being _ NBA player when he was _ university student.Aa;an Ban;a Cthe;a Dan;the2I saw some _ and _ dancing in the street the day before yesterday.AGermen;Englishmen BGermans;EnglishmansCGermans;Englishmen DGermen;EnglishmansB C 2/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四解解析析 句句意意:前前天天我我看看见见一一些些德德国国人人和和英英国国人人在在街街上上跳跳舞舞。依依据据语语境境可可知知,这这里里应应用用名名词词复复数数。German复复数数是是Germans,Englishman复数是复数是Englishmen。结合选项可知应选。结合选项可知应选C。3/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四3Hard work is the only way to _ in business.Asuccesses BsuccessfullyCsuccess Dsuccessful4_ he was very tired,he continued working in his office.ASince BAlthough CAs soon as DBecause5He spent _ time solving this problem.Aa number of Ba great deal ofCthe number of Dmany ofCBB解析解析 a great deal of 意为意为“许多;大量许多;大量”,修饰不可数名词。,修饰不可数名词。4/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四6A big fire _ in the morning suddenly.Awas broken out Bbroke upCbroke out Dbroke off 7.How long have you stayed in this hotel?Not long,just_ this Monday.Ain Bsince Cfor Don8Could you tell Peter that I want to talk to him?Sure,I will let him know as soon as he _ back.Acomes BcameChas come Dwill comeC A B 5/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四9The bike is broken.Youd better _Ahave it repair Bhave it repairedChave it to repair Dhave it repairing10I didnt get good marks in the midterm exam,Mum._.Work harder and you will be better.ADont lose heart BDont mention it CDont worry DDont mind itB A 6/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四.完形填空完形填空(30分分)Zhang Lei is a highly skilled(技技艺艺精精湛湛)doctor.He was born in a lonely_11_village.The people there lived a hard life.They seldom walked out of the mountain.They could_12_ get a good education.However,Zhang Lei was_13_,for he not only went to college,but he also became an excellent doctor.Then what made him lucky?A volunteer teacher called Han Xue encouraged him,and_14_ his life.7/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四 When Han Xue first entered Zhang Leis school,she couldnt_15_ her eyes.She was shocked by the sights(情情景景)in front of her:broken windows,small old desks and chairs.Even worse,students of different ages were in the_16_ classroom.It was the only class in the school.Han Xue realized_17_ poor the people were in education.She planned to_18_ as many ways as she could to help them.One day when Han Xue was giving a class,Zhang Lei_19_ some noises for fun.Other kids laughed.At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the_20_ to help him.8/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands.Looking at them_21_,Han Xue said with a kind smile,“As soon as I see your little_22_,I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future.Come on!”Hearing this,Zhang Lei was surprised because almost_23_ said such words this way.Zhang Lei couldnt believe that completely,but he remembered what the teacher said in his heart.9/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四After that,Zhang Lei studied harder and then made more_24_continuously.Later,Zhang Lei went to college.After many years,he became a famous doctor,saving many lives._25_ Zhang Lei talks about his life,he always expresses thanks to his volunteer teacher.Her encouraging words have made what he is.10/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四11A.forest BseaCmountain Driver12A.hardly BusuallyCalways Dever13A.simple BluckyCpopular Dcommon14A.worriedBunderstoodCchanged D.caught11/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四15A.cover Bclose Copen Dbelieve16A.bright BnewCsame D.enjoyable17A.how Bwhen Cwhere D.what18A.hand out Bfind outC.hang out Dcome out19A.said Bput Cplayed D.made20A.chance BchangeCexample Daction12/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四21A.angrily BsadlyCnervously D.carefully22A.fingers Bhead Ceyes D.ears23A.everybody BanybodyCnobody Dsomebody24A.decisions BprogressC.discussions D.plans25A.Whatever BWheneverC.Whoever DHowever13/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四解析解析 11.C12A四个选项中,只有四个选项中,只有hardly表示否定,意为表示否定,意为“几乎不几乎不”。13B依据下文依据下文“made him lucky”可知选可知选lucky。14C15.D16.C17A从句子结构可知从句子结构可知realize后接感叹句,应由后接感叹句,应由what或或how引导,由引导,由poor及后面感叹句主语及后面感叹句主语the people可得知由可得知由how引导。引导。18B依据句意依据句意“找到尽可能多方法找到尽可能多方法”可知可知find out符合题意。符合题意。19D20.A21.D22.A23.C24.B25.B14/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四.阅读了解阅读了解(15分分)Once there was a baby eagle living in a nest(巢巢)on a cliff(山山崖崖).The baby eagle loved his nest.It was warm,soft and comfortable.And even better,he had all the food and love that his mother could give.Whenever the baby eagle was hungry,his mother would always come just in time with the delicious food he liked.15/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四 He was growing happily day after day.But suddenly his world changed.His mother stopped coming to the nest.He was full of sadness and fear.He thought he would die soon.He cried,but nobody heard him.Two days later his mother appeared with some nice food.The baby eagle was wild with joy.But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby.The baby eagle cried out,“Mum,why did you do this to me?Im hungry.Dont you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”16/27单元自我综合评价四单元自我综合评价四 “Here is the last meal I give

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